
年度 論文名稱
2002 陳明吉, 2002, '都市更新投資信託可行性之研議及其對房地產參與角色的影響, ' 台灣金融財務季刊, Vol.三, No.二, pp.37-60., vol. 405550, 2002
2002 蔡政憲;廖詩芸, 2002, '台灣產險業資本要求有效性之模擬研究, ' 保險專刊, Vol.18, No.2, pp.113-130., vol. 144974, 2002
2002 蔡政憲, 2002, 'Dynamic Funding and Investment Strategy for Defined Benefit Pension Schemes, ' Journal of Actuarial Practice, Vol.0, No.10, pp.131-155., vol. 144972, 2002
2002 王儷玲, 2002, '從退休金制度之適足度談退休財務規劃, ' 退休基金年刊, pp.25., vol. 320378, 2002
2002 王儷玲, 2002, 'An Analysis of the Substitution and Supplemental Effects between 401(k) and Other Employers’ Pension Plans, ' Journal of Insurance Issue, No.Spring, pp.24-46., vol. 252877, 2002
2002 王儷玲, 2002, 'Model Risks of Surplus Management Under a Stochastic Process, ' Journal of Actuarial Practice, Vol.10, No.0, pp.155-174., vol. 147348, 2002
2002 Chang, Shih-Chieh;Hsien Tsai;Jung TienCheng;Chang Ye TuChia, 2002, 'Dyanamic Funding and Investment Strategy for Defined Benefit Pension Schemes:Model Incorporation Asset-Liability Matching Criterions, ' Journal of Acturial Practice, pp.131-155., vol. 178005, 2002
2002 Chang, Shih-Chieh*;Chiang Chu Chen, 2002, 'Allocating Unfunded Liability in Pension Valuation under Uncertaionty, ' Insurance:Mathematics and Economics, Vol.30, No.3, pp.375-391.(SSCI, SCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 178002, 2002
2002 許永明*, 2002, '「勞工退休金制度之革新」, ' 保險實務與制度, Vol.1, No.1, pp.57- 76.(*為通訊作者), vol. 351148, 2002
2002 許永明*, 2002, '「金融保險機構之動態財務分析與壓力測試」(上), ' 台灣金融財務季刊, Vol.3, No.3, pp.135-157.(*為通訊作者), vol. 351147, 2002