Status Chair,Full-time
Office Tel No. 88530
Job Title Chair Professor
Research Expertise ABCM, BSC, Incentive Management, Intellectual Capital Management.
Teaching Field 作業制成本管理制度、平衡計分卡、及智慧資本。
Unit Dept. of Accounting
Year Paper Title
2023 Joanna Ho*;Codu Lu;吳安妮, 2023.06, 'The Effects of In-Group Identity and Clarity of the Bonus Determination Criteria on Supervisors’ Discretionary Bonus Adjustments: Field Evidence from China, ' Journal of International Accounting Research, Vol.22, No.2, pp.103-119.(*為通訊作者), vol. 112132, Jun. 2023
2023 Hung, C. Y.*;A. Lillis;吳安妮, 2023.03, 'Does Referral-based Hiring Exacerbate Agency Problems?, ' The Accounting Review, Vol.98, No.2, pp.277-297.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 439565, Mar. 2023
2022 Ramji Balakrishnan*;Jizhang Huang;吳安妮, 2022.10, 'Target Setting in a Multi‐Task Environment: An Empirical Investigation, ' Journal of Management Accounting Research, Vol.34, No.3, pp.11-28.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 439622, Oct. 2022
2022 吳安妮*, 2022.10, 'Learning in the Past, Looking to the Future, ' Journal of Management Accounting Research, Vol.34, No.3, pp.1-10.(*為通訊作者), vol. 103170, Oct. 2022
2022 Neale G. O’Connor*;Jason D. Schloetzer;Jorge Romero;吳安妮, 2022.09, 'How Multi-sourcing can Influence Management Control: Case Study Evidence from the Electronic Products Supply Chain, ' British Accounting Review, Vol.54, No.5, pp.1-18.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 112133, Sep. 2022
2021 吳安妮;Dipankar Ghosh*;Ling-Chu Lee, 2021.10, 'Incentive Instruments and the Weighting of Performance Measures, ' Advances in Management Accounting, Vol.33, pp.209-234.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 439617, Oct. 2021
2021 吳安妮*, 2021.10, 'Incentive Instruments and the Weighting of Performance Measures, '.(*為通訊作者), vol. 439576, Oct. 2021
2021 Hillbun Ho*;Keng-Ming Tien;吳安妮;Sonika Singha, 2021.03, 'A Sequence Analysis Approach to Segmenting Credit Card Customers, ' Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, No.59, pp.1-10.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 432609, Mar. 2021
2021 Wong, S. S.*;Boh, W. F.;吳安妮, 2021.03, 'When Three’s (Good) Company: Third party Friendships on Cooperation across Departments, ' Journal of Management Studies, Vol.58, No.2, pp.389-420.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 428451, Mar. 2021
2020 Wim A. Van der Stede*;吳安妮;Steve Yuching Wu, 2020.11, 'An Empirical Analysis of Employee Responses to Bonuses and Penalties, ' The Accounting Review, Vol.95, No.6, pp.395-412.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 426370, Nov. 2020
2020 Wai Fong Boh*;Cheng-Jen Huang;Anne Wu, 2020, 'Investor Experience and Innovation Performance: The Mediating Role of External Cooperation, ' Strategic Management Journal, Vol.41, No.1, pp.124-151.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 423354, 2020
2019 吳安妮*, 2019, '打造適合紡織業的ERP系統,減少溝通成本、提升作業效率, ' 經理人月刊, No.172, pp.22-23.(*為通訊作者), vol. 423373, 2019
2019 吳安妮*, 2019, '公司穩健經營就不需要轉型?該想的是未來10年、20年的發展, ' 經理人月刊, No.170, pp.20-21.(*為通訊作者), vol. 423371, 2019
2019 吳安妮*, 2019, '整合成本的「原因」及「結果」,解決痛點,年營收創歷史新高, ' 經理人月刊, No.171, pp.22-23.(*為通訊作者), vol. 423372, 2019
2019 Amy E. Randel;Kimberly S. Jaussi*;Anne Wu, 2019, 'Observed Issue Selling:The Effects of Role Models, Willingness to Issue Sell, and Inclusion in Decision Making, ' The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, Vol.55, No.3, pp.352-368.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 422201, 2019
2019 Na Gong*;Waifong Boh;Anne Wu;Tsuilin Kuo, 2019, 'Leniency Bias in Subjective Performance Evaluation: Contextual Uncertainty and Employee Prior Performance, ' Emerging Markets Finance and Trade,.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)(本論著未刊登但已被接受), vol. 423353, 2019
2018 吳安妮*, 2018, '活用SO計分卡,推導出創新營運模式, ' 經理人月刊, No.164, pp.24-25.(*為通訊作者), vol. 423374, 2018
2018 吳安妮*, 2018, '中小企業都缺乏的「變革思維」:意識到所處行業可能的危機, ' 經理人月刊, No.169, pp.22-23.(*為通訊作者), vol. 423370, 2018
2018 吳安妮*, 2018, '企業升級轉型的關鍵資產:智慧資本,拋開成本與利潤導向思維,聚焦於不折舊的策略性智慧資本, ' 經理人月刊, No.167, pp.22-23.(*為通訊作者), vol. 423369, 2018
2018 吳安妮*, 2018, '作業價值管理(AVM):擺脫控成本的績效管理思維,成本不是用「砍」的!會「管」成本才能真正獲利, ' 經理人月刊, No.166, pp.22-23.(*為通訊作者), vol. 423368, 2018
2018 吳安妮*, 2018, 'AVM協助企業再造,讓隱形成本現形, ' 能力雜誌, No.2018年8月, pp.54-58.(*為通訊作者), vol. 423367, 2018
2018 吳安妮*, 2018, '平衡計分卡為甚麼沒效率?可能你只推了「KPI計分卡」, ' 經理人月刊, No.165, pp.22-23.(*為通訊作者), vol. 423366, 2018
2018 吳安妮*, 2018, 'AVM誕生:以管理創新提升獲利, ' 哈佛商業評論全球繁體中文版, No.2018年7月, pp.50-53.(*為通訊作者), vol. 423365, 2018
2018 吳安妮*, 2018, '工業、零售都進化成4.0,那你的管理制度升級了嗎?, ' 經理人月刊, No.163, pp.24-25.(*為通訊作者), vol. 423364, 2018
2017 Joanna Ho;Feng Tian;Anne Wu;Sean Xin Xu*, 2017, 'Seeking Value through Deviation? Economic Impacts of IT Overinvestment and Underinvestment, ' Information Systems Research, Vol.28, No.4, pp.850-862.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 413637, 2017
2017 吳安妮*, 2017, '談以SO計分卡形成創新策略, ' 哈佛商業評論全球繁體中文版, pp.無.(*為通訊作者), vol. 423363, 2017
2017 吳安妮*, 2017, '管理會計學術創新:研究與實務之結合, ' 人文與社會科學簡訊, Vol.18, No.3, pp.153-162.(*為通訊作者), vol. 423362, 2017
2016 C. Janie Chang;Joanna L.Y. Ho;Anne Wu*, 2016.05, 'The Effect of Culture and Contextual Information on Resource Allocation Decisions, ' Review of Accounting and Finance, Vol.15, No.2, pp.174-197.(*為通訊作者), vol. 423352, May. 2016
2016 吳安妮*, 2016, '管理會計之創新及智財權之布局---經驗分享, ' 會計研究月刊, No.372, pp.14-21.(*為通訊作者), vol. 423361, 2016
2016 吳安妮*;王泰昌;彭火樹;陳美惠, 2016, '臺灣會計單位期刊著作表現之再檢測, ' 中華會計學刊, Vol.12, No.1, pp.115-192.(*為通訊作者), vol. 423358, 2016
2016 吳安妮*;彭火樹;郭翠菱;詹凌菁, 2016, '臺灣會計領域研究之回顧與展望, ' 管理學報, Vol.33, No.1, pp.115-192.(*為通訊作者), vol. 423357, 2016
2016 吳安妮*;郭翠菱;莊千慧, 2016, '上海結建民防建築設計有限公司-目前及未來之策略如何轉型, ' 產業與管理論壇, Vol.18, No.3, pp.80-99.(*為通訊作者), vol. 423356, 2016
2015 吳安妮*, 2015.10, '管理會計技術商品化:以ABC為核心之作業價值管理系統(AVMS)為例, ' 會計研究月刊, No.359, pp.20-24.(*為通訊作者), vol. 408919, Oct. 2015
2015 Kamal M. Haddad*;Anne Wu;John R. Wingender Jr., 2015, 'Competitive Strategies and Company Performance of Taiwanese Firms, ' International Journal of Economics and Business Research, Vol.No. 2, No.Volume 9, pp.pp.170-185.(*為通訊作者), vol. 408808, 2015
2014 吳安妮*, 2014.04, '以價值管理推升績效, ' 哈佛商業評論全球中文版, pp.34-38.(*為通訊作者), vol. 408918, Apr. 2014
2014 吳安妮*, 2014.03, '打造一加一大於二的執行力, ' 哈佛商業評論全球中文版, pp.32-36.(*為通訊作者), vol. 408917, Mar. 2014
2014 吳安妮*, 2014.02, '跳脫中小企業績效魔咒, ' 哈佛商業評論全球中文版, pp.28-30.(*為通訊作者), vol. 408916, Feb. 2014
2014 Joanna Ho*;Anne Wu;Steve Wu, 2014.01, 'Performance Measures, Consensus on Strategy Implementation, and Performance: Evidence from the Operational-level of Organizations., ' Accounting, Organizations and Society, Vol.39, No.1, pp.38-58.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 403080, Jan. 2014
2014 Lee, Johnny Jiung-Yee*;Randall, Taylor;Hu, Paul Jen-Hwa;Wu, Anne, 2014, 'Information Technology Investments and Firm Profitability, ' Journal of Management Systems, Vol.No. 1, No.Volume 24, pp.pp.39-56.(*為通訊作者), vol. 408807, 2014
2014 Lee, Johnny Jiung-Yee*;Randall, Taylor;Hu, Paul Jen-Hwa;Wu, Anne, 2014, 'Examining Complementary Effects of IT Investment on Firm Profitability: Are Complementarities the Missing Link?, ' Information Systems Management, Vol.No. 4, No.Volume 31, pp.pp.340-352..(SCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 408806, 2014
2013 Chow, Chow C.W.*;Massey, D.W.;Thorne, L.;Wu, Anne, 2013, 'A Qualitative Examination of auditors’ Differing Ethical Characterizations across the Phases of the Audit, ' Research on Professional Responsibility and Ethics in Accounting, No.Volume 17, pp.pp. 97-138.(*為通訊作者), vol. 408809, 2013
2012 吳安妮*, 2012.03, '平衡計分卡與風險管理之整合, ' 會計研究月刊, No.316, pp.96-111.(*為通訊作者), vol. 408915, Mar. 2012
2012 吳安妮*, 2012.03, '平衡計分卡與風險管理之整合, '.(*為通訊作者), vol. 408914, Mar. 2012
2012 吳安妮*, 2012.01, '策略性智慧資本評估管理模組介紹及個案解析, ' 會計研究月刊, No.314, pp.100-113.(*為通訊作者), vol. 408913, Jan. 2012
2012 Dipankar Ghosh*;吳安妮, 2012.01, 'Credibility of Firm’s Performance Measures and Recommendations of Financial Analysts: Experimental Evidence, ' Behavioral Research in Accounting,.(*為通訊作者)(本論著未刊登但已被接受), vol. 364491, Jan. 2012
2012 Dipankar Ghosh;Anne Wu*, 2012, 'The Effect of Positive and Negative Financial and Non financial Performance Measures on Analysts' Recommendations, ' Behavioral Research in Accounting, Vol.2, No.24, pp.47-64.(*為通訊作者), vol. 423351, 2012
2011 吳安妮*, 2011.11, '以一貫之的管理-整合性策略價值管理系統(ISVMS), ' 會計研究月刊, No.312, pp.106-120.(*為通訊作者), vol. 408912, Nov. 2011
2011 吳安妮*, 2011.10, '報導:政大會計系吳安妮教授申請「整合性策略價值管理系統」商標註冊, ' 會計研究月刊, No.311, pp.38-39.(*為通訊作者), vol. 408911, Oct. 2011
2011 Amy E. Randel*;吳安妮, 2011.08, 'Collective and Relational Identities: The Moderating Effects of Number of Coworkers and Power Distance, ' Identity: An International Journal of Theory and Research, Vol.11, No.3, pp.247-265.(*為通訊作者), vol. 364287, Aug. 2011
2011 Joanna Ho;C. J. Huang*;吳安妮, 2011.04, 'The Impact of Management Control System on Efficiency and Quality Performance – An Empirical Study of Taiwanese Correctional Institutions, ' Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics, Vol.1, No.18, pp.77-94.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 348928, Apr. 2011
2011 Ho;J.;C. J. Huang;吳安妮, 2011.04, 'The Impact of Management Control System on Efficiency and Quality Performance – An Empirical Study of Taiwanese Correctional Institutions., ' Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics., Vol.18, No.1, pp.77-94.(SSCI), vol. 238159, Apr. 2011
