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Che-Chuan Hsu*;蔡瑞煌;David C. Yen, 2018.10, 'The Evolving Role of IT Departments in Digital Transformation, ' Sustainability, Vol.10, No.10, pp.3706.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 421610, Oct. 2018 |
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洪德欽, 2018.10, '英國脫歐談判之現況與前瞻, ' 月旦法學雜誌, No.281, pp.78-91., vol. 421368, Oct. 2018 |
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Konan Chan;Hung-Kun Chen;Shing-Yang Hu;Yu-Jane Liu, 2018.10, 'Share Pledgpes and Margin Call Pressure, ' Journal of Corporate Finance (國科會財務類A tier 1期刊), Vol.52, pp.96-117.(SSCI), vol. 421891, Oct. 2018 |
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Chi Chun Chou*;C. Jane Chang;Chen Lung Chin;Wei-Ta Chiang, 2018.10, 'Measuring the consistency of quantitative and qualitative information in financial reports: A design science approach, ' Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting, Vol.V 15, No.N2, pp.93-109.(AAA)(*為通訊作者), vol. 434268, Oct. 2018 |
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Po-Hsuan Hsu*;Hsiao-Hui Lee;Shu-Cing Peng;Long Yi, 2018.10, 'Natural Disasters, Technologies, and Operating Performance, ' The Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol.100, No.4, pp.619-630.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 423182, Oct. 2018 |
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Hung, W.H.*;Hsieh, P.H.;Huang, Y.D., 2018.09, 'Critical Factors of e-Textbooks Adoption: A Comparison between Experienced and Inexperienced Users, ' International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, Vol.19, No.4, pp.171-190.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 425095, Sep. 2018 |