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Chen, K.M.; Rau, H.H., 2000.06, 'Antitrust Laws, the Free-rider Problem and the Relationship between Mergers, Stock Prices and Production, ' 2000 Taipei International Conference on Industrial Economics., Jun. 2000 |
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Chou, J*;S. Wang;陳坤銘;N. Kuo, 2000.06, 'Taiwan''s Accession into the WTO and Trade in Services: A Computable General Equilibrium Analysis, ' The NBER 11th Annual Seminars on East Asian Economics, NBER.(*為通訊作者), Jun. 2000 |
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陳坤銘; Hsiu-Hua Rau, 2000.06, 'Antitrust Laws, the Free-rider Problem andthe Relationship Between Mergers, Stock Prices and Industrial Production, ' 2000 Taipei International conference on Industrial Economics, Academia Sinica., Jun. 2000 |
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張元晨;Chang-An Pan;Chung-hua Shen, 2000.06, 'Forward Exchange Bias around the Asian Financial Crisis: Evidence from Taiwan''s Foreign Exchange Market, ' Forward Exchange Bias around the Asian Financial Crisis: Evidence from Taiwan''s Foreign Exchange Market, 2000 Chinese Finance Association Conference., Jun. 2000 |
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陳威光, 2000.06, 'Further investigation of stock index futrues and stock prices movement during the Octorber 1987 market crash, ' The 8th Pacific Basin Finance, Economics and Accounting, X., Jun. 2000 |
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Lin, Y.Y.*, 2000.06, 'Determinants of networking: A perspective from publishing industry in Taiwan, ' Proceedings of SMEs in a Global Economy Conference, University of Wollongong, Australia, pp.383-394.(*為通訊作者), Jun. 2000 |
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蘇淑枝;鄭宇庭, 2000.06, '選舉預測模型之研究 - 以2000總統大選為例, ' 八十九年統計學術研討會暨第九屆南區統計研討會, 國立成功大學., Jun. 2000 |
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洪永泰;林秀貞;鄭宇庭, 2000.06, '我國社會警報指標之研究, ' 八十九年統計學術研討會暨第九屆南區統計研討會, 國立成功大學., Jun. 2000 |
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謝耀龍;Debra L.Scammon, 2000.06, 'To Regulate or Not to Regulate:Regulation Issues of Insurance Marketing over the Internet, ' the Public policy &Marketing 2000 Conference., Jun. 2000 |