2016/5/15 NCCU IMBA Homecoming: International Charity Food Fair
The NCCU IMBA Alumni Association cordially invites you to join our 2016 IMBA Homecoming Event on May 15. IMBA and EMBA Alumni Associations will be co-hosting a charity food fair to raise awareness and funds for the Therapeutic Riding Center of Taiwan that provides treatment for cerebral palsy children.
Bring your friends and family!
Come join us for a full day of food, fun, and live entertainment!
Date: May 15, 2016 (Sunday) 11:00-16:30
Venue:Si Wei Walk, in front of Commerce Building, NCCU
Address: No.64, Sec.2, ZhiNan Rd., Wenshan District, Taipei City
11:00-16:30 Charity Fair - International cuisines, flea market, talent show and etc.
14:30-16:00 Movie:Little Knights
16:00-16:30 Forum:Little rider's extraordinary sharing
Host: NCCU IMBA Alumni Association, IMBA Office, IMBA Student Council
Co-host: EMBA Alumni Association, Therapeutic Riding Center of Taiwan
Please refer to our attached poster or Facebook Event Page for more details:
Greatly looking forward to seeing you all!!
~ 異國美食、愛心電影、慈善義賣、街頭表演 ~
如果生命和你期待的不同,怎麼辦?弱勢的孩子面對霸凌時,應如何?如果有機會,幫助原本要在路上賣口香糖者,走上一條不一樣的路,你會怎麼做?邀請您闔家觀賞一場紀錄片(電影預告:http://youtu.be/vqi7zIowIWg ),幫助腦麻患者實現夢想,聆聽三個家庭勇敢面對生命挑戰的故事。
活動收益將捐贈協助腦麻患者復健的「台灣馬術治療中心」http://www.thrct.org.tw/ 。
2016年5月15日(星期日)@政治大學商學院前 四維道廣場
11:00-16:30 園遊會(異國美食、慈善義賣、街頭表演)
14:30-16:00 《小騎士闖通關之美夢成真》紀錄片
16:00-16:30 座談:台灣馬術治療中心顧問Uta教練溫馨座談
主辦單位:政大IMBA校友會, IMBA辦公室, IMBA學生會
協辦單位:政大EMBA校友會, 台灣馬術治療中心
IMBA Alumni Association