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Ling-Tai L. Chou*;Ruth Robbins, 1990, 'Microcompnter Problems:Are CPAs Helping Small Business Users?, ' The CPA Journal,.(*為通訊作者), vol. 119175, 1990 |
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周玲臺, 1990, '美國證券管理委員會與會計師, ' 今日美國,., vol. 119174, 1990 |
1990 |
Harper R.M.;J.R. Strawser;K. Tang, 1990, 'Establishing Investigation Thresholds for Preliminary Analytical Procedures, ' Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory, Vol.9, No.3, pp.115-133.(SCI), vol. 409934, 1990 |
1990 |
Schneider H.;K. Tang, 1990, 'Adaptive Procedures for the Two Stage Group Testing Problem Based on Prior Distributions and Costs, ' Technometrics, Vol.32, No.4, pp.397-405.(SCI), vol. 409933, 1990 |
1990 |
Tang K.;H. Schneider, 1990, 'Cost Effectiveness of Using a Correlated Variable in a Complete Inspection Plan When Inspection Error is Present, ' Naval Research Logistics, Vol.37, pp.893-904.(SCI), vol. 409932, 1990 |
1990 |
Lo Yumei;K. Tang, 1990, 'Economic Design of Multi Characteristic Models for a Three Class Screening Procedure, ' International Journal of Production Research, Vol.28, No.12, pp.2341-2351.(SCI), vol. 409931, 1990 |
1990 |
Schneider H.;K. Tang;C. O'Cinneide, 1990, 'Optimal Control of a Production Process Subject to Random Deterioration, ' Operations Research, Vol.38, No.6, pp.1116-1122.(SCI), vol. 409930, 1990 |
1990 |
Ringuest J.;K. Tang, 1990, 'Empirical Comparisons of Five Procedures for Combining or Selecting Forecasts, ' Socio Economic Planning Sciences, Vol.23, No.4, pp.217-225.(SCI), vol. 409929, 1990 |
1990 |
Tang K., 1990, 'Design of Product Grading Procedures, ' Decision Sciences, Vol.21, No.2, pp.434-445.(SCI), vol. 409928, 1990 |
1990 |
鄭天澤, 1990, '投影追法近年研究之回顧, '., vol. 118946, 1990 |