2011 Amy E. Randel*;Kimberly S. Jaussi;吳安妮, 2011.01, 'When Does Being Creative Lead to Being Rated as Creative? The Moderating Role of Perceived Probability of Successfully Bringing Ideas to a Supervisor''s Attention, ' Creativity Research Journal, Vol.23, No.1, pp.1-8.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 336346, Jan. 2011
2011 吳安妮*;J. Chang;C. Chow;G. Singh, 2011, 'The Impact of Performance Measurement Systems as Enablers of Human Resource Management on Firm Performance, ' Journal of Management Accounting Studies, Vol.2, No.2, pp.1-25.(*為通訊作者), vol. 408812, 2011
2011 Joanan Ho*;Anne Wu;Sean Xu, 2011, 'Corporate Governance and Returns on Information Technology Investments: Evidence from an Emerging Market, ' Strategic Management Journal, Vol.32, No.6, pp.595-623.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 303433, 2011
2011 Amy E. Randel*;吳安妮, 2011, 'Need for Power, Collective Identity, and Political Skill: An Investigation in Taiwan., ' The Journal of Social Psychology., Vol.151, No.4, pp.395-398.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 319321, 2011
2010 吳安妮*, 2010.07, '產學面對面:政治大學會計學系講座教授吳安妮 VS. 匯豐汽車前總經理李榮華, ' 會計研究月刊, No.296, pp.80-85.(*為通訊作者), vol. 408910, Jul. 2010
2010 吳安妮*, 2010.05, '透視營運因果關係的績效驅動器, ' 經理人月刊, No.66, pp.72-73.(*為通訊作者), vol. 408909, May. 2010
2010 Schulz. A.;吳安妮;C. Chow., 2010.04, 'Environmental Uncertainty, Comprehensive Performance Measurement Systems, Performance-Based Compensation, and Organizational Performance., ' Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics, Vol.17, No.1, pp.17-39.(SSCI), vol. 238156, Apr. 2010
2010 Li-Chin Jennifer Ho*;吳安妮;黃政仁, 2010.03, 'The Empirical Investigation of the Parole Policy in Taiwan., ' Journal of Social Sciences and Philosophy, Vol.22, No.1, pp.109-138.(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 319330, Mar. 2010
2010 吳安妮*, 2010.03, '中小企業脫困之道, ' 哈佛商業評論全球中文版, No.43, pp.88-90.(*為通訊作者), vol. 408908, Mar. 2010
2010 Leslie Eldenburg*;Naomi Soderstrom;Veronda Willis;Anne Wu, 2010.02, 'Behavioral Changes Following the Collaborative Development of an Accounting Information System, ' Accounting, Organizations and Society, Vol.35, No.2, pp.222-237.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 290570, Feb. 2010
2010 Chow, C.;M. Fleming;C.J. Huang;A. Wu*, 2010, 'Exploring Taiwanese Auditors' Ethical Challenges, ' Journal of Contemporary Accounting, Vol.11, No.3, pp.257-300.(*為通訊作者), vol. 423355, 2010
2009 吳安妮*, 2009.04, '以作業制成本管理制度為根基,找出企業新價值, ' 哈佛商業評論全球中文版, No.32, pp.37-38.(*為通訊作者), vol. 408907, Apr. 2009
2009 吳安妮*, 2009, 'Contemporaneous and Forward-Looking Measures: Implications for Incentive Structure for Long-Horizon Employees., '.(*為通訊作者), vol. 408814, 2009
2009 Joanna Ho*;吳安妮;L. C. Lee., 2009, 'How Changes in Compensation Plans Affect Employee Performance, Recruitment, and Retention—An Empirical Study of A Car Dealership., ' Contemporary Accounting Research, Vol.26, No.1.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 238160, 2009
2008 吳安妮, 2008.10, '將平衡計分卡及ABC加以結合,成為財務長最佳輔助工具, ' 哈佛商業評稐全球中文版, No.26, pp.37-38., vol. 279539, Oct. 2008
2008 吳安妮;Lee, C.;C. S. Ou, 2008, 'The Interaction Effect of Capacity Utilization and Quality on Manufacturing Costs: An Examination of the Continuous Production Environment., ' The Interaction Effect of Capacity Utilization and Quality on Manufacturing Costs: An Examination of the Continuous Production Environment.,., vol. 266544, 2008
2008 郭翠菱*;吳安妮, 2008, 'Intellectual Capital Reporting: TICRC as an Example., ' International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital, Vol.5, No.3-4, pp.348-373.(國際一般期刊)(*為通訊作者), vol. 215934, 2008
2008 Chow.C.;K. Haddad;G. Singh;吳安妮, 2008, 'A Citation analysis of the Top-ranked Management and Financial Accounting Journals., ' International Journal of Management and Financial Accounting,., vol. 238149, 2008
2007 吳安妮, 2007.10, '作業制成本制度之發展與整合方向, ' 會計研究月刊, No.263, pp.60-76., vol. 238218, Oct. 2007
2007 吳安妮, 2007.05, '平衡計分卡為整合性的管理制度, ' 經理人月刊, No.30, pp.156., vol. 238215, May. 2007
2007 D. Jung*;C. Chow;吳安妮, 2007.02, 'Towards Understanding the Direct and Indirect Effects of CEOs’ Transformational Leadership on Firm Innovation., ' The Leadership Quarterly,.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 215878, Feb. 2007
2007 C. Chow;J. Kohlmeyer;A. Wu, 2007, 'Performance Standards and Managers'' Adoption of Risky Projects., ' Advances in Management Accounting, Vol.16, pp.63-105., vol. 215939, 2007
2007 D. Ghosh;A. Wu, 2007, 'Intellectual Capital and Capital Markets: Additional Evidence., ' Journal of Intellectual Capital, Vol.8, No.2, pp.216-237., vol. 215935, 2007
2007 C. Chow;K. Haddad;G. Singh;A. Wu, 2007, 'On Using Journal Rank to Proxy for an Article’s Contribution or Value., ' Issues in Accounting Education, Vol.22, No.3, pp.411-427., vol. 215929, 2007
2005 周齊武;Jung, D.;吳安妮, 2005.05, '管理者藉由變革式領導 來增進公司的創新力, ' 會計研究月刊, No.234, pp.72-82., vol. 238214, May. 2005
2005 A. Wu, 2005, 'The Integration between Balanced Scorecard and Intellectual Capital, ' Journal of Intellectual Capital (Special Issue), Vol.6, No.2, pp.267-284., vol. 189958, 2005
2004 吳安妮, 2004.12, '銀行業推動平衡計分卡之可行性研究, ' 建華金融季刊, No.27, pp.47-80., vol. 238211, Dec. 2004
2004 吳安妮, 2004.07, '平衡計分卡之重點發展方向, ' 會計研究月刊, No.224, pp.98-108., vol. 181301, Jul. 2004
2004 吳安妮;王泰昌;彭火樹, 2004.01, '台灣會計學術單位期刊著作表現之研究, ' 證券市場發展季刊, Vol.16, No.1, pp.1-52.(TSSCI), vol. 157266, Jan. 2004
2004 Chang, J.;C. Ou;A. Wu, 2004, 'Compensation Strategy and Organizational Performance: Evidence from the Banking Industry in an Emerging Economy, ' Advamces in Management Accounting, Vol.12, pp.137-150., vol. 157268, 2004
2004 O''Conner, N.;C. Chow;A. Wu, 2004, 'The Adoption of “Western” Management Accounting/ Controls in China’s State-owned-enterprises During Economic Transition, ' Accounting, Organizations and Society, Vol.29, No.3-4, pp.349-375.(SSCI), vol. 157263, 2004
2003 吳安妮, 2003.10, '平衡計分卡在公務機關實施之探討, ' 研考雙月刊, No.237, pp.45-61., vol. 181300, Oct. 2003
2003 周齊武;吳安妮;袁麗薇, 2003.10, '台灣企業提供經理人員制訂決策時所需資訊之適切程度, ' 會計研究月刊, No.215, pp.69-75., vol. 181299, Oct. 2003
2003 吳安妮, 2003.07, '平衡計分卡之精髓、範疇及整合(下), ' 會計研究月刊, No.212, pp.78-93., vol. 181298, Jul. 2003
2003 吳安妮, 2003.06, '平衡計分卡之精髓、範疇及整合(上), ' 會計研究月刊, No.211, pp.45-54., vol. 181297, Jun. 2003
2003 周齊武;吳安妮, 2003.06, '從美國公司的經驗探索如何有效地導入資訊科技, ' 會計研究月刊, No.211, pp.120-126., vol. 181296, Jun. 2003
2003 吳安妮;王泰昌;彭火樹, 2003.05, '台灣會計學術單位期刊著作表現研究計畫成果報告, ' 會計研究月刊, No.210, pp.109-116., vol. 181295, May. 2003
2003 A. Wu;C. Huang, 2003, 'The Efficiency Performance and the Drivers of Efficiency – The Test of Correctional Institutions, ' Taiwan Accounting Review, Vol.3, No.2, pp.113-139., vol. 157250, 2003
2003 McKinnon, J.;G. Harrison;C. Chow;A. Wu, 2003, 'Organization Culture: Association with Commitment, Job Satisfaction, Propensity to Remain, and Information Sharing in Taiwan, ' International Journal of Business Studies, Vol.110, No.2, pp.93-113., vol. 157259, 2003
2003 Chow, C.;K. Haddad;A. Wu, 2003, 'Corporate Culture and Its Relation to Performance: A Comparative Study of Taiwanese and US Manufacturing Firms, ' Managerial Finance, Vol.29, No.12, pp.65-76., vol. 157246, 2003
2003 Jung, D.;C. Chow;A. Wu, 2003, 'The Role of Transformational Leadership in Enhancing Organizational Innovation: Hypotheses and Some Preliminary Findings, ' Leadership Quarterly, Vol.14, No.4-5, pp.525-544.(SSCI), vol. 157254, 2003
2003 Chow, C.;A. Wu;S. Yuen, 2003, 'The Benefits and Determinants of Success in Information Technology Applications in a Greater China Context: Exploratory Evidence from Taiwanese Manufacturing Companies, ' Managerial Finance, Vol.29, No.12, pp.14-31., vol. 157078, 2003
2002 梁榮德;周齊武;吳安妮, 2002.12, '探討經濟附加價值(EVA)績效衡量在台灣企業的有用及可行性(下), ' 會計研究月刊, No.205, pp.110-118., vol. 181294, Dec. 2002
2002 吳安妮, 2002.11, '剖析智慧資本, ' 會計研究月刊, No.204, pp.57-66., vol. 181293, Nov. 2002
2002 梁榮德;周齊武;吳安妮, 2002.10, '探討經濟附加價值(EVA)績效衡量在台灣企業的有用及可行性(上), ' 會計研究月刊, No.203, pp.113-121., vol. 181292, Oct. 2002
2002 吳安妮;周齊武, 2002.08, '如何增進台灣執行資訊科技之成功率, ' 會計研究月刊, No.201, pp.59-66., vol. 181291, Aug. 2002
2002 吳安妮, 2002.05, '淺談平衡計分卡成功實施之精髓概念, ' 會計研究月刊, No.198, pp.26-32., vol. 181290, May. 2002
2002 周齊武;吳安妮;袁麗薇;李惠娟, 2002.05, '由過時成本系統之徵兆淺探台灣企業成本制度之現況(下), ' 會計研究月刊, No.198, pp.107-111., vol. 181289, May. 2002
2002 周齊武;吳安妮;袁麗薇;李惠娟, 2002.04, '由過時成本系統之徵兆淺探台灣企業成本制度之現況(上), ' 會計研究月刊, No.197, pp.129-134., vol. 181288, Apr. 2002
2002 周齊武;吳安妮;K. Haddad;李惠娟, 2002.01, '平衡計分卡於服務部門之應用─以資訊部門為例(三), ' 會計研究月刊, No.194, pp.85-90., vol. 181287, Jan. 2002
2002 Chow, C.;K. Haddad;A. Wu, 2002, 'Corporate Culture and Performance: Evidence from Taiwanese Manufacturing Companies., ' Journal of Asia-Pacific Business, Vol.4, No.4, pp.25-38., vol. 145147, 2002
2002 Chow, C.;G. Harrison;J. McKinnon;A. Wu, 2002, 'The Organizational Culture of Public Accounting Firms: Evidence from Taiwanese Local and US Affiliated Firms, ' Accounting,Organizations and Society, Vol.27, No.4-5, pp.347-360.(SSCI), vol. 145146, 2002
2001 周齊武;吳安妮;K. Haddad;李惠娟, 2001.12, '平衡計分卡於服務部門之應用─以資訊部門為例(二), ' 會計研究月刊, No.193, pp.114-122., vol. 181286, Dec. 2001
2001 周齊武;吳安妮;K. Haddad;李惠娟, 2001.11, '平衡計分卡於服務部門之應用─以資訊部門為例(一), ' 會計研究月刊, No.192, pp.99-105., vol. 181285, Nov. 2001
2001 吳安妮, 2001.10, '管理技術整合之大時代, ' 會計研究月刊, No.191, pp.12-15., vol. 181277, Oct. 2001
2001 M. Doran;周齊武;吳安妮, 2001.09, '有效增進終身學習能力之會計課程設計, ' 會計研究月刊, No.190, pp.129-135., vol. 181276, Sep. 2001
2001 吳安妮, 2001.08, '策略為焦點的組織─平衡計分卡式的公司如何在新企業環境中取勝(六), ' 會計研究月刊, No.189, pp.108-115., vol. 181275, Aug. 2001
2001 吳安妮, 2001.07, '策略為焦點的組織─平衡計分卡式的公司如何在新企業環境中取勝(五), ' 會計研究月刊, No.188, pp.113-121., vol. 181274, Jul. 2001
