
搜尋類別: 關鍵字搜尋: Clear
年度 論文名稱
2004 王儷玲, 2004, '勞退新制之資金運用對勞工退休所得的影響, ' 勞退新制學術研討會., 2004
2004 王儷玲, 2004, 'Intertemporal Stable Pension Funding, ' Conference of American Risk and Insurance Association., 2004
2004 苑守慈, 2004, 'Disruptive Marketing through WP2P Sensible Bartering, ' Conference of Information Management Research and Practice., 2004
2004 楊亨利*; 鄭秀華, 2004, '影響知識取得能力之因素之初探—以紡織產業為例, ' 2004台灣科技大學管理新思維學術研討會.(*為通訊作者), 2004
2004 王行一*;楊亨利, 2004, '人格特質五大因素對科技接受與使用整合理論(UTAUT)之影響-以網路證券下單為例, ' 2004資訊管理技術與實務應用發展研討會.(*為通訊作者), 2004
2004 邱顯貴*;楊亨利, 2004, '線上購物經驗對網站信任的影響:以敦煌網站為例, ' 第五屆網際網路應用與發展學術研討會.(*為通訊作者), 2004
2004 楊亨利*;尤松文, 2004, '探討非同步線上討論機制輔助傳統教學的效果, ' 2004創造力計畫跨領域交流研討會.(*為通訊作者), 2004
2004 林月雲;Hsu, B.M;Wu, S.H, 2004, 'Human Capital Accumulation: Engineers'' Perspective, ' 25th McMaster World Congress: Management of Intellectual Capital and Innovation Conference, 25th McMaster World Congress: Management of Intellectual Capital and Innovation Conference., 2004
2004 Wu, Se-Hwa*;Wang, Mei-Ya, 2004, 'How Does Phalaenopsis Industry Form and Develop in Taiwan? Innovation Diffusion and Complexity Science Perspective, ' Complexity Society Conference, Univeristy of Manchester, UK.(*為通訊作者), 2004
2004 Tsai-Ju Liao;Kealoha Widdows;Lien-Ti Bei;Richard Widdows, 2004, 'The Influences of Women''s Self-Perceptions on Their Household Contributions: A Comparison of Three Chinese Societies, ' ACR Conferences., 2004