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Focus on Management in Asia

Due to China's rise as an Asian economic powerhouse, the Chinese market has become a global focus. NCCUC has foreseen the importance of developing Asian management talents and has arranged its unique and multidimensional Asian management courses with first-rate faculty. As a result, these courses have attracted schools such as Purdue University in the U.S., the University of Innsbruck in Austria, and Bocconi University in Italy to collaborate on transnational study-abroad programs. NCCUC also collaborates with Ivey Business School at Western University (Ivey) and compiles case studies of Taiwanese high-performing enterprises. The publication of those case studies through Ivey and Harvard Business School's web pages has successfully marketed those case studies in both English and Chinese around the world, raising awareness about Taiwan on a global level and increasing the notability of Taiwanese corporations, in addition to fulfilling NCCUC's duty to reinforce Taiwan's business education.