2001 吳安妮, 2001.06, '策略為焦點的組織─平衡計分卡式的公司如何在新企業環境中取勝(四), ' 會計研究月刊, No.187, pp.121-129., vol. 181273, Jun. 2001
2001 吳安妮, 2001.05, '策略為焦點的組織─平衡計分卡式的公司如何在新企業環境中取勝(三), ' 會計研究月刊, No.186, pp.126-137., vol. 181272, May. 2001
2001 吳安妮, 2001.04, '策略為焦點的組織─平衡計分卡式的公司如何在新企業環境中取勝(二), ' 會計研究月刊, No.185, pp.127-135., vol. 181271, Apr. 2001
2001 吳安妮, 2001.03, '策略為焦點的組織─平衡計分卡式的公司如何在新企業環境中取勝(一), ' 會計研究月刊, No.184, pp.120-127., vol. 181269, Mar. 2001
2001 周齊武;吳安妮;K. Haddad;施能錠, 2001.02, '探索實施平衡計分卡可能遭遇之問題, ' 會計研究月刊, No.183, pp.63-74., vol. 181268, Feb. 2001
2001 吳安妮, 2001.01, '作業制成本制度(ABC)在管理決策上之效益, ' 會計研究月刊, No.182, pp.59-63., vol. 181267, Jan. 2001
2001 Awasthi, V.;C.Chow;A. Wu, 2001, 'Cross-Culture Differences in the Behavioral Consequences of Imposing Performance Evaluation and Reward Systems: An Experimental Investigation, ' The International Journal of Accounting, Vol.36, No.0, pp.291-309., vol. 147062, 2001
2001 Chow, C.;T. Lindquist;A. Wu, 2001, 'National Culture and the Implementation of “High-Stretch”Performance Standards: An Exploratory Study., ' Behavioral Research in Accounting, Vol.13, No.0, pp.85-109., vol. 147061, 2001
2001 吳安妮;劉俊儒, 2001, '員工面、內部營運面、及顧客面對財務績效影響之實證研究, ' 台灣管理學刊, Vol.0, No.0, pp.125-150., vol. 147060, 2001
2000 吳安妮, 2000.11, '「價值管理」觀念之靈活運用, ' 會計研究月刊, No.180, pp.82-83., vol. 181266, Nov. 2000
2000 吳安妮, 2000.09, '談價值管理創造企業競爭利基, ' 會計研究月刊, No.178, pp.12-14., vol. 181265, Sep. 2000
2000 周齊武;Kamal Haddad;吳安妮, 2000.07, '企業推行平衡計分卡之可行結構─台灣經理人員之觀點(三), ' 會計研究月刊, No.176, pp.72-77., vol. 181264, Jul. 2000
2000 周齊武;K. Haddad;吳安妮, 2000.06, '企業推行平衡計分卡之可行結構─台灣經理人員之觀點(二), ' 會計研究月刊, No.175, pp.107-113., vol. 181263, Jun. 2000
2000 周齊武;K. Haddad;吳安妮, 2000.06, '台灣製造業企業文化與績效之關係, ' 會計研究月刊, No.175, pp.47-52., vol. 181262, Jun. 2000
2000 周齊武;K. Haddad;吳安妮, 2000.05, '企業推行平衡計分卡之可行結構─台灣經理人員之觀點(一), ' 會計研究月刊, No.174, pp.137-141., vol. 181261, May. 2000
2000 周齊武;吳安妮, 2000.05, '慎防誤用ABC, ' 會計研究月刊, No.174, pp.67-74., vol. 181260, May. 2000
2000 吳安妮, 2000.01, '成本管理之重要精神與原則及其靈活運用, ' 會計研究月刊, No.170, pp.123-125., vol. 181259, Jan. 2000
2000 Harrison, G.;J. McKinnon;A. Wu;C. Chow, 2000, 'Cultural Influences on Adaptation to Fluid Workgroups and Teams, ' Journal of International Business Studies, Vol.31, No.3, pp.489-505.(SSCI), vol. 147059, 2000
1999 吳安妮, 1999.12, '作業制管理制度(ABM)在工作之靈活運用, ' 會計研究月刊, No.169, pp.160-163., vol. 181258, Dec. 1999
1999 周齊武;吳安妮;T. Lindquist, 1999.10, '台灣企業與美日企業之比較性競爭策略研究, ' 會計研究月刊, No.167, pp.49-58., vol. 181257, Oct. 1999
1999 吳安妮, 1999.08, '談成本管理系統之整合對企業競爭之提升, ' 會計研究月刊, No.165, pp.16-19., vol. 181256, Aug. 1999
1999 吳安妮, 1999.07, '績效評估觀念在交友上之運用, ' 會計研究月刊, No.164, pp.118-120., vol. 181254, Jul. 1999
1999 吳安妮, 1999.05, '實施作業制成本管理制度之省思, ' 會計研究月刊, No.162, pp.45-50., vol. 181253, May. 1999
1999 吳安妮, 1999.03, '發揮無限潛力創造極致產能─產能成本管理觀念之生活應用, ' 會計研究月刊, No.160, pp.120-121., vol. 181252, Mar. 1999
1999 吳安妮, 1999.01, ' 驅動利潤與績效的利器─整合性成本系統(下), ' 會計研究月刊, No.158, pp.76-82., vol. 181251, Jan. 1999
1999 Haddad, K.;C. Chow;G. Gordon;R. Hwang;A. Wu, 1999, 'Cross-National Differences in Corporate Cultures and the Culture Performance Relationship: A Two Country Comparsion, ' International Journal of Business, Vol.4, No.2, pp.81-111., vol. 147058, 1999
1999 Chow, C.;A. Schulz;A. Wu, 1999, 'Roz.,Inc.: A Case for Extending Management Accounting Coverage to Managers'' Information Acquisition Process, ' Journal of Accounting Education, Vol.17, No.4, pp.429-442., vol. 147057, 1999
1999 Chow, C.;G. Harrison;J. McKinnon;A. Wu, 1999, 'Cultural Influences on Informal Information Sharing in Chinese and Anglo-American Organization: An Exploratory Study, ' Accounting, Organizations and Society, Vol.24, No.7, pp.561-582.(SSCI), vol. 147056, 1999
1999 Rashad, A.;K. Wong;A. Wu, 1999, 'The Information Environment of China''s A and B Shares: Can We Make Sense of the Numbers?, ' The International Journal of Accounting, Vol.34, No.4, pp.467-489., vol. 147055, 1999
1999 Chow, C.;M. Shields;A. Wu, 1999, 'The Importance of National Culture in the Design of and Preference for Management Controls for Multi-National Operations., ' Accounting, Organizations and Society, Vol.24, No.5-6, pp.441-461.(SSCI), vol. 147054, 1999
1999 Harrison, P.;C. Chow;A. Wu;A. Harrell, 1999, 'A Cross-Cultural Investigation of Managers Project Evaluation Decisions., ' Behavioral Research in Accounting, Vol.11, pp.143-160., vol. 147053, 1999
1998 周齊武;吳安妮, 1998.12, '將經理人員資訊交換程序納入管會課程之教學案例, ' 會計研究月刊, No.157, pp.59-67., vol. 181250, Dec. 1998
1998 吳安妮, 1998.10, ' 驅動利潤與績效的利器─整合性成本系統(中), ' 會計研究月刊, No.155, pp.52-58., vol. 181249, Oct. 1998
1998 周齊武;吳安妮;G. Harrison, 1998.09, '台灣經理人員對流動性團隊適應性之研究, ' 會計研究月刊, No.154, pp.60-64., vol. 181248, Sep. 1998
1998 吳安妮, 1998.09, '創造成本管理資訊價值及功能性的基礎工程, ' 會計研究月刊, No.154, pp.13-16., vol. 181247, Sep. 1998
1998 吳安妮, 1998.08, ' 驅動利潤與績效的利器─整合性成本系統(上), ' 會計研究月刊, No.153, pp.121-125., vol. 181246, Aug. 1998
1998 周齊武;吳安妮;V. Awasthi, 1998.07, '一個有助於釐清沉沒成本、道德及管控角色的教學案例, ' 會計研究月刊, No.152, pp.83-88., vol. 181245, Jul. 1998
1998 周齊武;M. Shields;吳安妮, 1998.06, '管理控制系統不適度對經理人員反功能行為影響之研究, ' 中山管理評論, Vol.6, No.2, pp.331-356.(TSSCI), vol. 147050, Jun. 1998
1998 周齊武;吳安妮;V. Awasthi, 1998.06, '台灣經理人員資源分配決策下之「不當堅持」的認知及經驗, ' 會計研究月刊, No.151, pp.40-43., vol. 181241, Jun. 1998
1998 吳安妮, 1998.05, '完全預算手冊(下), ' 會計研究月刊, No.150, pp.95-103., vol. 190593, May. 1998
1998 Chow, C.;R. Hwang;W. Liao;A. Wu, 1998, 'National Culture and Subordinates'' Upward Communication of Private Information, ' The International Journal of Accounting, Vol.33, No.3, pp.293-311., vol. 147052, 1998
1998 Awasthi, V.;C. Chow;A. Wu, 1998, 'Performance Measurement and Resource Expenditure Choices in a Teamwork Environment: The Effect of National Culture., ' Management Accounting Research, Vol.9, No.2, pp.119-138., vol. 147051, 1998
1997 周齊武;吳安妮;V. Awasthi, 1997.12, '一個增進會計系學生認識文化差異的課程活動, ' 會計研究月刊, No.145, pp.51-57., vol. 181239, Dec. 1997
1997 吳安妮, 1997.12, '完全預算手冊(上), ' 會計研究月刊, No.145, pp.20-29., vol. 181238, Dec. 1997
1997 周齊武;吳安妮;鍾西飛, 1997.11, '中國會計教育與研究之現況-海外中國會計教授之見解與建議, ' 會計研究(中國大陸), pp.34-40., vol. 181237, Nov. 1997
1997 吳安妮, 1997.11, '由中信銀的企業改造解析ABC在台灣金融業之應用, ' 會計研究月刊, No.144, pp.15-31., vol. 181236, Nov. 1997
1997 吳安妮, 1997.11, '從「人」與「心」談社會改造與企業改造, ' 會計研究月刊, No.144, pp.8-11., vol. 181235, Nov. 1997
1997 吳安妮, 1997.10, '寓目標成本制於生涯規劃, ' 會計研究月刊, No.143, pp.100-102., vol. 181231, Oct. 1997
1997 吳安妮, 1997.09, '策略性成本管理的下一領域 -目標成本(下), ' 會計研究月刊, No.142, pp.105-116., vol. 181230, Sep. 1997
1997 吳安妮, 1997.07, '「以彈性製造系統(FMS)之觀念開創生活之附加價值」, ' 會計研究月刊, No.140, pp.70-71., vol. 181228, Jul. 1997
1997 吳安妮, 1997.07, '策略性成本管理的下一領域 -目標成本(上), ' 會計研究月刊, No.140, pp.119-128., vol. 181229, Jul. 1997
1997 吳安妮, 1997.06, '善用成會資訊做好人生的價值鍵與生命週期管理, ' 會計研究月刊, No.151, pp.86-87., vol. 181244, Jun. 1997
1997 周齊武;吳安妮;J. Mckinnon, 1997.06, '中國文化特徵對台灣公司資訊公開性之影響, ' 會計研究月刊, No.139, pp.64-69., vol. 181222, Jun. 1997
1997 吳安妮, 1997.05, '「平衡計分卡觀念之靈活運用」, ' 會計研究月刊, No.138, pp.117-119., vol. 181221, May. 1997
1997 方智強;吳安妮, 1997.03, '台灣經理人員主動揭露盈餘預測之實證研究, ' 會計評論, No.30, pp.253-269., vol. A10221, Mar. 1997
1997 吳安妮, 1997.03, '「從職棒賭風看組織存在的目的及生存之道」, ' 會計研究月刊, No.136, pp.6-7., vol. 181220, Mar. 1997
1997 吳安妮, 1997.03, '「平衡計分卡」轉換策略為行動(下), ' 會計研究月刊, No.136, pp.108-117., vol. 181219, Mar. 1997
1997 吳安妮, 1997.02, '「平衡計分卡」轉換策略為行動(中), ' 會計研究月刊, No.135, pp.102-115., vol. 181217, Feb. 1997
1997 吳安妮, 1997.01, '生命週期成本管理觀念之運用, ' 會計研究月刊, No.134, pp.127-129., vol. 180854, Jan. 1997
1997 吳安妮, 1997.01, '「平衡計分卡」轉換策略為行動(上), ' 會計研究月刊, No.134, pp.133-139., vol. 181216, Jan. 1997
1997 Atkinson, A. & R. Balakrishnan;P. Booth & J. M. Cote;T. Groot & T. Malmi;H. Roberts & E. Uliana;A. Wu, 1997, 'New Directions in Management Accounting Research., ' Journal of Management Accounting Research, Vol.9, pp.79-108., vol. A10230, 1997
1997 Chow, C.;P. Harrison;T. Lindquist;A. Wu, 1997, 'Escalating Commitment to Unprofitable Projects: Replication and Cross-Cultural Extension., ' Management Accounting Research, Vol.8, No.3, pp.347-361., vol. A10228, 1997
1997 Chow, C.;S. Chung;A. Wu, 1997, 'The Current State of Accounting Education and Research in China: A Survey of Involved Overseas Chinese Accounting Professors., ' Asian Review of Accounting, pp.98-108., vol. A10225, 1997
1997 Awasthi, V.;C. Chow;A. Wu, 1997, 'Cross-Cultural Companies: Sensitizing Accounting Students to Cultural Diversity: Report on a Teaching Experiment., ' Issues in Accounting Education, Vol.12, No.1, pp.77-80., vol. A10224, 1997
1996 吳安妮, 1996.12, '整合供應鏈的最佳方法-資源合夥制, ' 會計研究月刊, No.133, pp.51-59., vol. 180852, Dec. 1996
1996 吳安妮, 1996.12, '績效評估新趨勢, ' 會計研究月刊, No.133, pp.11-16., vol. 180850, Dec. 1996
1996 吳安妮, 1996.10, '績效評估新觀念之運用, ' 會計研究月刊, No.131, pp.34-36., vol. 180847, Oct. 1996
1996 吳安妮, 1996.09, '策略與績效關係之探討, ' 會計研究月刊, No.130, pp.140-144., vol. 180846, Sep. 1996
1996 吳安妮, 1996.09, '標竿制度之靈活運用, ' 會計研究月刊, No.130, pp.104-105., vol. 180845, Sep. 1996
1996 吳安妮, 1996.08, '再生工程觀念之活用, ' 會計研究月刊, No.129, pp.128-130., vol. 180844, Aug. 1996
1996 吳安妮, 1996.07, '以創新的控制系統促進策略之再生(下), ' 會計研究月刊, No.128, pp.137-142., vol. 180843, Jul. 1996
1996 吳安妮, 1996.07, '策略性成本管理觀念於生涯規劃的運用, ' 會計研究月刊, No.128, pp.123-124., vol. 180841, Jul. 1996
1996 吳安妮, 1996.06, '您是否每天創造高品質之工作?, ' 會計研究月刊, No.127, pp.133-135., vol. 180840, Jun. 1996
1996 吳安妮, 1996.06, '以創新的控制系統促進策略之再生(上), ' 會計研究月刊, No.127, pp.126-132., vol. 180838, Jun. 1996
1996 吳安妮, 1996.05, '您每天從事有附加價值之活動嗎?, ' 會計研究月刊, No.126, pp.101-103., vol. 180837, May. 1996
1996 吳安妮, 1996.04, '快速循環時間的策略及執行(下), ' 會計研究月刊, No.125, pp.112-117., vol. 180836, Apr. 1996
1996 吳安妮, 1996.02, '快速循環時間的策略及執行(上), ' 會計研究月刊, No.123, pp.109-116., vol. 180834, Feb. 1996
1996 吳安妮, 1996.01, '管理會計之彙集(下), ' 會計研究月刊, No.122, pp.108-115., vol. 180833, Jan. 1996
