
搜尋類別: 關鍵字搜尋: Clear
年度 論文名稱
1994 Tang J.;K. Tang;H. Moskowitz, 1994, 'Bayesian Confidence Intervals for Reliability of Series Systems with Highly Reliable Components, ' IEEE Transactions on Reliability, Vol.43, No.1, pp.132-137.(IEEE), vol. 409943, 1994
1994 趙玉, 1994, 'An Interactive Tool for Design, Simulation, Verification, and Synthesis of Protocols, '., vol. 119092, 1994
1994 賴松鐘;Lai, Kon S., 1994, 'Factual Structure in Currency Future Price Dynamics, '., vol. 131182, 1994
1994 于卓民, 1994, '國際企業管理之大專教育, '., vol. 119312, 1994
1994 于卓民;Chang, C. E., 1994, 'Foreign Ownership and Cost Efficiency in U.S.Multinational Banking, '., vol. 119292, 1994
1994 于卓民;Ulgado, F., 1994, 'Multinational Corporatioons from Developing Countries:Organizational and Managerial Practices of Asian Firms, '., vol. 119291, 1994
1994 于卓民, 1994, 'Country and Industry Determinants of United States Foreign Direct Investment, '., vol. 119290, 1994
1994 洪順慶, 1994, '高等教育行銷的本質與管理教育行銷, ' pp.81-98., vol. 118965, 1994
1994 李仁芳, 1994, '管理教育的人文面再探, '., vol. 130577, 1994
1994 趙玉, 1994, 'A Synthesis Technique Of General Petri Nets, '., vol. 119076, 1994