
搜尋類別: 關鍵字搜尋: Clear
年度 論文名稱
2005 I-Chien Lin and;苑守慈, 2005, 'A Framework of Ambient iCare e-Services for Quality Aging, ' 2005 CACS Automatic Control Conference., 2005
2005 Shih-Hsiang Wang;苑守慈, 2005, 'Substitution-Based Case Adaptation CBR for Quality Aging in Place, ' Conference of Information Management Research and Practice., 2005
2005 Mei-Rung Lu;苑守慈, 2005, 'A Value-Driven Architecture Strategy of Adaptive SOA and EDA, ' International Conference of Information Management Research and Practice., 2005
2005 苑守慈, 2005, 'Ambient iCare e-Services for Quality Aging: Framework and Roadmap, ' IEEE International Conference on e-Commerce Technology.(EI), 2005
2005 苑守慈, 2005, 'Ambient e-Service Embracing Model: Framework and Roadmap, ' IEEE International Conference on e-Commerce Technology.(EI), 2005
2005 Tsaih, R.*, 2005, 'A GUI Guided Modeling Language Approach to the User-friendly Adaptive Dynamic Financial Analysis System, ' The Second IEEE Conference on Service Systems and Service Management (ICSSSM05), Chongqing University.(*為通訊作者), 2005
2005 鄭秀華;楊亨利*, 2005, '中小企業知識應用能力之探討--以紡織產業為例, ' ERP 學術與實務研討會.(*為通訊作者), 2005
2005 王貞淑;楊亨利*, 2005, '供應商之多目標疆界決策模式:以基因演算法求解, ' 供應商之多目標疆界決策模式:以基因演算法求解.(*為通訊作者), 2005
2005 張文祥;楊亨利*, 2005, '企業e 化下的智慧型助理, ' ERP 學術與實務研討會.(*為通訊作者), 2005
2005 黃仁智;楊亨利*, 2005, '企業e 化下的員工家庭諮詢大師, ' ERP 學術與實務研討會.(*為通訊作者), 2005