1996 Joseph, C.;A. Wu, 1996, 'The Association between Financial Ratios and Stock Prices for Firms on the Taiwan Stock Exchange, ' Asia-Journal of Business Information Systems, Vol.1, No.3, pp.51-63., vol. A10222, 1996
1995 吳安妮, 1995.12, '管理會計之彙集(上), ' 會計研究月刊, No.121, pp.124-131., vol. 180830, Dec. 1995
1995 吳安妮, 1995.09, '創造資訊價值的新管會技術(下), ' 會計研究月刊, No.120, pp.128-132., vol. 180828, Sep. 1995
1995 吳安妮, 1995.08, '創造資訊價值的新管會技術(上), ' 會計研究月刊, No.119, pp.115-121., vol. 180824, Aug. 1995
1995 吳安妮, 1995.06, '從標竿制度中獲取競爭優勢, ' 會計研究月刊, No.117, pp.123-128., vol. 180823, Jun. 1995
1995 吳安妮, 1995.05, '最佳實務之標竿制度(下), ' 會計研究月刊, No.116, pp.120-130., vol. 180822, May. 1995
1995 吳安妮, 1995.04, '最佳實務之標竿制度(上), ' 會計研究月刊, No.115, pp.107-115., vol. 180821, Apr. 1995
1995 吳安妮, 1995.03, '品質及程序改進之英國觀點(下), ' 會計研究月刊, No.114, pp.135-143., vol. 180820, Mar. 1995
1995 吳安妮, 1995.02, '品質及程序改進之英國觀點(上), ' 會計研究月刊, No.113, pp.115-119., vol. 180819, Feb. 1995
1995 Merchant, K.;C. Chow;A. Wu, 1995, 'Measurement, Evaluation and Reward of Profit Center Managers: A Cross-Cultural Field Study, ' Accounting, Organization and Society, Vol.20, No.7-8, pp.619-638.(SSCI), vol. 118544, 1995
1994 吳安妮, 1994.12, '掌握競爭優勢之標竿制度(下), ' 會計研究月刊, No.111, pp.102-106., vol. 180818, Dec. 1994
1994 吳安妮, 1994.11, '掌握競爭優勢之標竿制度(上), ' 會計研究月刊, No.110, pp.42-45., vol. 180817, Nov. 1994
1994 吳安妮, 1994.10, '新製造環境下成本基礎之定價制度, ' 會計研究月刊, No.109, pp.96-101., vol. 180816, Oct. 1994
1994 吳安妮, 1994.09, '整合式程序設計及發展, ' 會計研究月刊, No.108, pp.84-90., vol. 180815, Sep. 1994
1994 吳安妮, 1994.08, '中小企業之作業制成本制度, ' 會計研究月刊, No.107, pp.64-69., vol. 180814, Aug. 1994
1994 吳安妮, 1994.07, '品質與生產力提昇之道-標竿制度(下), ' 會計研究月刊, No.106, pp.108-111., vol. 180813, Jul. 1994
1994 吳安妮, 1994.06, '品質與生產力提昇之道-標竿制度(上), ' 會計研究月刊, No.105, pp.59-63., vol. 180812, Jun. 1994
1994 吳安妮, 1994.05, '作業制管理制度新思潮-運用資訊科技改造企業程序革新(下), ' 會計研究月刊, No.104, pp.132-136., vol. 180811, May. 1994
1994 吳安妮, 1994.04, '作業制管理制度新思潮-運用資訊科技改造企業程序革新(上), ' 會計研究月刊, No.103, pp.56-59., vol. 180810, Apr. 1994
1994 吳安妮, 1994.03, '創造競爭優勢之新工具-策略性成本管理(下), ' 會計研究月刊, No.102, pp.132-136., vol. 180809, Mar. 1994
1994 吳安妮, 1994.02, '創造競爭優勢之新工具-策略性成本管理(上), ' 會計研究月刊, No.101, pp.61-66., vol. 180808, Feb. 1994
1994 吳安妮;周齊武, 1994.01, '採漸進式成本法將達蒙其利反受其害, ' 會計研究月刊, No.100, pp.129-132., vol. 180807, Jan. 1994
1994 吳安妮, 1994.01, '後勤服務與配銷體系管理, ' 會計研究月刊, No.100, pp.107-111., vol. 180806, Jan. 1994
1993 吳安妮, 1993.12, '如何創造以及保持成本效益組織, ' 會計研究月刊, No.99, pp.42-45., vol. 180805, Dec. 1993
1993 吳安妮;劉俊儒;張育琳, 1993.11, '作業基礎成本制之整體內容與未來研究方向(下), ' 會計研究月刊, No.98, pp.102-105., vol. 180804, Nov. 1993
1993 吳安妮, 1993.11, '增進全面顧客滿意度, ' 會計研究月刊, No.98, pp.52-54., vol. 180801, Nov. 1993
1993 吳安妮;劉俊儒;張育琳, 1993.10, '作業基礎成本制之整體內容與未來研究方向(中), ' 會計研究月刊, No.97, pp.92-100., vol. 190583, Oct. 1993
1993 吳安妮, 1993.10, '今日製造環境下之成本管理, ' 會計研究月刊, No.97, pp.62-66., vol. 180800, Oct. 1993
1993 吳安妮;劉俊儒;張育琳, 1993.09, '作業基礎成本制之整體內容與未來研究方向(上), ' 會計研究月刊, No.96, pp.64-73., vol. 180799, Sep. 1993
1993 吳安妮, 1993.09, '作業制成本制度之用於金融、財務機構, ' 會計研究月刊, No.96, pp.58-63., vol. 180798, Sep. 1993
1993 吳安妮, 1993.08, '提供有效資訊,管理人員如何獲取所需的資訊, ' 會計研究月刊, No.95, pp.79-82., vol. 180797, Aug. 1993
1993 吳安妮, 1993.07, '企業競爭的新利器-新產品與程序發展之管理與個案分析(下), ' 會計研究月刊, No.94, pp.63-66., vol. 180796, Jul. 1993
1993 吳安妮, 1993.07, '財務分析師、管理當局及統計模式預測準確度之比較研究, ' 管理評論, Vol.12, pp.1-48., vol. 118880, Jul. 1993
1993 吳安妮, 1993.06, '企業競爭的新利器-新產品與程序發展之管理與個案分析(上), ' 會計研究月刊, No.93, pp.142-147., vol. 190579, Jun. 1993
1993 吳安妮, 1993.05, '公司文化與長期績效之影響, ' 會計研究月刊, No.92, pp.84-86., vol. 180795, May. 1993
1993 吳安妮, 1993.04, '政府會計人員應具有的成本管理新觀念, ' 主計月報, Vol.75, No.4, pp.46-50., vol. 180794, Apr. 1993
1993 吳安妮, 1993.04, '重捨攸關性 -由上而下的控制到由下而上的動員, ' 會計研究月刊, No.91, pp.94-98., vol. 180793, Apr. 1993
1993 吳安妮, 1993.04, '台灣經理人員主動揭露盈餘預測資訊內涵之實證研究, ' 會計評論, Vol.27, pp.76-107., vol. 118879, Apr. 1993
1993 周齊武;吳安妮, 1993.03, '提昇學生對基本成本觀念之瞭解: 整合討論法之運用, ' 會計研究月刊, No.90, pp.91-98., vol. 180791, Mar. 1993
1993 吳安妮, 1993.02, '產品發展績效: 策略、組織及管理, ' 會計研究月刊, No.89, pp.142-145., vol. 180790, Feb. 1993
1993 吳安妮, 1993.01, '攸關性、正確性和及時性-策略性管理會計, ' 會計研究月刊, No.88, pp.35-40., vol. 180789, Jan. 1993
1992 吳安妮, 1992.12, '新管理會計, ' 會計研究月刊, No.87, pp.75-78., vol. 180788, Dec. 1992
1992 吳安妮, 1992.11, '明日成本管理, ' 會計研究月刊, No.86, pp.70-74., vol. 180787, Nov. 1992
1992 吳安妮, 1992.11, '台灣企業併購動機之實証研究, ' 管理評論, Vol.11, pp.1-27., vol. 118686, Nov. 1992
1992 吳安妮, 1992.10, '績效衡量、評估及獎勵, ' 會計研究月刊, No.85, pp.80-82., vol. 180786, Oct. 1992
1992 吳安妮, 1992.09, '管理控制系統下之會計資訊, ' 會計研究月刊, No.84, pp.59-61., vol. 180785, Sep. 1992
1992 吳安妮, 1992.08, '管理階層必讀的好書-ABC制度績效之突破, ' 會計研究月刊, No.83, pp.43-46., vol. 180784, Aug. 1992
1992 吳安妮, 1992.07, '服務業之作業制管理制度-以會計師事務所為例(下), ' 會計研究月刊, No.82, pp.59-66., vol. 180783, Jul. 1992
1992 吳安妮, 1992.06, '管理控制系統, ' 會計研究月刊, No.81, pp.49-51., vol. 180780, Jun. 1992
1992 吳安妮, 1992.06, '服務業之作業制管理制度-以會計師事務所為例(上), ' 會計研究月刊, No.81, pp.17-24., vol. 180779, Jun. 1992
1992 吳安妮, 1992.04, '非營利組織下之管理控制系統, ' 會計研究月刊, No.79, pp.71-74., vol. 180778, Apr. 1992
1992 吳安妮, 1992.04, '作業成本管理與品質成本制度之結合與運用, ' 主計月報, Vol.73, No.4, pp.49-54., vol. 180777, Apr. 1992
1992 林嬋娟;吳安妮, 1992.04, '台灣企業併購綜效及績效之實證研究, ' 會計評論, No.26, pp.1-23., vol. 118878, Apr. 1992
1992 周齊武;吳安妮, 1992.03, '制定較佳之管理決策: 分解法之運用, ' 會計研究月刊, No.78, pp.21-25., vol. 180776, Mar. 1992
1992 吳安妮, 1992.02, '提升競爭力與生產力的利器-附加價值之生產力衡量及管理改進之實務方法, ' 會計研究月刊, No.77, pp.89-91., vol. 180775, Feb. 1992
1992 吳安妮, 1992.01, '提昇競爭力與生產力的利器-日本式總生產維護(TPM), ' 會計研究月刊, No.76, pp.118-120., vol. 180773, Jan. 1992
1991 吳安妮, 1991.12, '日本式品質管理-公司整體性之總品質控制, ' 會計研究月刊, No.75, pp.67-70., vol. 180772, Dec. 1991
1991 吳安妮, 1991.11, '理論與實務之結合-生命週期成本制度, ' 會計研究月刊, No.74, pp.150-152., vol. 180771, Nov. 1991
1991 吳安妮, 1991.10, '品質成本與持續性改進之連結, ' 會計研究月刊, No.73, pp.55-57., vol. 180769, Oct. 1991
1991 吳安妮, 1991.09, '管理會計人員對環境改變之反應, ' 會計研究月刊, No.72, pp.82-83., vol. 180766, Sep. 1991
1991 吳安妮, 1991.08, '「為全球性之製造而設之全球性會計」專書, ' 會計研究月刊, No.71, pp.67-68., vol. 180765, Aug. 1991
1991 周齊武;吳安妮, 1991.07, '有效商業決策之先決條件-防衛成本及利潤預算誤差之評估措施, ' 會計研究月刊, No.70, pp.51-57., vol. 180763, Jul. 1991
1991 吳安妮, 1991.07, 'JIT環境下之成本會計, ' 會計研究月刊, No.70, pp.61-63., vol. 180764, Jul. 1991
1991 吳安妮, 1991.06, '成本管理系統之設計, ' 會計研究月刊, No.69, pp.21-22., vol. 180760, Jun. 1991
1991 吳安妮, 1991.05, '作業基礎之成本制度法, ' 會計研究月刊, No.68, pp.29-31., vol. 180756, May. 1991
1991 吳安妮, 1991.05, '管會新技術取代傳統管會技術, ' 國立政治大學會計學報, pp.26-43., vol. 180757, May. 1991
1991 周齊武;吳安妮, 1991.04, '將常識與公式結合: 運用常識法教授差異分析, ' 會計研究月刊, No.67, pp.18-21., vol. 180752, Apr. 1991
1991 吳安妮, 1991.03, '掙脫傳統管會窠臼: 國際競爭環境下管會之革新與展望(下), ' 會計研究月刊, No.66, pp.13-19., vol. 180750, Mar. 1991
1991 周齊武;吳安妮, 1991.03, '成會與管會之整合架構: 成本-數量-利潤分析, ' 會計研究月刊, No.66, pp.56-59., vol. 180751, Mar. 1991
1991 吳安妮, 1991.02, '經理人員自願揭露盈餘預測資訊給外界之決定因素--實證研究, ' 會計評論, Vol.25, pp.1-24., vol. 157350, Feb. 1991
1991 吳安妮, 1991.02, '掙脫傳統管會窠臼: 國際競爭環境下管會之革新與展望(上), ' 會計研究月刊, No.65, pp.54-59., vol. 180748, Feb. 1991
1991 Cheung, J.;M. Li;A. Wu, 1991, 'A Comparative Analysis of US and Taiwanese Firm''s Decisions to Issue Earnings Forecasts, ' The International Journal of Accounting, pp.264-276., vol. 189952, 1991
1990 吳安妮, 1990.12, '管理系統新指標: 製造技術革新對績效評估之影響, ' 會計研究月刊, No.63, pp.88-92., vol. 180746, Dec. 1990
1990 吳安妮, 1990.11, 'ABC制度之精神: 增強企業之競爭能力, ' 會計研究月刊, No.62, pp.92-95., vol. 180742, Nov. 1990
1990 吳安妮, 1990.10, '財務管會計引導管理會計之省思, ' 會計研究月刊, No.61, pp.19-21., vol. 180734, Oct. 1990
1990 吳安妮, 1990.09, '會計研究之主導-實證研究之理論基礎(下), ' 會計研究月刊, No.60, pp.61-64., vol. 180733, Sep. 1990
1990 吳安妮, 1990.08, '會計研究之主導-實證研究之理論基礎(上), ' 會計研究月刊, No.59, pp.74-77., vol. 180732, Aug. 1990
1990 吳安妮, 1990.07, '九十年代管理會計之變革:談績效評估未來之方向與架構, ' 會計研究月刊, No.58, pp.56-59., vol. 180638, Jul. 1990
Project Category Year Project Title Participator Job Title Period Unit
MOST Projects 112 ESG之決定因素及其對財務及非財務績效之影響--多種田野研究方法之運用(2/2) WU ANNE Principal Investigator 2024.08 ~ 2025.07 National Science and Technology Council
Other Projects 113 作業價值管理(AVM)導入暨管理模組之建立 WU ANNE,HUANG CHENG-JEN Principal Investigator 2024.01 ~ 2024.12
MOST Projects 112 ESG之決定因素及其對財務及非財務績效之影響--多種田野研究方法之運用(1/2) WU ANNE Principal Investigator 2023.08 ~ 2025.07 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 111 前瞻技術產學合作計畫-智慧製造環境下的即時及整合管理:管理決策系統、預測系統、預警系統及資安系統(3/3) WU ANNE,LI TSAI-YEN,TSO RAY-LIN,LO MING-SHIOW,LIN YI-LING Principal Investigator 2022.11 ~ 2024.10 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 109 作業價值管理、績效評估及獎酬管理新制度之設計與實施及其對財務或非財務績效之影響--多重田野研究方法(3/3) WU ANNE Principal Investigator 2022.08 ~ 2023.07 National Science and Technology Council
Other Projects 111 作業價值管理(AVM)導入暨管理模組之建立 WU ANNE,HUANG CHENG-JEN Principal Investigator 2022.05 ~ 2023.05
Other Projects 111 臺鐵局服務性路線營運虧損計算資訊化委託專業服務案 WU ANNE Principal Investigator 2022.04 ~ 2024.04
Other Projects 111 中文個案撰寫 CHEN YENN-RU,LO MING-SHIOW,WU ANNE Principal Investigator 2022.01 ~ 2023.01
MOST Projects 110 前瞻技術產學合作計畫-產學研發中心計畫—智慧製造環境下的即時及 整合管理:管理決策系統、預測系統、預警系統及資安系統(2/3) WU ANNE,LI TSAI-YEN,TSO RAY-LIN,LO MING-SHIOW,TSAIH RUA-HUAN Principal Investigator 2021.11 ~ 2023.04 National Science and Technology Council
Other Projects 110 作業價值管理(AVM)導入暨管理模組之建立 WU ANNE,HUANG CHENG-JEN Principal Investigator 2021.08 ~ 2022.05
MOST Projects 109 作業價值管理、績效評估及獎酬管理新制度之設計與實施及其對財務或非財務績效之影響--多重田野研究方法(2/3) WU ANNE Principal Investigator 2021.08 ~ 2023.07 National Science and Technology Council
Other Projects 110 作業價值管理(AVM)導入暨管理模組之建立 WU ANNE Principal Investigator 2021.03 ~ 2022.12
MOST Projects 109 產學合作-產學研發中心計畫-智慧製造環境下的即時及整合管理:管理決策系統、預測系統、預警系統及資安系統(1/3) WU ANNE,LO CHUNG MING,TSO RAY-LIN,LI TSAI-YEN,CHEN CHUEN-LUNG,TSAIH RUA-HUAN,LO MING-SHIOW Principal Investigator 2020.11 ~ 2022.06 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 109 作業價值管理、績效評估及獎酬管理新制度之設計與實施及其對財務或非財務績效之影響--多重田野研究方法(1/3) WU ANNE Principal Investigator 2020.08 ~ 2023.07 National Science and Technology Council
