狀態 專任
姓名 朴星俊
聯絡電話 66350
職稱 助理教授
研究專長 行銷策略, 數位行銷, 旅遊行銷
授課領域 行銷管理, 行銷研究
系所單位 企業管理學系
年度 論文名稱
2024 Sungjun (Steven) Park;Xiao Wei;Heejung Lee*, 2024.07, 'Revisiting the elaboration likelihood model in the context of a virtual influencer: A comparison between high‐ and low‐involvement products, ' Journal of Consumer Behaviour, Vol.23, No.4, pp.1638-1652.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 114711, Jul. 2024
2024 Jinpyo Hong;Il Im;Sungjun (Steven) Park*, 2024.03, 'It’s All about Timing: Captive Targeting through Mobile Ads, ' Journal of Advertising, Vol.53, No.2, pp.242-261.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 114184, Mar. 2024
2023 Sungjun (Steven) Park;Jin-Su Kang*;Gideon Markman, 2023.06, 'Can we serve both God and Money? The role of indirect appeal and its limitation, ' European Journal of Marketing, Vol.57, No.7, pp.1912-1938.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 100396, Jun. 2023
2023 Jong Min Kim;Haoxiang Ma;Sungjun (Steven) Park*, 2023.04, 'Systematic Differences in Online Reviews of Hotel Services between Business and Leisure Travelers, ' Journal of Vacation Marketing, Vol.29, No.2, pp.189-205.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 435008, Apr. 2023
2023 Jong Min Kim;Sungjun (Steven) Park*, 2023.02, 'Does Language Shape the Mind? Linguistic Fluency and Perception of Service Quality, ' Journal of Services Marketing, Vol.37, No.1, pp.53-64.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 440896, Feb. 2023
2023 Cong-Minh Dinh;Sungjun (Steven) Park*, 2023.01, 'How to Increase Consumer Intention to Use Chatbots? An Empirical Analysis of Hedonic and Utilitarian Motivations on Social Presence and The Moderating Effects of Fear across Generations, ' Electronic Commerce Research, pp.Accepted.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 100420, Jan. 2023
2021 Sungjun (Steven) Park;ChunTing (David) Tung;Heejung Lee*, 2021.04, 'The Adoption of AI Service Robots: A Comparison between Credence and Experience Service Settings, ' Psychology & Marketing, Vol.38, No.4, pp.691-703.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 430088, Apr. 2021
2020 Sungjun (Steven) Park;Byungho Park*, 2020.12, 'Advertising on Mobile Apps Vs. Mobile Web: Which is Better for Ad Recognition and Willingness to Buy New Products?, ' Journal of Advertising Research, Vol.60, No.4, pp.381-393.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 425429, Dec. 2020
2019 Geun-Jung Kim;Sungjun (Steven) Park;Hee-Jung Lee*, 2019.12, 'Identifying the Role of Fun and Data Security on Intention to use Incheon Airport's AI Service Robot, ' Korea Logistics Review, Vol.29, No.6, pp.25-36.(KCI)(韓語(文))(*為通訊作者), vol. 426325, Dec. 2019
2019 Byungho Park;Hyeseung Chang;Sungjun (Steven) Park*, 2019.05, 'Adoption of digital devices for children education: Korean case, ' Telematics and Informatics, Vol.38, pp.247~256.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 423434, May. 2019
2018 Heejung Lee;Hyeseung Chang;Sungjun (Steven) Park*, 2018.08, 'A New Direction for South Korean Universities in the Age of Low Birth Rates and Low Retention Rate - The Importance of Social Relationships, ' Journal of Product Research, Vol.36, No.4, pp.71-77.(韓語(文))(*為通訊作者), vol. 423435, Aug. 2018
