2001 |
陳明吉;廖茂成, 2001, '資產市場關聯性下的財富效果 -台灣股票市場與不動產市場之分析, ' 第二屆地政學術研討會, 國立政治大學., 2001 |
2001 |
Chen, Ming-Chi;Kanak Patel, 2001, 'Time-Series Properties and Modelling of House Prices in Taiwan, ' 中華民國住宅學會第十一屆學術研討會, 中華民國住宅學會., 2001 |
2001 |
陳明吉;蔡怡純;張金鶚, 2001, '家庭所得與住宅價格長期關係探討-STOPBREAK模型之應用, ' 中華民國住宅學會第十一屆學術研討會, 中華民國住宅學會., 2001 |
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李志宏;Robin k., 2001, 'The relative efficiencies of price execution between Singapore Exchange and Taiwan Future Exchange, ' the 2001 EFMA Conference in Lugano, X., 2001 |
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李志宏;Robin k., 2001, 'The Performances of Batch Auction Markets: the Taiwan Stock Exchange vs. the Taiwan OTC Market, ' the Tenth Conference on the Theories and Practices of Security and Financial Markets, x., 2001 |
2001 |
Liao, S. L.;C. W. Wang, 2001, 'The Forward-Pricing Tree Methods of Option Pricing under Gaussian HJM framwork of Stochastic Interest Rates, ' The 10th Annual Conference on The Theories and Practices of Security and Financial Markets, Taiwan., 2001 |
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Liao, S. L.;C. W. Wang, 2001, 'Valuation of general reset options, ' International Conference of Quantitative Finance, Academic Sinica., 2001 |
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Liao, S. L., 2001, 'The Valuation of Basket Options and Portfolio Insurance, ' The 2nd Conference on Empirical Economics, Taiwan., 2001 |
2001 |
黃秉德;陳太齡, 2001, '力康企業的跨海成長案例, ' 第一屆海峽兩岸暨港澳地區中國企業管理案例學術研討會, 大連理工大學管理學院., 2001 |
2001 |
黃秉德, 2001, '追尋二十一世紀人力資源管理新典範— 從台灣看全球, '., 2001 |