Other Projects 109 中文個案撰寫 WU ANNE,CHEN YENN-RU,LIN CHING-TING Principal Investigator 2020.03 ~ 2021.02
Other Projects 109 作業價值管理(AVM)教學分享會工作計畫 WU ANNE Principal Investigator 2020.02 ~ 2020.02 Ministry of Education, Republic of China (Taiwan)
MOST Projects 106 產品、顧客及員工面非財務或財務績效之決定因素及其影響--多重研究方法之運用(3/3) WU ANNE Principal Investigator 2019.08 ~ 2020.07 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 108 新興科技創新營運模式-金融科技創新營運研究中心設立與維運計畫-總計畫及子計畫四(3/4) WANG LI-LING,WANG WEN-YING,TSAI CHENG-HSIEN,CHEN KUNG,PENG JIN-LUNG,TANG KWEI,SU WEI-CHIEH,LEE CHIA-LIN,CHIOU JYH-SHEN,BEI LIEN-TI,SENG JIA-LANG,WU ANNE 2019.06 ~ 2020.08 National Science and Technology Council
Other Projects 107 大專院校教學實踐研究計畫-實踐管理會計學用合一之創新教學研究:以作業價值管理(AVM)為核心 WU ANNE Principal Investigator 2018.08 ~ 2019.07 Ministry of Education, Republic of China (Taiwan)
MOST Projects 106 產品、顧客及員工面非財務或財務績效之決定因素及其影響--多重研究方法之運用(2/3) WU ANNE Principal Investigator 2018.08 ~ 2020.07 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 105 主觀績效、客觀績效、績效評估偏誤及獎酬偏誤之決定因素及其影響--平衡計分卡觀點(3/3) WU ANNE Principal Investigator 2018.08 ~ 2019.07 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 107 【新興科技創新營運模式-金融科技創新營運研究中心設立與維運計畫-子計畫六(2/4)】 WU ANNE Principal Investigator 2018.06 ~ 2019.05 National Science and Technology Council
Other Projects 107 中文個案撰寫 WU ANNE,PENG TZU-JU,CHEN YENN-RU,LIN CHING-TING,CHOU WEN-CHING Principal Investigator 2018.05 ~ 2019.05
MOST Projects 106 產品、顧客及員工面非財務或財務績效之決定因素及其影響--多重研究方法之運用(1/3) WU ANNE Principal Investigator 2017.08 ~ 2020.07 National Science and Technology Council
Other Projects 106 工業4.0管理決策 WU ANNE Principal Investigator 2017.08 ~ 2018.07
MOST Projects 105 主觀績效、客觀績效、績效評估偏誤及獎酬偏誤之決定因素及其影響--平衡計分卡觀點(2/3) WU ANNE,WU ANNE Principal Investigator 2017.08 ~ 2018.07 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 106 新興科技創新營運模式-金融科技創新營運研究中心設立與維運計畫-總計畫及子計畫四(1/4) TANG KWEI,CHEN KUNG,PENG JIN-LUNG,SU WEI-CHIEH,LEE CHIA-LIN,CHIOU JYH-SHEN,BEI LIEN-TI,SENG JIA-LANG,WU ANNE,WANG LI-LING 2017.06 ~ 2018.05 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 106 新興科技創新營運模式-金融科技創新營運研究中心設立與維運計畫-子計畫六(1/4) WU ANNE Principal Investigator 2017.06 ~ 2018.05 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 105 主觀績效、客觀績效、績效評估偏誤及獎酬偏誤之決定因素及其影響--平衡計分卡觀點(1/3) WU ANNE Principal Investigator 2016.08 ~ 2017.07 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 103 公司內外部社會網路對創新研發、經營績效、及獎酬機制影響之研究:多重研究方法之運用(3/3) WU ANNE Principal Investigator 2016.08 ~ 2017.08 National Science and Technology Council
Other Projects 105 AVM與工業4.0結合之產業合作計畫 WU ANNE Principal Investigator 2016.06 ~ 2017.05
Other Projects 105 中文個案撰寫 WU ANNE Principal Investigator 2016.06 ~ 2017.05
MOST Projects 102 智慧資本之發展:宏觀與微觀研究-人力資本、創新資本、及顧客資本價值之決定因素及其對非財務及財務績效之影響--多重研究方法(3/3) WU ANNE Principal Investigator 2015.08 ~ 2016.07 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 103 公司內外部社會網路對創新研發、經營績效、及獎酬機制影響之研究:多重研究方法之運用(2/3) WU ANNE Principal Investigator 2015.08 ~ 2017.08 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 102 智慧資本之發展:宏觀與微觀研究-人力資本、創新資本、及顧客資本價值之決定因素及其對非財務及財務績效之影響--多重研究方法(2/3) WU ANNE Principal Investigator 2014.08 ~ 2015.07 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 103 公司內外部社會網路對創新研發、經營績效、及獎酬機制影響之研究:多重研究方法之運用(1/3) WU ANNE Principal Investigator 2014.08 ~ 2017.08 National Science and Technology Council
Other Projects 103 區域智慧資本三年計畫(第二年) WU ANNE,LIAO WEN-HUNG,LIN LIANG-FENG,LIU JYI-SHANE Principal Investigator 2014.01 ~ 2014.12
MOST Projects 100 策略性供應商及顧客績效管理:平衡計分卡觀點(3/3) WU ANNE Principal Investigator 2013.08 ~ 2014.07 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 102 智慧資本之發展:宏觀與微觀研究-人力資本、創新資本、及顧客資本價值之決定因素及其對非財務及財務績效之影響--多重研究方法(1/3) WU ANNE Principal Investigator 2013.08 ~ 2014.07 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 102 2013 台灣會計學者策略共識營 CHEN MING-CHIN,WU ANNE Principal Investigator 2013.05 ~ 2013.09 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 100 當代中國商管議題之整合研究-子計畫四:大陸民營企業成本管理、績效管理與獎酬管理之研究(3/3) WU ANNE Principal Investigator 2013.01 ~ 2013.12 National Science and Technology Council
Other Projects 101 區域智慧資本三年計畫(第一年) WU ANNE,LIN YEH-YUN,CHOU LI-FANG,WEN CHAO-TUNG,LIAO WEN-HUNG,CHEN SHENG-CHIH,LIN Yung-Teng,CHANG YU-CHIEN,LIN LIANG-FENG,LIU JYI-SHANE Principal Investigator 2012.12 ~ 2013.12
MOST Projects 99 「智慧資本之研究:管理議題探討」三年整合型計畫-子計畫五 : 社會資本、人力資本與社會資本、及結構資本與與社會資本之動因及其對績效影響之整合性研究-平衡計分卡觀點(3/3) WU ANNE Principal Investigator 2012.08 ~ 2013.07 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 100 策略性供應商及顧客績效管理:平衡計分卡觀點(2/3) WU ANNE Principal Investigator 2012.08 ~ 2013.07 National Science and Technology Council
Other Projects 101 第一期中國信託人籌保險股份有限公司策略性智慧資本評估管理模組(SICEM)之建立 WU ANNE Principal Investigator 2012.07 ~ 2013.08
Other Projects 101 第二期中小企業處策略性智慧資本評估管理模組(SICEM)之建立 WU ANNE Principal Investigator 2012.07 ~ 2013.08
MOST Projects 100 當代中國商管議題之整合研究-子計畫四:大陸民營企業成本管理、績效管理與獎酬管理之研究(2/3) WU ANNE Principal Investigator 2012.01 ~ 2012.12 National Science and Technology Council
Other Projects 101 策略性智慧資本評估管理模組之建立 WU ANNE Principal Investigator 2012.01 ~ 2012.06
MOST Projects 99 「智慧資本之研究:管理議題探討」三年整合型計畫-子計畫五 : 社會資本、人力資本與社會資本、及結構資本與與社會資本之動因及其對績效影響之整合性研究-平衡計分卡觀點(2/3) WU ANNE Principal Investigator 2011.08 ~ 2012.07 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 100 策略性供應商及顧客績效管理:平衡計分卡觀點(1/3) WU ANNE Principal Investigator 2011.08 ~ 2012.07 National Science and Technology Council
Other Projects 100 策略性智慧資本評估管理模組(SICEM)之建立 WU ANNE Principal Investigator 2011.07 ~ 2011.12
MOST Projects 100 當代中國商管議題之整合研究-子計畫四:大陸民營企業成本管理、績效管理與獎酬管理之研究(1/3) WU ANNE Principal Investigator 2011.01 ~ 2011.12 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 99 「智慧資本之研究:管理議題探討」三年整合型計畫-子計畫五 : 社會資本、人力資本與社會資本、及結構資本與社會資本之動因及其對績效影響之整合性研究-平衡計分卡觀點(1/3) WU ANNE Principal Investigator 2010.08 ~ 2011.07 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 97 平衡計分卡實施後對策略衡量系統、策略獎酬制度及組織績效影響之研究-多重研究方法之分析(3/3) WU ANNE Principal Investigator 2010.08 ~ 2011.07 National Science and Technology Council
Other Projects 99 台灣經濟與企業發展史研究 CHANG YEG-MIN,LOU YUNG-CHIEN,BEI LIEN-TI,LU SHAO-LI,HSUNG RAY-MAY,WANG JENN-HWAN,WU ANNE,WEN CHAO-TUNG 2010.08 ~ 2011.01 Ministry of Education, Republic of China (Taiwan)
MOST Projects 99 平衡計分卡實施後對策略衡量系統、策略獎酬制度及組織績效影響之研究-多重研究方法之分析(延攬) WU ANNE Principal Investigator 2010.01 ~ 2010.12 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 98 商管產學橋接研究中心先導計畫-政治大學團隊 WU ANNE,SU KUA-TERNG Principal Investigator 2009.10 ~ 2011.06 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 96 台商及大陸企業經營管理與會計研究—子計畫三:台商的公司治理ˋ管理控制系統、及領導風格對經營績效影響之研究(3/3) WU ANNE,LIANG JIA-WEN Principal Investigator 2009.08 ~ 2010.07 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 97 平衡計分卡實施後對策略衡量系統、策略獎酬制度及組織績效影響之研究-多重研究方法之分析(2/3) WU ANNE Principal Investigator 2009.08 ~ 2010.07 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 98 平衡計分卡實施後對策略衡量系統、策略獎酬制度及組織績效影響之研究-多重研究方法之分析 WU ANNE Principal Investigator 2009.02 ~ 2009.12 National Science and Technology Council
Other Projects 98 導入平衡計分卡管理制度 WU ANNE Principal Investigator 2009.01 ~ 2009.07
MOST Projects 98 多重目的個案研究整合型計畫(III)-總計畫暨子計畫一 WU ANNE Principal Investigator 2009.01 ~ 2010.03 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 97 平衡計分卡實施後對策略衡量系統、策略獎酬制度及組織績效影響之研究-多重研究方法之分析(1/3) WU ANNE Principal Investigator 2008.08 ~ 2009.07 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 96 台商及大陸企業經營管理與會計研究—子計畫三:台商的公司治理ˋ管理控制系統、及領導風格對經營績效影響之研究(2/3) WU ANNE,LIANG JIA-WEN Principal Investigator 2008.08 ~ 2009.07 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 96 多重目的個案研究整合型計畫(Ⅱ) WU ANNE,HUANG KUO-FENG,HSIAO RUEY-LIN,MA SHEREES,CHOU LING-TAI LYNETTE,WEN CHAO-TUNG Principal Investigator 2007.08 ~ 2008.12 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 96 台商及大陸企業經營管理與會計研究—子計畫三:台商的公司治理ˋ管理控制系統、及領導風格對經營績效影響之研究(1/3) WU ANNE,LIANG JIA-WEN Principal Investigator 2007.08 ~ 2008.07 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 96 台商及大陸企業經營管理與會計研究-總計畫(1/3) CHEN MING-CHIN,LIANG JIA-WEN,CHIN CHEN-LUNG,WU ANNE 2007.08 ~ 2008.07 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 96 以平衡計分卡之觀點探討競爭策略對財務及非財務績效之影響-以銀行業為研究對象(3/3) WU ANNE Principal Investigator 2007.08 ~ 2008.07 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 96 總計畫暨子計畫一:平衡計分卡之實施對公司各層面之影響 WU ANNE Principal Investigator 2007.07 ~ 2008.05 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 95 以平衡計分卡之觀點探討競爭策略對財務及非財務績效之影響─以銀行業為研究對象(2/3) WU ANNE Principal Investigator 2006.08 ~ 2007.07 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 95 結構資本、人力資本及關係資本之研究─多種研究方法之應用(3/3) WU ANNE Principal Investigator 2006.08 ~ 2007.07 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 95 多重目的的個案研究整合型計畫─總計畫暨子計畫一:平衡計分卡之實施對公司各層面之影響 WU ANNE,HUANG KUO-FENG,CHOU LING-TAI LYNETTE,WEN CHAO-TUNG Principal Investigator 2006.07 ~ 2007.09 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 95 中國大陸研究出國考察計畫(國外差旅費) WU ANNE Principal Investigator 2006.06 ~ 2006.07 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 94 臺商經營管理與會計研究整合型計畫先期規劃案 CHEN MING-CHIN,LIANG JIA-WEN,CHIN CHEN-LUNG,WU ANNE 2005.11 ~ 2006.12 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 94 結構資本、人力資本及關係資本之研究-多種研究方法之應用(2/3) WU ANNE Principal Investigator 2005.08 ~ 2006.07 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 94 以平衡計分卡觀點探討競爭策略對財務及非財務績效之影響-以銀行業為研究對象(1/3) WU ANNE Principal Investigator 2005.08 ~ 2006.07 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 94 赴日本神戶大學參加臺日學術交流研討會(國外差旅費) WU ANNE Principal Investigator 2005.06 ~ 2005.07 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 94 管理一學門規劃研究推動計畫(3/3) WU ANNE Principal Investigator 2005.01 ~ 2005.12 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 93 平衡計分卡各構面相關性及其影響因素之整體研究─多種研究方法之運用(3/3) WU ANNE Principal Investigator 2004.08 ~ 2005.07 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 93 結構資本、人力資本及關係資本之研究─多種研究方法之應用(1/3) WU ANNE Principal Investigator 2004.08 ~ 2005.07 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 93 智慧資本赴歐洲考察計畫(國外差旅費) WU ANNE Principal Investigator 2004.07 ~ 2004.09 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 93 管理一學門規劃研究推動計畫(2/3) WU ANNE Principal Investigator 2004.01 ~ 2004.12 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 92 全民健保制度下醫療機構收入、成本、品質、及績效與獎酬管理之整體研究—多重研究方法之運用(3/3) WU ANNE Principal Investigator 2003.08 ~ 2004.07 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 92 平衡計分卡各構面相關性及其影響因素之整體研究—多種研究方法之運用(2/3) WU ANNE Principal Investigator 2003.08 ~ 2004.07 National Science and Technology Council
