
搜尋類別: 關鍵字搜尋: Clear
年度 論文名稱
2000 劉孔中, 2000.01, '德國專利法制對電腦程式相關發明保護之研究, ' 經社法制論叢, No.25, pp.393-425.(無), vol. 311735, Jan. 2000
2000 劉孔中, 2000.01, '論著名標章之保護-國際暨外國篇, ' 智慧財產權, No.13, pp.1-16.(無), vol. 311734, Jan. 2000
2000 吳安妮, 2000.01, '成本管理之重要精神與原則及其靈活運用, ' 會計研究月刊, No.170, pp.123-125., vol. 181259, Jan. 2000
2000 Keshab Shrestha;Sheng-Syan Chen, 2000, 'Short and Long Run Tests of the Fisher Hypothesis, ' Advances in Financial Planning and Forecasting, Vol.9, pp.243-251., vol. 416511, 2000
2000 Kung-Chung Liu, 2000, '"The Protection of Well-known Marks in Taiwan: From Case Study to General Theory", ' The Trade Mark Reporter, Vol.9, pp.866-888.(無), vol. 311784, 2000
2000 余清祥;陳仁泓, 2000, '日本與新加坡的高年齡死亡率是否符合Gompertz 函數, ' 壽險季刊, Vol.117, pp.21-39., vol. A12115, 2000
2000 連宏銘;余清祥, 2000, '終身癌症保險費之釐定, ' 保險專刊, Vol.117, pp.21-39., vol. A12114, 2000
2000 Liu, Huimei;Liu, S. N., 2000, '改進均數比值假設檢定-應用於交錯設計之身體藥效相等性試驗, ' 統計與資訊評論, Vol.6, pp.1-16., vol. 171595, 2000
2000 Huimei Liu, 2000, 'Uniformly More Powerful, two-sided for hypotheses about Linear Inequalities, ' Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Vol.52, pp.15-27.(SCI), vol. 171547, 2000
2000 Yang, S, 2000, 'Statistical process control for short run manufacturing systems, ' Process Control and Quality, pp.433-439.(SCIE), vol. 147684, 2000