
搜尋類別: 關鍵字搜尋: Clear
年度 論文名稱
1998 黃思明, 1998.03, '接單交貨流程之改造技術與實例, ' 中小企業改造技術與實物研討會., Mar. 1998
1998 諶家蘭*, 1998.01, 'Comparing object-oriented database systems benchmarks, ' The 31st Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences, HICSS-31 (Best Paper Nomination), University of Hawaii.(*為通訊作者), Jan. 1998
1998 陳麗霞*, 1998, 'Bayesian control to linear regression models with covariate error, ' 第四屆機率統計之理論與應用學術研討會.(*為通訊作者), 1998
1998 王儷玲, 1998, 'The Integration of Social Security and Optimal Pension Contract, ' Conference of American Risk and Insurance Association, -., 1998
1998 張士傑, 1998, 'Solvency Risk of Taiwan Public Employees Retirement System Using Simulation-Based Forecast Model, ' 2nd Annual Conference of Asia-Pacific Risk and Insurance Assocation, 南洋科技大學., 1998
1998 張士傑, 1998, '公務人員退撫系統動態精算模式的建立, ' 1998年公務人員退撫基金專題研討會, 公務人員退撫基金管理與監理委員會., 1998
1998 張士傑;鄭欣怡, 1998, '退休基金精算評價的剖析, ' 國科會人文論壇, 政治大學金融系., 1998
1998 張紹勳;曾淑峰, 1998, '資訊科技在台灣企業的角色與衝擊, ' 第13屆全國技術及職業教育研討會(商業類), --., 1998
1998 Tseng, S.-F., 1998, 'An Evolutionary View of Object-Oriented Modeling for Business Information Systems Development Using UML, ' INFORMS_1998, The Conference of “Partnering for Global Technology Management”, INFORMS., 1998
1998 周行一;;, 1998, 'The hedging bias form using stock options to hedge underlying stocks under exchange rate shocks, ' 1998 Financial Management Association., 1998