Other Projects 92 我國產業智慧資本標竿企業個案研究與比較 WU SE-HWA,CHEN MING-CHIN,WU ANNE,WANG WEN-YING 2003.03 ~ 2003.11
MOST Projects 92 管理一學門規劃研究推動計畫(1/3) WU ANNE Principal Investigator 2003.01 ~ 2003.12 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 91 台灣會計學術單位期刊著作表現之研究 WU ANNE,PENG HUOSHU Principal Investigator 2002.08 ~ 2002.11 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 91 全民健保制度下醫療機構收入、成本、品質、及績效與獎酬管理之整體研究—多重研究方法之運用(2/3) WU ANNE Principal Investigator 2002.08 ~ 2003.07 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 91 平衡計分卡各構面相關性及其影響因素之整體研究—多種研究方法之運用(1/3) WU ANNE Principal Investigator 2002.08 ~ 2003.07 National Science and Technology Council
Other Projects 91 我國產業智慧資本評價先導性個案研究 WU SE-HWA,WANG WEN-YING,LIN WAN-YING,PENG HUOSHU,WU ANNE 2002.03 ~ 2002.10
Other Projects 90 公務機關實施「平衡計分卡」及「績效評估及管理」制度之探討 WU ANNE Principal Investigator 2001.09 ~ 2002.03
Other Projects 90 我國產業智慧資本評價先導性個案研究 WU SE-HWA,WU ANNE 2001.09 ~ 2001.12
MOST Projects 90 全民健保制度下醫療機構收入、成本、品質、及績效與獎酬管理之整體研究---多重研究方法之運用(1/3) WU ANNE Principal Investigator 2001.08 ~ 2002.07 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 89 整合性策略成本管理制度的設計、實施、運用及其對公司績效影響之研究(2/2) WU ANNE Principal Investigator 2000.08 ~ 2001.07 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 89 政府會計整合型研究計畫-普通公務機關及非營業基金之『成本』與『績效』,及其影響因素之研究-多重研究方法之運用 WU ANNE Principal Investigator 2000.08 ~ 2001.07 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 89 台灣產業生產與營運效率、產品成本、及顧客獲利力影響因素之整體性研究-多重研究方法之運用(I) WU ANNE Principal Investigator 2000.08 ~ 2001.07 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 89 政府會計整合型研究計畫規劃 CHOU LING-TAI LYNETTE,CHI YAN-PING,WU ANNE 1999.11 ~ 2000.01 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 89 我國衛生署醫療評鑑對醫院醫療品質及財務收支結構影響之研究 WU ANNE, LIUJENTEN Principal Investigator 1999.08 ~ 2000.07 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 89 整合性策略成本管理制度的設計、實施、運用及其對公司績效影響之研究 WU ANNE Principal Investigator 1999.08 ~ 2000.07 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 88 管理當局及財務分析師財務預測行為與企業對外募集資金之關係性---多種研究方法 WU ANNE, LIUJENTEN Principal Investigator 1998.08 ~ 1999.07 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 88 台灣產業實施及運用策略性績效評估制度(平衡計分卡)之探討---田野研究 WU ANNE Principal Investigator 1998.08 ~ 1999.07 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 87 以TQM提昇產業競爭力---運用TQM下的標竿制度來提昇台灣產業之競爭力 WU ANNE Principal Investigator 1997.08 ~ 1998.07 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 87 財務預測資訊與盈餘管理行為相關性之實證研究 WU ANNE Principal Investigator 1997.08 ~ 1998.07 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 86 我國金融機構成本管理制度之探討---田野研究 WU ANNE Principal Investigator 1996.08 ~ 1997.07 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 86 管理當局在盈餘宣告前提供預警訊息(預測資訊)給投資者之實証研究 WU ANNE Principal Investigator 1996.08 ~ 1997.07 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 85 台灣財務分析師預測對上市公司會計盈餘宣告反應之情況分析---實證研究 WU ANNE Principal Investigator 1995.08 ~ 1996.07 National Science and Technology Council
Country School Name Department Degree Duration
U.S.A. 美國喬治華盛頓大學 The Accountancy, School of Business 博士 1986.02 ~ 1989.10
TAIWAN, REPUBLIC OF CHINA 國立中山大學 企業管理(學)系 碩士 1983.08 ~ 1985.06
TAIWAN, REPUBLIC OF CHINA 東海大學 經濟學系 學士 1972.08 ~ 1977.06
Experience Category Organization Title Department Job Title Duration
Current NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY Department of Accounting 教授 2018.02 ~ 2025.02
Current NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY Department of Accounting 教授 2015.02 ~ 2017.08
Current NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY Department of Accounting 教授 2014.08 ~ 2015.02
Current NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY Department of Accounting 教授 2013.01 ~ 2014.08
Current NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY Department of Accounting 教授 2011.08 ~ 2013.01
Current NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY Department of Accounting 教授 2008.08 ~ 2011.02
Current NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY Department of Accounting 教授 2006.08 ~ 2008.02
Current NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY Department of Accounting 教授 2004.01 ~ 2006.02
Current NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY Department of Accounting 教授 2003.08 ~ 2003.09
Current NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY Department of Accounting 教授 1994.02 ~ 2002.02
Current NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY Department of Accounting 副教授 1990.02 ~ 1994.02
Part Time NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY Center for Business Sustainability 中心副主任(一級行政) 2024.06 ~ 2024.07
Honor Category Year Award Name Awarding Unit
Inside School 112 中華民國斐陶斐榮譽學會傑出成就獎 中華民國斐陶斐榮譽學會
Inside School 112 講座教授 國立政治大學
Inside School 112 國科會研究獎勵 科技部(國科會)
Inside School 111 國科會研究獎勵 科技部(國科會)
Inside School 110 國科會研究獎勵 科技部(國科會)
Inside School 109 講座教授 國立政治大學
Inside School 109 國科會研究獎勵 科技部(國科會)
Inside School 109 資深優良教師(30年) 國立政治大學
Inside School 107 國科會研究獎勵 科技部(國科會)
Inside School 107 仲尼傑出教學獎 國立政治大學
Inside School 107 國科會傑出特約研究員獎 科技部(國科會)
Inside School 106 講座教授 國立政治大學
Inside School 106 國科會獎勵特殊優秀人才 科技部(國科會)
Inside School 105 國科會獎勵特殊優秀人才 科技部(國科會)
Inside School 104 國科會獎勵特殊優秀人才 科技部(國科會)
Inside School 103 講座教授 國立政治大學
Inside School 103 國科會獎勵特殊優秀人才 科技部(國科會)
Inside School 102 國科會獎勵特殊優秀人才 科技部(國科會)
Inside School 101 教育部學術獎 教育部
Inside School 100 講座教授 國立政治大學
Inside School 99 資深優良教師(20年) 國立政治大學
Inside School 98 國科會傑出研究獎 科技部(國科會)
Inside School 97 講座教授 國立政治大學
Inside School 97 講座教授 政治大學
Inside School 97 學術研究成果國際化優等研究獎 政治大學
Inside School 96 學術研究成果國際化優等研究獎 政治大學
Inside School 96 學術研究特優獎 政治大學
Inside School 95 學術研究特優獎 政治大學
Inside School 93 學術研究成果國際化特優研究獎 政治大學
Inside School 93 學術研究成果國際化優等研究獎 政治大學
Inside School 93 教育部優秀公教人員 教育部
Inside School 91 傑出研究講座 政治大學
Inside School 91 國科會傑出研究獎 科技部(國科會)
Inside School 90 傑出研究講座 政治大學
Inside School 90 三等服務獎章 政治大學
Inside School 90 學術研究成果國際化特優研究獎 政治大學
Inside School 89 資深優良教師(10年) 國立政治大學
Inside School 89 傑出教師獎 國立政治大學
Inside School 88 國科會傑出研究獎 科技部(國科會)
Inside School 87 國科會甲種研究獎勵 科技部(國科會)
Inside School 86 國科會甲種研究獎勵 科技部(國科會)
Inside School 84 國科會甲種研究獎勵 科技部(國科會)
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Inside School 82 國科會甲種研究獎勵 科技部(國科會)
Inside School 81 國科會甲種研究獎勵 科技部(國科會)
Year Paper Title
2018 Chuang, C.;A. Wu*;W. Boh, 2018.08, 'Too much of Good Thing? It is Not about Product Diversification but Human Capital, ' The American Accounting Association Annual Meeting, American Accounting Association.(*為通訊作者), Aug. 2018
2018 Balakrishnan Ramji;J. Huang*;A. Wu, 2018.01, 'Target Setting in a Multi‐Task Environment: An Empirical Investigation, ' The 2018 Management Accounting Section (MAS) Meeting, American Accounting Association (AAA).(*為通訊作者), Jan. 2018
2018 Clara Chen;A. Wu*;Y. Wu, 2018.01, 'Should Employees Be Given Second Chances? Evidence from a Quasi-Field Experiment, ' The 2018 Management Accounting Section (MAS) Meeting, American Accounting Association (AAA).(*為通訊作者), Jan. 2018
2017 Boh Waifong;Dixon Ho;T. Tien*;A. Wu, 2017.08, 'Are Nonfinancial Measures Leading Indicators of Financial Performance?An Analysis of Customer Loyalty, ' The 2017 American Accounting Association (AAA) Annual Meeting, American Accounting Association (AAA).(*為通訊作者), Aug. 2017
2017 吳安妮*, 2017.08, 'The Association between Customer Switching Behavior and Customer Financial Performance: Field Empirical Tests, '.(*為通訊作者), Aug. 2017
2017 Chakravarthi Narasimhan;T. Tien*;A. Wu, 2017.01, 'The Relationship between Switching Cost and Customer Profitability, ' The 2017 Management Accounting Section (MAS) Meeting, American Accounting Association (AAA).(*為通訊作者), Jan. 2017
2016 Guo, Siyong;W. Boh;A. Wu*;Tsuilin, Kuo, 2016.08, 'Political Uncertainty, Overseas Investment and Firm Value: The Case of Taiwan, ' The 2016 American Accounting Association Annual Meeting, American Accounting Association.(*為通訊作者), Aug. 2016
2016 Gong Na;W. Boh;A. Wu;Tsuilin Kuo, 2016.08, 'Leniency Biases in Supervisors’ Subjective Performance Evaluation of Subordinates: Examining the Influence of Contextual Factors, ' The 2016 American Accounting Association (AAA) Annual Meeting, American Accounting Association (AAA)., Aug. 2016
2016 吳安妮*, 2016.01, 'Penalties, '.(*為通訊作者), Jan. 2016
2016 Van der Stede*;Wim A.;A. Wu;Steve Wu., 2016.01, 'The Reinforcement Effect of Bonuses and Penalties., ' he 2016 Management Accounting Section (MAS) Meeting, MAS.(*為通訊作者), Jan. 2016
2016 Shao, Jun*;A. Wu;W. Boh;C. Huang, 2016.01, 'Subsidiary Managers’ Power and Internal Capital Allocation., ' The 2016 Management Accounting Section (MAS) Meeting, AAA.(*為通訊作者), Jan. 2016
