
搜尋類別: 關鍵字搜尋: Clear
年度 論文名稱
2009 樓永堅;Meng-Chun Tsai;Dolly Chang, 2009.07, 'Price-Quality Relationships in the Taiwan Market, ' Proceedings of the 17th Annual Conference on Pacific Basin Finance, Economics, Accounting And Management, and the 3rd International Conference on Business in Asia (iCBA), The School of Business, University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce.(NA), Jul. 2009
2009 J. Chang*;陳彩稚, 2009.07, 'The Demand for Directors’ and Officers’ Insurance: Evidence from Taiwan, ' Asia Pacific Risk and Insurance 2009Annual Meeting.(*為通訊作者), Jul. 2009
2009 W. Liu*;陳彩稚, 2009.07, 'Regional Differences in the Demand for Life Insurance, ' Asia Pacific Risk and Insurance 2009Annual Meeting.(*為通訊作者), Jul. 2009
2009 Hung, W.H.;Chang, S.I.;Hung,Y.C.;Chang,I.C.;Peng,T.C., 2009.06, 'Critical Success Factors of Mobile Commerce Adoption: A Study Based on the System Life Cycle and Diamond Model, ' The 8th International Conference on Mobile Business, .., Jun. 2009
2009 許牧彥*;吳思華*;鄭宇庭*;謝邦昌*, 2009.06, 'R&D Cooperation Linkages in the Taiwan Innovation System, '.(*為通訊作者), Jun. 2009
2009 溫肇東*;鄭宇庭*;樊學良*, 2009.06, '各國延攬科技人才措施暨薪資標準之比較研究, ' 2009科技政策與創新前瞻研討會, 國立台灣大學管理學院.(*為通訊作者), Jun. 2009
2009 張冠群, 2009.06, '共同基金經理人為自己利益交易之監理, ' 金融監理法規新趨勢研討會, 國立台灣大學法學院企業金融法制研究中心, pp.3-26., Jun. 2009
2009 陳彩稚;S. Li*, 2009.06, 'The Effects of Holding Company Financial Information on the Ratings of Subsidiaries: Evidence from U.S. Life Insurers, ' Korean Accounting Society 2009 Annual Meeting.(*為通訊作者), Jun. 2009
2009 蔡瑞煌*;Wan, Y.;Huang, C., 2009.06, 'The Rule-Extraction through the Preimage Analysis, ' International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN2009), pp.1488-1494.(SCI)(*為通訊作者), Jun. 2009
2009 楊筱芳*;林木花;林我聰, 2009.06, '結合紮根理論和文字探勘技術來探討手機產業現況, ' 2009管理科學聯合研討會論文集.(*為通訊作者), Jun. 2009