1993 |
Lien-Ti Bei;Eithel M. Simpson, 1993, 'The Determinants of Consumers'' Purchase Decisions on Recyled Products, ' The First Purdue University Environmental Workshop: Presentations, pp.136., 1993 |
1993 |
Lien-Ti Bei, 1993, 'Determinants of Consumer Credit Card Repayment Patterns, ' The 1993 Conference of the American Council on Consumer Interests., 1993 |
1993 |
楊素芬, 1993, 'Shewhat計量管制圖對量測誤差的敏感度分析, ' 中華民國品管學會第二十九屆年會., 1993 |
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楊素芬, 1993, '一個控制製程變異的方法, ' 中華民國品管學會第二十九屆年會, 品管學會., 1993 |
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Ting, C.P.*;Lin, B.Y.L.;Chai, F.S., 1993, 'Robustness of block designs aganist missing data and the connectedness in row-column designs, ' 1993年統計學術聯合研討會(Joint Statistical Conference), 中研院統計所.(*為通訊作者), 1993 |
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裘錦天, 1993, 'Authoring Multimedia Applications for National Library Services, ' International Conference on National Libraries., 1993 |
1993 |
余千智, 1993, '超媒體專家決策支援系統之發展與應用, ' 82年度亞太工業工程研討會., 1993 |
1993 |
余千智, 1993, '行銷專家決策支援系統之建構與應用, ' 第四屆全國資訊管理研討會., 1993 |
1993 |
余千智, 1993, 'A Hypermedia Expert Decision Support System for Credit Granting, ' The 2nd International Conference of Decision Sciences Institute., 1993 |
1993 |
黃秉德, 1993, '社會價值變遷下勞資關係之質變與企業倫理的挑戰, ' 產業環境變動下之人力資源規劃與開發研討會, 行政院勞工委員會., 1993 |