
年度 論文名稱
1996 馬秀如;范明玲;梁再添, 1996, '中小企業會計度之輔導與建立, ' 會計研究月刊, No.130, pp.16-53., vol. 192443, 1996
1996 Robert Su;Jong Kim*, 1996, 'Nature and Patterns of the New Merger Wave, ' International Accounting Review, pp.79-94.(*為通訊作者), vol. A10277, 1996
1996 張錫惠;周玲臺;張采琨, 1996, '標準成本之設立與應用, ' 會計研究月刊, No.127., vol. 172107, 1996
1996 邱志聖;M. Lee;R. Calantone, 1996, 'International Technology Transfer from the Recipient''s Perspective:The Differences between Hard Technology Prusuers and KnowHow Technology Pursuers, ' Journal of Global Marketing, Vol.9, No.3, pp.5-22., vol. 133849, 1996
1996 鄭天澤;洪幸如;陳俊成, 1996, '多項式迴歸模型的貝式選模, ' 統計與資訊評鑑, Vol.2, pp.82-105., vol. 134968, 1996
1996 鄭天澤;蔡輝榮;陳俊成, 1996, '兩項分配參數差各種區間估計量之回顧與比較, ' 中正嶺學報, Vol.25, No.1, pp.11-25., vol. 134967, 1996
1996 張士傑, 1996, '應用隨機過程分析人壽保險商品, ' 壽險季刊, No.102期, pp.6-16., vol. 134376, 1996
1996 管郁君, 1996, '國家資訊基礎建設與企業競爭力, ' 經濟情勢暨評論, Vol.1, No.4, pp.58-68., vol. 322509, 1996
1996 林柏生;徐耀南, 1996, '動態貿易理論之研究-特定要素模型, ' 經濟論文叢刊, Vol.24, No.1, pp.95-128.(TSSCI), vol. 253008, 1996
1996 周行一;;, 1996, 'Trading Mechanisms and Trading Preferences in a 24-hour Futures Market: A Case Study of the floor/GLOBEX Switch on MATIF, ' Journal of Banking and Finance, Vol.20, pp.1695-1713., vol. 134940, 1996