2015 Ho, Joanna*;S. Hsieh;A. Wu, 2015.08, 'Social Connections, Employee Compensation and Turnover: A Field Study., ' The 2015 American Accounting Association (AAA) Annual Meeting, AAA.(*為通訊作者), Aug. 2015
2015 Shao, Jun*;A. Wu;W. Boh;C. Huang, 2015.08, 'Subsidiary Managers’ Power and Internal Capital Allocation., ' The 2015 American Accounting Association (AAA) Annual Meeting, AAA.(*為通訊作者), Aug. 2015
2015 Ho, J.*;L. C. Lee;A. Wu., 2015.01, 'Local Competition, Branch Location, and Incentive-Based Pay of Low-Level Employees., ' The 2015 Management Accounting Section (MAS) Meeting, MAS.(*為通訊作者), Jan. 2015
2014 Chang, C.*;T. Kuo;A. Wu., 2014.08, 'Strategy Alignment and Performance Evaluation for Shared Service Centers: A Longitudinal Study on the Role of Balanced Scorecard., ' The 2014 Management Accounting Section (MAS) Meeting, MAS.(*為通訊作者), Aug. 2014
2014 Chuang, C.*;C. Huang;A. Wu., 2014.08, 'Market Competition, Social Network and Firm Performance: An Emerging Economy Test., ' The 2014 Management Accounting Section (MAS) Meeting, MAS.(*為通訊作者), Aug. 2014
2014 Neale Gilbert O'Connor*;Anne Wu;Kerry Jacobs, 2014.01, 'Resource-based Sources of Bargaining Power and Management Control Concerns in Inter-firm Relationships: An Exploratory Study of Technology Firms., ' The 2014 Management Accounting Section (MAS) Meeting, MAS.(*為通訊作者), Jan. 2014
2014 Hung, Y.*;Laurence van Lent;A. Wu., 2014.01, 'Social Preferences, Background Homogeneity, and Incentive Contracts., ' The 2014 Management Accounting Section (MAS) Meeting, MAS.(*為通訊作者), Jan. 2014
2014 O'Connor, N.*;A. Wu;K. Jacobs, 2014, 'Resource-based Sources of Bargaining Power and Management Control Concerns in Inter-firm Relationships: An Exploratory Study of Technology Firms., ' The 37th Annual Congress of the European Accounting Association., EAA.(*為通訊作者), 2014
2013 Ho, J.*;C. Huang;A. Wu., 2013.08, 'The Effect of Ownership Structure on the Use of Performance-Based Executive Compensation: Evidence from an Emerging., ' The 2013 AAA Annual Meeting, AAA.(*為通訊作者), Aug. 2013
2013 Chuang, C.*;A. Wu., 2013.08, 'Market Competition, Social Capital and Firm Performance: Evidence from Emerging Country., ' The 2013 AAA Annual Meeting, AAA.(*為通訊作者), Aug. 2013
2013 Ghosh, D.*;A. Wu;J. Liang., 2013.06, 'The Effect of Team Performance and Common Uncertainty on Individual Incentives: A Field Study., ' The Research Conference on Management Accounting from the Field., -.(*為通訊作者), Jun. 2013
2013 Kuo, T.*;A. Wu., 2013.01, 'The Balanced Scorecard Alignment Among Headquarters, Strategic Business Units, and Shared Service Units: A Field Study., ' The 2013 Management Accounting Section (MAS) Meeting, MAS.(*為通訊作者), Jan. 2013
2013 Ghosh, D.*;A. Wu;L. Lee., 2013.01, 'Incentive Instruments and the Weighting of Performance Measures., ' The 2013 Management Accounting Section (MAS) Meeting, MAS.(*為通訊作者), Jan. 2013
2013 Boh, W.*;A. Wu;C. J. Huang., 2013.01, 'Ownership Structure and Innovation Performance: The Mediating Mechanism of External Cooperation., ' The 2013 Management Accounting Section (MAS) Meeting, MAS.(*為通訊作者), Jan. 2013
2012 Neale G. O'Connor*;Anne Wu;April Yu Yue, 2012.01, 'Product Complexity and Supply Chain Performance Measurement: A Comparative Case Study., ' The 2012 Management Accounting Section (MAS) Meeting, MAS.(*為通訊作者), Jan. 2012
2012 Ho, J.*;C. Huang;A. Wu., 2012.01, 'The Substitute Effect of Monitoring Mechanisms and Performance-Based Executive Compensation in Family Firms: Evidence from an Emerging Market., ' The 2012 Management Accounting Section (MAS) Meeting, MAS.(*為通訊作者), Jan. 2012
2012 Chuang, C.*;A. Wu., 2012.01, 'The Impact of Social Capital from Shareholders on Firm Performance: An Emerging Country Tests., ' The 2012 Management Accounting Section (MAS) Meeting, MAS.(*為通訊作者), Jan. 2012
2012 Kuo, T.*;A. Wu., 2012.01, 'The Implementation and Impact of the Balanced Scorecard on Shared Service Units: A Car Dealership Case., ' The 2012 Management Accounting Section (MAS) Meeting, MAS.(*為通訊作者), Jan. 2012
2012 Ho, J.*;C. J. Huang;A. Wu., 2012, 'The Substitute Effect of Monitoring Mechanisms and Performance-Based Executive Compensation in Family Firms: Evidence from an Emerging Market., ' 2012會計理論與實務研討會, 中華會計教育學會&國立臺灣大學會計學系.(*為通訊作者), 2012
2012 Chuang, C.*;A. Wu., 2012, 'Market Competition, Social Capital and Firm Performance: Evidence from Emerging Country., ' 2012會計理論與實務研討會。, 中華會計教育學會&國立臺灣大學會計學系.(*為通訊作者), 2012
2012 Kuo, T.*;A. Wu., 2012, 'The Balanced Scorecard Alignment Among Headquarters, Strategic Business Units, and Shared Service Units: A Field Study., ' 2012會計理論與實務研討會, 中華會計教育學會&國立臺灣大學會計學系.(*為通訊作者), 2012
2011 Ho, J*;A. Wu;Y. Wu., 2011.08, 'Consensus on Strategy and its Impact on Performance., ' The 2011 AAA Annual Meeting, AAA.(*為通訊作者), Aug. 2011
2011 Ho, J.*;A. Wu;Y. Wu., 2011.01, 'Consensus on Strategy and its Impact on Performance., ' The 2011 Management Accounting Section (MAS) Meeting, MAS.(*為通訊作者), Jan. 2011
2011 Ho, J.*;L. Lee;A. Wu, 2011.01, 'Employees’ Pay-Performance Sensitivity and Firm Performance in the Uncertain and Competitive Environment: An Empirical Study of an Auto Dealership., ' The 2011 Management Accounting Section (MAS) Meeting, MAS.(*為通訊作者), Jan. 2011
2010 Chang, W.*;T. Kuo;A. Wu, 2010.01, 'The Successes in Long-Term Implementation of Balanced Scorecard: A Healthcare Organization Study., ' The 2010 Management Accounting Section (MAS) Meeting, MAS.(*為通訊作者), Jan. 2010
2010 Chow, C*;K. Haddad;A. Wu, 2010, 'Competitive Strategies and Company Performance: A Study of Taiwanese Firms following U.S., Japanese, and Taiwanese Type Competitive Strategies., ' Thirty Ninth Annual Meeting of WDSI, Western Decision Sciences Institute.(*為通訊作者), 2010
2010 Randel*;Amy E;Kimberly S. Jaussi;A. Wu, 2010, 'When does being creative lead to being rated as creative?, ' 2010 Academy of Management Annual Meeting., Academy of Management.(*為通訊作者), 2010
2009 Yu, S.*; J. W. Liang;A. Wu., 2009.08, 'The Impact of Industrial Clusters and Social Networks on Firm Performance in China., ' The 2009 AAA Annual Meeting, AAA.(*為通訊作者), Aug. 2009
2009 Ghosh, D.*;A. Wu;J. W. Liang, 2009.08, 'The Effect of Team Performance and Common Uncertainty on Individual Incentives: A Field Study., ' he 2009 AAA Annual Meeting, AAA.(*為通訊作者), Aug. 2009
2009 Ghosh, D*;A. Wu;L. Lee, 2009.08, 'Contemporaneous and Forward-Looking Measures: Implications for Incentive Structure for Long-Horizon Employees., ' The 2009 AAA Annual Meeting, AAA.(*為通訊作者), Aug. 2009
2009 吳安妮*, 2009.08, 'Employee Compensation Contracts and Firm Performance in Uncertain Environments: Empirical Evidence for Adjusting Pay-Performance Sensitivity., ' The 2009 AAA Annual Meeting, AAA.(*為通訊作者), Aug. 2009
2009 Chang, W.*;T. Kuo;A. Wu., 2009, 'The Successes in Long-Term Implementation of Balanced Scorecard: A Healthcare Organization Study., ' 2009會計理論與實務研討會, 台灣金融管理委員會.(*為通訊作者), 2009
2009 Yu, S.*;J. W. Liang;A. Wu, 2009, 'The Impact of Industrial Clusters and Social Networks on Firm Performance in China., ' he 2009 Second Knowledge Cities Summit., the Shenzhen Municipal People’s Government, World Capital Institute and the New Club of Paris,.(*為通訊作者), 2009
2009 吳安妮;Ghosh, D.;L. Lee., 2009, 'Contemporaneous and Forward-Looking Measures: Implications for Incentive Structure for Long-Horizon Employees., ' The AAA 2009 Management Accounting Section (MAS) Meeting, January.., 2009
2009 吳安妮;107. Balakrishnan, R.;S. Hsieh, 2009, 'Subjective Bonus Payments and Multiple Performance Measures., ' The AAA 2009 Management Accounting Section (MAS) Meeting, January.., 2009
2009 吳安妮;Yu, S.;J. W. Liang, 2009, 'The Impact of Industrial Clusters and Social Networks on Firm Performance in China., ' The AAA 2009 Management Accounting Section (MAS) Meeting, January.., 2009
2008 Ho, J.;S. Xu;A. Wu, 2008.01, 'Corporate Governance and Returns on Information Technology Investment: Evidence from an Emerging Market., ' The AAA 2008 Management Accounting Section (MAS) Meeting., Jan. 2008
2008 Yu-Ching Wu;A. Wu, 2008.01, 'Information Asymmetry, Bargaining Power, and Customer Profitability: An Empirical Investigation on Bank-Client Relationship., ' The AAA 2008 Management Accounting Section (MAS) Meeting., Jan. 2008
2008 Chow, C.;Axel Schulz;A. Wu, 2008.01, 'Comprehensive Performance Measures: Perceived Environmental Uncertainty Antecedent and Consequences for Performance Based Compensation, Employee Effort and Organizational Performance., ' The AAA 2008 Management Accounting Section (MAS) Meeting., Jan. 2008
2008 吳安妮;Lee, C.;C. S. Ou, 2008, 'The Interaction Effect of Capacity Utilization and Quality on Manufacturing Costs: An Examination of the Continuous Production Environment., ' The 2nd Symposium of China Journal of Accounting Research, December.., 2008
2008 吳安妮;Yu-Ching Wu, 2008, 'Information Asymmetry, Bargaining Power, and Customer Profitability: An Empirical Investigation on Bank-Client Relationship., ' The 2008 AAA Annual Meeting, August.., 2008
2008 吳安妮;Schulz;Axel;Chee Chow, 2008, 'Environmental Uncertainty, Comprehensive Performance Measurement Systems, Performance-Based Compensation, and Organizational Performance., ' The 2008 AAA Annual Meeting, August.., 2008
2007 Ho, J.;S. Xu;A. Wu, 2007.11, 'Corporate Governance and Returns on Information Technology Investments: Evidence from an Emerging Market., ' 19th Asian-Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues., Nov. 2007
