
搜尋類別: 關鍵字搜尋: Clear
年度 論文名稱
2002 俞洪昭;戚務君;黃惠琦, 2002, '從會計師破產風險分析會計師法律責任對於審計品質與投資之影響, ' 第十一屆會計理論與實務研討會, 中華會計教育學會與台北大學會計學系合辦., 2002
2002 別蓮蒂;喬友慶, 2002, '從服務業無形性的觀點探討顧客忠誠度, ' 第一屆服務業行銷暨管理學術研討會., 2002
2002 戴維舵;蔡維奇, 2002, 'Perceived importance as a mediator of the relationship between training assignment and training motivation, ' 2002科際整合管理國際研討會, 東吳大學企業管理系., 2002
2002 邱志聖;Chang, Tung-Zong;Su-Jane Chen, 2002, 'The Path to Superior Service Quality: The Role of Corporate Culture, ' American Marketing Association Summer Educators Conference, American Marketing Association., 2002
2002 李景美;江振東, 2002, '台北縣市高職學生物質濫用之危險與保護因子追蹤研究, ' 中華民國學校衛生學會第二十二屆第一次會員大會暨健康促進學校國際學術研討會, .., 2002
2002 江振東;Lee, C-M,;Lai, H-R, Lee, P-H;Chang, F-C,Chen, W-J, 2002, 'Study on the Risk and Protective Factors of Smoking among the Vocational High School Students in Taipei Area: A Three-Year Longitudinal Study, ' 台灣菸害防制研討會, X., 2002
2002 翁久幸;M.-W. Chang;C.-J. Lin, 2002, 'Analysis of Switching Dynamics with Competing Support Vector Machines, ' International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, IEEE., 2002
2002 楊素芬;Lin. G;Ho.S, 2002, 'Improvement of car speed using Taguchi method, ' The TQM Conference, x., 2002
2002 蔡政憲;Weiyu Kuo;Wei-Kuang Chen, 2002, 'Lapse Rate and the Distribution of Policy Reserves, ' 中華金融創新與財務工程學會研討會., 2002
2002 蔡政憲;Chang, Shih-Chieh;Chia-Jung Tien;Chang-Ye Tu, 2002, 'Dynamic Funding and Investment Strategy for Defined Benefit Pension Schemes: Model Incorporating Asset-Liability Matching Criterions, ' The Sixth Annual Conference of the Asia-Pacific Risk and Insurance Association., 2002