2018 Sungjun (Steven) Park;Heejung Lee*, 2018.04, 'Motivating Chinese Consumers to Revisit Korea: Moderating Effect of Mobile Usage, ' Journal of Distribution and Management Research, Vol.21, No.2, pp.5-14.(KCI)(韓語(文))(*為通訊作者), vol. 423440, Apr. 2018
2018 Sungjun (Steven) Park;Heejung Lee*, 2018.04, 'Identifying 'Selling Points' of Australia as a Product: Destination Marketing through the Market Segmentation Approach, ' Journal of Product Research, Vol.36, No.2, pp.23-31.(*為通訊作者), vol. 423439, Apr. 2018
2018 Sungjun (Steven) Park;Heejung Lee*, 2018.03, 'How to Overcome Mobile Addiction? Leisure Activities and Life-Satisfaction, ' Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vol.13, No.4, pp.998-1001.(SCOPUS)(*為通訊作者), vol. 423441, Mar. 2018
2018 Sungjun (Steven) Park;Heejung Lee*, 2018.02, 'How has Chinese Perception toward South Korea Changed After THAAD? Implications to Korean Tourism Industry and Marketing Channels, ' Korea Logistics Review, Vol.28, No.1, pp.11-24.(KCI)(韓語(文))(*為通訊作者), vol. 423443, Feb. 2018
計畫類別 年度 計畫名稱 參與人 職稱/擔任之工作 計畫期間 補助/委託或合作機構
科技部 112 人工智慧(AI)在行銷上的應用:沉浸式科技、元宇宙和AI虛擬網紅(3/3) 朴星俊 計畫主持人 2025.08 ~ 2026.07 國科會
科技部 113 文化旅遊在元宇宙中:從台灣到韓國 朴星俊 計畫主持人 2024.08 ~ 2025.07 國科會
科技部 112 人工智慧(AI)在行銷上的應用:沉浸式科技、元宇宙和AI虛擬網紅(2/3) 朴星俊 計畫主持人 2024.08 ~ 2026.07 國科會
科技部 112 人工智慧(AI)在行銷上的應用:沉浸式科技、元宇宙和AI虛擬網紅(1/3) 朴星俊 計畫主持人 2023.08 ~ 2026.07 國科會
科技部 109 關於行動行銷需要知道的事情:從微觀、中觀和宏觀的角度來看(3/3) 朴星俊 計畫主持人 2022.08 ~ 2024.06 國科會
科技部 109 關於行動行銷需要知道的事情:從微觀、中觀和宏觀的角度來看(2/3) 朴星俊 計畫主持人 2021.08 ~ 2024.06 國科會
科技部 109 關於行動行銷需要知道的事情:從微觀、中觀和宏觀的角度來看(1/3) 朴星俊 計畫主持人 2020.08 ~ 2024.06 國科會
科技部 108 消費者採用人工智能服務機器人之模式:跨產業與跨國(台灣VS韓國)之研究 朴星俊 計畫主持人 2019.10 ~ 2021.08 國科會
國家 學校名稱 系所 學位 期間
韓國 韓國科學技術院 Management Engineering 博士 2014.02 ~ 2018.02
韓國科學技術院 Management Engineering 碩士 2012.02 ~ 2014.02
成均館大學 Global Business 學士 2008.03 ~ 2012.02
經歷類別 服務機關名稱 單位 職務 期間
校內本職 政治大學 企業管理學系 副教授 2023.08 ~ 迄今
校內本職 政治大學 企業管理學系 助理教授 2019.08 ~ 2023.08
經歷一覽 Samsung Electronics Marketing Strategy Senior Professional 2018.03 ~ 2019.07
經歷一覽 Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea Lecturer 2015.09 ~ 2015.12
類別 年度 獎項名稱 頒獎單位
校外 112 Runner-up for Best Paper Award American Marketing Association (AMA) HigherEd SIG Winter AMA 2024
校內 111 學士班英語專業績優課程 國際合作事務處
校外 110 指導大專學生研究計畫榮獲研究創作獎 科技部
校內 110 學士班英語專業績優課程 國際合作事務處
校內 109 學士班英語專業績優課程 (Marketing Research) 國際合作事務處
校內 109 學士班英語專業績優課程 國際合作事務處
校內 109 教學特優獎教師 商學院
校內 108 學士班英語專業績優課程 (Marketing Research) 國際合作事務處
校內 108 學士班英語專業績優課程 (Marketing Management) 國際合作事務處
年度 論文名稱
2024 Cong-Minh Dinh;Sungjun (Steven) Park*, 2024.08, 'Shaping Consumer Perception of Healthcare Service Robots, ' American Marketing Association (AMA), American Marketing Association (AMA).(*為通訊作者), Aug. 2024
2024 Cong-Minh Dinh;Yen-Yu Chen;Mai Pham Xuan Ban;Ching-Wei Liao;Sungjun (Steven) Park*, 2024.02, 'Meta-analysis: Consumer Adoption of Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Things (AIoT), ' American Marketing Association (AMA), American Marketing Association (AMA), pp.in-press.(*為通訊作者), Feb. 2024
