
搜尋類別: 關鍵字搜尋: Clear
年度 論文名稱
1998 Chen, Ming-Chi;Patel, Kanak, 1998, 'Time-series Properties and Modelling of UK House Prices, ' AREUEA International Real Estate Conference, AsRES., 1998
1998 周行一;;, 1998, 'The hedging bias form using stock options to hedge underlying stocks under exchange rate shocks, ' 1998 Financial Management Association., 1998
1998 陳威光, 1998, 'Option Pricing When Stock Price Under Price Limits, ' 1998 National Taiwan University International Conference on Finance, National Taiwan University., 1998
1998 張愛華;Simmon Huang, 1998, 'The Influences and Consequences of Relationship Quality in Industrial Marketing – An Integrated Model of RelationalBehavior, ' Association for Consumer Research ACR-Asia PacificConference, 0., 1998
1998 韓志翔;Ben-Ner,Avner F. Kong,S.Bosley;W. A. Burns, R. Butler,;N.Liu, andY.S.York, 1998, '“Workplace organization and human resource practices: The retail food industry,”, ' Understanding the Service Workplace” Conference, Wharton Business School, University of Pennsylvania,., 1998
1998 林月雲*, 1998, '企業倫理省思, ' 管理哲學研討會.(*為通訊作者), 1998
1998 樓永堅, 1998, 'The Impact of Winning an Award and Country of Origin on Product Evaluation-The Moderating Role of Involvement, ' Asia Pacific Advances in Consumer Research, Association for Consumer Reasearch., 1998
1998 樓永堅, 1998, '非營利組織行銷:表演藝術團體之探索性研究, ' 非營利組織之經營管理與社會角色論文集, 國立中山大學., 1998
1998 金成隆;康榮寶;祝美玲, 1998, '我國上市公司各種財務預測準確性之比較研究:強制性與自願性與分析師預測, ' 1998會計新環境國際研討會論文集, 東吳大學., 1998
1998 金成隆, 1998, '台灣上市公司月盈餘揭露行為之實證研究, ' 1998年「中國財務學會暨論文研討會」, *., 1998