
搜尋類別: 關鍵字搜尋: Clear
年度 論文名稱
2003 許牧彥*, 2003.10, 'Promoting Green Innovation by Green Patent, ' 綠色生產力與環境化設計國際研討會, 亞洲生產力組織(APO).(*為通訊作者), Oct. 2003
2003 楊光華, 2003.10, 'Taiwan’s Approaches to WTO, ' THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON TAIWAN-NETHERLANDS RELATIONS IN THE WTO, 國立政治大學 & the Netherlands Trade and Investment Office., Oct. 2003
2003 楊光華, 2003.10, 'Comment on P. Ruttley’s ‘Private Party Participation in the WTO Dispute Settlement System’ and J. Patton’s ‘Doha and Dumping: Shortcomings and Solutions for the Anti-Dumping Agreement, ' THE WORLD TRADE LAW ASSOCIATION’S FIRST ASIAN-PACIFIC REGIONAL CONFERENCE: THE WTO OPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLENGES FOR THE ASIAN-PACIFIC REGION, Chinese (Taiwan) Branch of the International Law Association., Oct. 2003
2003 洪叔民;蔡緒輝, 2003.10, '以動態生產控制建構生產繁殖系統, ' The International Conference on Technology and Management with Special Symposium on Advanced Interactive Systems - CD-ROM, National Taipei University of Technology., Oct. 2003
2003 鍾珮珊;韓志翔, 2003.10, '大潤發個案(第九屆服務業管理研討會個案集), ' 第九屆服務業管理研討會個案集, 台北:國立政治大學公企中心., Oct. 2003
2003 溫肇東, 2003.10, 'The Recent Development of Entrepreneurship & Innovation in R.O.C, ' Asian Production Organization., Oct. 2003
2003 Eugenia Y. Huang;Ming-Tsung Liu, 2003.10, 'Mobile Internet servce usability in Taiwan, ' 14th Annual International Information Management Association Conference, USA., Oct. 2003
2003 Tai, Vivien W.;Yao-Min Chiang;Robin K. Chou, 2003.10, 'Number of Transactions and Price Volatility: Evidence from the Taiwan OTC Market, ' FMA Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, USA, The Eleventh Conference on the Theories and Practices of Securities and Financial Markets, National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan and The 2004 AsiaFA/FMA/TFA Conference, Taipei, Taiwan., Oct. 2003
2003 馮震宇;林國全, 2003.09, '公平交易法對公司名稱規範與保護及範圍, ' 公平交易法學術研討會., Sep. 2003
2003 楊光華, 2003.09, 'How Corporate and Investment Rules Affect Trade in Services – Comment on B. Harris’ ‘Recent Developments in Australian Corporations Law and their Impact on Australian Overseas Trade, ' THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON TAIWAN-AUSTRALIAN ECONOMIC RELATIONS IN THE CONTEXT OF THE WTO, 國立政治大學 & Australian Commerce and Industry Office., Sep. 2003