2024 Xiao Wei;Yi Shin Liang;Sungjun (Steven) Park*, 2024.02, 'Embracing Green: Luxury Brands’ Advertising for Electric Vehicles, ' American Marketing Association (AMA), American Marketing Association (AMA).(*為通訊作者), Feb. 2024
2024 Chia-chi (Maggie) Lee;Sungjun (Steven) Park*, 2024, 'Virtual Influencers: Does Self-Image Congruence with Consumers Matter?, ' American Marketing Association (AMA), American Marketing Association (AMA).(*為通訊作者), 2024
2023 Yu Heng Lawrence Chiang;Chia-Yang Chang;Sungjun (Steven) Park*, 2023.07, 'The Role of Subjective Knowledge and Financial Self-efficacy in Millenials’ Adoptions of WealthTech: An Abstract, ' The 24th AMS World Marketing Congress, Academy of Marketing Science (AMS).(*為通訊作者), Jul. 2023
2023 Hao-Jen (Aaron) Hsu;Sungjun (Steven) Park*, 2023.07, 'Whom to Trust? Collaboration Between Human and AI Influencers in Brand Endorsement, ' 2023 AMA Summer Academic Conference, American Marketing Association (AMA).(*為通訊作者), Jul. 2023
2022 Cong-Minh Dinh;Sungjun (Steven) Park*, 2022.08, 'Consumers’ Interactions with Virtual Conversational Agents: The Mediating Role of Perceived Humanlikeness, ' 2022 AMA Summer Academic Conference, AMA, pp.571-574.(*為通訊作者), Aug. 2022
2022 Cong-Minh Dinh;Mai Pham;Yen-Yu Chen;Ching-Wei Liao*;Sungjun (Steven) Park, 2022.08, 'AI and IoT: A Meta-analysis of Consumers' Adoption of Emerging Technologies, ' 2022 AMA Summer Academic Conference, AMA, pp.561-564.(*為通訊作者), Aug. 2022
2022 Cong-Minh Dinh;Sungjun (Steven) Park*, 2022.06, 'Humanizing Chatbots: The Effect of Fear from the COVID-19 Pandemic, ' Digital Marketing & eCommerce Conference, DMEC.(*為通訊作者), Jun. 2022
2021 Li Kai (Michael) Tseng;Sungjun (Steven) Park*, 2021.08, 'Do we Trust AI-based services using Chatbots? The role of Anthropomorphic Design, ' 2021 AMA Summer Academic Conference, American Marketing Association (AMA).(*為通訊作者), Aug. 2021
2020 朴星俊*, 2020.09, 'Overcoming Mobile Addiction through Enhancing Life-satisfaction, ' 2020 International Conference on E-Society, National Sun Yat Sen University.(*為通訊作者), Sep. 2020
2020 ChunTing (David) Tung;Kang-Feng (Geobert) Yan;Sungjun (Steven) Park*, 2020.08, 'The Shift from Human Service Providers to AI Service Robots: An Empirical Analysis of Usability in Healthcare Industry, ' American Marketing Association (AMA), American Marketing Association (AMA).(*為通訊作者), Aug. 2020
2018 In Yong Park;Sungjun (Steven) Park*, 2018.08, 'Deservingness and Consumers' Pro-social Behaviors, ' American Marketing Association, (AMA).(*為通訊作者), Aug. 2018
2017 Sungjun (Steven) Park*;Yuri Yoon;Yong J. Hyun, 2017.08, 'Digital Self and Personalized Ads on Social Network Sites, ' American Marketing Association, (AMA).(*為通訊作者), Aug. 2017
2016 Sungjun (Steven) Park*;Yong J. Hyun;C. Page Moreau, 2016.10, 'Does Suspense Spur Or Hamper Consumer Creativity?, ' Advances in Consumer Research, (ACR).(*為通訊作者), Oct. 2016
2015 Rahul Anad;Sungjun (Steven) Park*;Jiho Park, 2015.05, 'A Case Study on SK Happy Narae – the Largest Social Enterprise in South Korea, ' International Symposium on Social Entrepreneurship, National University of Singapore (NUS).(*為通訊作者), May. 2015