
搜尋類別: 關鍵字搜尋: Clear
年度 論文名稱
1999 Harrison, P.;C. Chow;A. Wu;A. Harrell, 1999, 'A Cross-Cultural Investigation of Managers Project Evaluation Decisions., ' Behavioral Research in Accounting, Vol.11, pp.143-160., vol. 147053, 1999
1999 邱志聖, 1999, 'The Effects of Attitude,Subjective Norm,and Perceived Behavioral Control on Consumers'' Purchase Intention:The Moderating Effects of Product Knowledge and Attention to Social Comparison Information., ' Proceedings of The NSC Part(C)(研究彙集:人文及社會科學), Vol.9, No.2, pp.298-308.(TSSCI), vol. 147964, 1999
1999 邱志聖, 1999, 'Diffusion of A new Product in Individualistic Versus Collectivist Cultural Contexts:Implications for International Marketing., ' The National Chengchi University Journal, Vol.0, No.78, pp.173-196.(TSSCI), vol. 147961, 1999
1999 邱志聖, 1999, 'A Contingency Framework of Statisfaction Formation., ' A Contingency Framework of Statisfaction Formation., Vol.0, No.0, pp.0., vol. 147957, 1999
1999 邱志聖, 1999, 'Investigating the Social-Adjustment and Value-Expressive Perceived Ends:A Cross National Study., ' Jourcal of International Consumer Marketing, Vol.12, No.2, pp.87-109., vol. 147953, 1999
1999 Gupta, J.N.D*;Palanimuthu, N.;Chen, Chuen-Lung, 1999, 'Desinging Tabu Search Algorithm for the Two-Stage Flow Shop Problem with Secondary Criterion, ' Production Planning and Control, Vol.10, No.3, pp.251-265.(SCIE)(*為通訊作者), vol. 308520, 1999
1999 Tang, K.;W. W. Williams;W. Jwo;L. Gong, 1999, 'Performance Comparison Between On-Line Sensors and Control Charts in Manufacturing Process Monitoring, ' IIE Transactions, Vol.31, No.12, pp.1181-1190.(SCI), vol. 409959, 1999
1999 Chun, Y. H.;K. Tang, 1999, 'Cost Analysis of Two-attribute Warranty Policies Based on the Product Usage Rate, ' IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Vol.46, No.2, pp.201-209.(IEEE), vol. 409958, 1999
1999 Huang, Tai-Hsin;Shen, Chung-Hua, 1999, 'Money Demand and Seasonal Cointegration—The Case of Taiwan, ' International Economic Journal, Vol.13, pp.97-123.(Eco. Lit), vol. 210326, 1999
1999 Huang, Tai-Hsin;Chung-Hua Shen, 1999, 'Applying the Seasonal Error Correction Model to the Demand for International Reserves in Taiwan, ' Journal of International Money and Finance, Vol.18, pp.107-131.(SSCI, Eco. Lit), vol. 210325, 1999