2015 |
李有仁*;趙凱康;劉家昌, 2015.07, 'The Effects of Internal Marketing on Market Orientation and Its Antecedents: A Hierarchical Linear Model, ' Proceedings of Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting, Decision Sciences Institute, pp.00000.(*為通訊作者), Jul. 2015 |
2015 |
陳坤銘*;蔡孟佳;楊書菲, 2015.07, 'Determinants of FTA utilization: Evidence from the Free Trade Agreement between Taiwan and China Revisited, ' The Eleventh Annual Conference of Asia-Pacific Economic Association, The Asia-Pacific Economic Association.(*為通訊作者), Jul. 2015 |
2015 |
陳坤銘*;蔡孟佳;楊書菲, 2015.07, 'Determinants of FTA utilization: Evidence from the Agreement between Taiwan and China Revisited, ' Elventh Annual Conference of the Asia-Pacific Economic Association, 國立台灣大學.(*為通訊作者), Jul. 2015 |
2015 |
洪叔民*, 2015.07, 'Investigating the moderating effect of social identity on group buying purchase intention, ' Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on E-learning, E-business, Enterprise Information Systems, & E-government, WORLDCOMP, pp.38-44.(*為通訊作者), Jul. 2015 |
2015 |
Huang, J. C.*;Huang, C. Y., 2015.07, 'Team regulatory focus, team affect tone and team performance: The moderating role of transformational leadership, ' 14th European Congress of Psychology, European Federation of Psychologists’ Associations.(*為通訊作者), Jul. 2015 |
2015 |
Shari Shang*;Yi-Chen Chen, 2015.07, 'An Examination of Online Firestorm in Election, ' International Conference on INTERNET STUDIES 2015, NETs2015 committees.(*為通訊作者), Jul. 2015 |
2015 |
Hong-Yi Chen*;Chia-Hsun Hsieh, 2015.07, 'Persistency of momentum effect: The role of consistent winners and losers., ' The 23rd Annual Conference on PBFEAM, PBFEAM.(*為通訊作者), Jul. 2015 |
2015 |
Ming-Chi Chen;Yun-Ling Wu, 2015.07, 'Corporate Governance and CEO Turnover: Evidence from Abnormal Earnings Management in U.S. Real Estate Investment Trusts, ' 2015 Annual Asian Real Estate Society Conference, Asian Real Estate Society., Jul. 2015 |
2015 |
Hyun, Eunjung*;Kim, Brian;Hsieh, Kai-Yu, 2015.06, 'Foreign expansion of professional services firms: A behavioral perspective, ' Academy of International Business Annual Meeting, Academy of International Business.(*為通訊作者), Jun. 2015 |
2015 |
張瑜倩*, 2015.06, 'The platform of value co-creation in a performing art festival curating, ' The 40th Annual Macromarketing Conference, Macromarketing Society.(*為通訊作者), Jun. 2015 |