2007 Ho, J.;S. Xu;A. Wu, 2007.08, 'Shaping up for Performance Impacts of Information Technology: The Role of Corporate Governance., ' The 2007 AAA Annual Meeting., Aug. 2007
2007 Chow, C.;K. Haddad;G. Singh;A. Wu, 2007.08, 'On Using Journal Ranking to Evaluate Faculty Publication Performance., ' The 2007 AAA Annual Meeting., Aug. 2007
2007 Ghoah, D.;L. Lee;A. Wu, 2007.08, 'Contemporaneous and Forward-Looking Measures: Implications for Incentive Structure for Long-Horizon Employees., ' The 2007 AAA Annual Meeting., Aug. 2007
2007 Jung, D.;C. Chow;J. Kohlmeyer;A. Wu, 2007.01, 'Towards Understanding the Direct and Indirect Effects of Transformational Leadership on Firm Innovation., ' The AAA 2007 Management Accounting Section (MAS) Meeting., Jan. 2007
2007 Kuo, T.;A Wu., 2007.01, 'The Determinates of Organizational Innovation and Performance: An Examination of the Taiwanese Electronics Industry., ' The AAA 2007 Management Accounting Section (MAS) Meeting., Jan. 2007
2007 Chow, C.;K. Haddad;G. Singh;A. Wu., 2007.01, 'How Well Can Publication of an Article in a Top Accounting Journal be used as a Proxy for its Contribution?, ' The AAA 2007 Management Accounting Section (MAS) Meeting., Jan. 2007
2007 Ghosh, D.;A. Wu., 2007.01, 'Relevance of Financial and Non-Financial Measures to Financial Analysts: Experimental Evidence., ' The AAA 2007 Management Accounting Section (MAS) Meeting., Jan. 2007
2006 Chow, C.;K. Haddad;G. Singh;A Wu, 2006.10, 'How Well Can Publication of an Article in a Top Accounting Journal?, ' The 2006 Asian-Pacific Conference., Oct. 2006
2006 Chang, J.;C. Chow;A Wu., 2006.10, 'Exploring Taiwanese Auditors’ Ethical Challenges and Responses., ' The 2006 Asian-Pacific Conference., Oct. 2006
2006 Lee, L.;S. Ou;A Wu., 2006.08, 'The Interaction Effect of Capacity Utilization and Manufacturing Quality on Bottleneck and Costs: An Examination of Continuous Production Environment., ' The 2006 AAA Annual Meeting., Aug. 2006
2006 Chow, C.;G. Singh;A Wu., 2006.08, 'Performance Measurement, Human Resource Management, and Strategic Performance: An Interdisciplinary Perspective., ' The 2006 AAA Annual Meeting., Aug. 2006
2006 Chow, C.;J. Kohlmeyer;A Wu., 2006.08, 'Performance Standards and Managers’ Adoption of Risky Projects., ' The 2006 AAA Annual Meeting., Aug. 2006
2006 Kuo, T.;A Wu, 2006.08, 'The Impact of Ownership Structure and Foreign Capital on Organizational Innovation and Performance: An Examination of Taiwan’s Electronics Industry., ' The 2006 AAA Annual Meeting., Aug. 2006
2006 Chow, C.;K. Haddad;G. Singh;A. Wu, 2006.04, 'To What Extent Can Articles in Top Accounting Journals be used as Proxies for Top Accounting Articles?, ' The 2006 WAAA Meeting., Apr. 2006
2006 Chow, C.;J. Kohlmeyer;A. Wu, 2006.01, 'Performance Standards and Managers'' Adoption of Risky Projects., ' The AAA 2006 Management Accounting Section (MAS) Meeting., Jan. 2006
2005 Singh, G.;C. Chow;A. Wu., 2005.08, 'A Critical Analysis of the Dominant Strategic Human Resource Management Perspective, ' The 2005 Academy of Management Meeting., Aug. 2005
2005 L. Lee.;A. Wu, 2005.08, 'The Roles of Objective and Subjective Performance Measures in Short-term and Long-term Incentive Plans., ' The 2005 AAA Annual Meeting., Aug. 2005
2005 Yu, S.;A. Wu., 2005.08, 'The Impact of Activity-Based Costing on Manufacturing Performance: A Field Examination, ' The 2005 AAA Annual Meeting., Aug. 2005
2005 Liang, J. Wen;A. Wu, 2005.08, 'The Effect of Team Performance and Common Uncertainty on Individual Incentives: A Field Empirical Study., ' The 2005 AAA Annual Meeting., Aug. 2005
2005 Ghosh, D.;A. Wu., 2005.08, 'Relevance of Financial and Non-Financial Measures to Financial Analysts: Experimental Evidence., ' The 2005 AAA Annual Meeting., Aug. 2005
2005 Chow, C;A. Wu, 2005.07, 'Organizational Governance: Product-Market Innovation and Bureaucratic Controls in the Taiwanese Manufacturing Industry, ' PACIBER 2005 Annual Meeting., Jul. 2005
2005 Chow, C.;Ghosh, D.;A. Wu., 2005.01, 'Performance Measurement and Human Resource Management: Complements in Implementing Strategy, ' The 2005 Management Accounting Section Research and Case Conference., Jan. 2005
2005 Yu, SuiHua;A. Wu, 2005.01, 'The Impact of Activity-Based Costing on Manufacturing Performance: A Field Examination, ' The 2005 Management Accounting Section Research and Case Conference., Jan. 2005
2005 Cheng-Jen Huang;J. Ho;A. Wu, 2005, 'The Impact of Management Control Systems on Efficiency and Quality Performance - An Empirical Study of Taiwanese Correctional Institutions, ' The 2005 SWAAA Meeting., 2005
2004 Joanna Ho;L. Lee;A. Wu, 2004.08, 'How Changes in Compensation Plans Affect Employee Performance, Recruitment and Retention and Firm Performance—An Empirical Study of A Car Dealership, ' The 2004 AAA Annual Meeting, American Accounting Association., Aug. 2004
2004 Chee Chow;G. Singh;A. Wu, 2004.08, 'Integrating Human Resource Management and Performance Measurement: Effects on Organizational Performance, ' The 2004 AAA Annual Meeting, American Accounting Association., Aug. 2004
2004 D. Ghosh;A. Wu, 2004.08, 'Do Capital Markets Value Intellectual Capital?, ' The 2004 AAA Annual Meeting, American Accounting Association., Aug. 2004
2004 N. O''Connor;D. Ghosh;Chee Chow;A. Wu, 2004.08, 'Exploring How Accounting Research Can Help to Inform Studies of Information Systems Valuation, Planning and Control., ' The 2004 AAA Annual Meeting, American Accounting Association., Aug. 2004
2004 Johnny Lee;T. Randall;P. Hu;A. Wu., 2004.08, 'Re-examining the Association between IT Investments and Firm Profitability: A Component –Based Approach, ' The 2004 AAA Annual Meeting, American Accounting Association., Aug. 2004
2004 Lee, J.;T. Randall;P. Hu;A. Wu., 2004.01, 'Re-examining the Association between IT Investments and Firm Profitability: A Component –Based Approach, ' The 2004 Management Accounting Section Research and Case Conference, American Accounting Association., Jan. 2004
2004 D. Ghosh;A. Wu, 2004.01, 'Do Capital Markets Value Intellectual Capital?, ' 25th McMaster World Congress in Canada, McMaster University., Jan. 2004
2003 L. Eldenburg;N. Soderstrom;V. Willis;A. Wu, 2003.08, 'The Use of an ABC System in a Professional Setting, ' The 2003 AAA Annual Meeting, American Accounting Association., Aug. 2003
2003 M. Gupta;T. Randall;A. Wu, 2003.08, 'The Economic Impact of Congestion and Capacity Utilization: An Empirical Examination, ' The 2003 AAA Annual Meeting, American Accounting Association., Aug. 2003
2003 Chee Chow;D. Massey;L. Thome;A. Wu., 2003.08, 'Auditor Value for Professional Judgement : A Cross-Cultural Comparison of the U.S. and Taiwan, ' The 2003 AAA Annual Meeting, American Accounting Association., Aug. 2003
2003 J. Ho;L. Lee;A. Wu, 2003.01, 'An Empirical Study of How Changes in Compensation Plans Can Hurt Employee and Company Performance-A Car Dealership Case, ' The 2003 MAR Conference, American Accounting Association., Jan. 2003
2002 Chang, J.;C. Ou;A. Wu, 2002.08, 'Compensation Strategy and Organizational Performance: Evidence from the Banking Industry in an Emerging Economy, ' The 2002 AAA Annual Meeting., Aug. 2002
2002 C. Chang;J. Ho;吳安妮, 2002.08, 'The Effects of National Culture and Contextual Information on Managers’ Resource Allocation Judgments and Decisions, ' The 2002 AAA Annual Meeting, American Accounting Association., Aug. 2002
2002 Chee Chow;吳安妮;T. Lindquist, 2002.08, 'Taiwanese Companies’ Competitive Strategies and their Relation to Company Performance., ' The 2002 AAA Annual Meeting, AAA., Aug. 2002
2002 Chee Chow;S. Yuen;吳安妮, 2002.08, 'The Benefits and Determinants of Success in Information Technology Application: A Study in a Developing Country Context., ' The 2002 AAA Annual Meeting, AAA., Aug. 2002
2002 J. Chang;C. Ou;吳安妮, 2002.08, 'Compensation Strategy and Organizational Performance: Evidence from the Banking Industry in an Emerging Economy.(san antonio), ' The 2002 AAA Annual Meeting, AAA., Aug. 2002
2002 吳安妮;C. Chow,;G. Harrison,;J. Mckinnon, 2002.01, 'Organization Culture: Association with Affective Commitment, Job Satisfaction, Prosperity to Remain and Information Sharing in a Chinese Cultural Context., ' Management Accounting Conference,., Jan. 2002
2002 Chow, C.;A. Wu;T. Lindquist, 2002.01, 'Taiwanese Companies’ Competitive Strategies and their Relation to Company Performance., ' Management Accounting Conference., Jan. 2002
2001 Chow, C.;S. Yuen,;A. Wu., 2001.12, 'An Exploratory Study on Benefits and Success Factors of Informatoin Technology Applications., ' International Conference of Electronic Business, *., Dec. 2001
2001 吳安妮;M. Gupta;T. Randall, 2001.08, 'The Association Between Capacity, Congestion, Work Pressure and Manufacturing Productivity: An Empirical Analysis, ' The 2001 AAA Annual Meeting, *., Aug. 2001
2001 Awasthi, V.;C. Chow;A. Wu., 2001.04, 'Cross Cultural Differences in the Behavioral Consequences of Performance Evaluation and Reward Systems: An Experimental Investigation., ' Western Decision Sciences Institute Thirtieth Annual Meeting, *., Apr. 2001
2001 吳安妮*;劉正田, 2001, '我國衛生書醫療評鑑對醫院醫療品質及財務收支結構影響之研究。, ' 政府及非營利組織會計問題研討會, -.(*為通訊作者), 2001
2001 吳安妮;劉正田, 2001, '我國衛生書醫療評鑑對醫院醫療品質及財務收支結構影響之研究, ' 政府及非營利組織會計問題研討會, *., 2001
2000 Chow, C;G. Harrison*;J. McKinnon;A. Wu, 2000.01, 'Organizational Culture and Subculture of Accounting Firms: Evidence from Taiwanese Local and U.S. Affiliated Firms., ' Management Accounting Conference.(*為通訊作者), Jan. 2000
2000 C. Chow;G. harrison;J. Mckinnon;吳安妮, 2000, 'The Nature and Effects of Public Accounting Firm Organizational Culture: Evidence From Taiwanese Local and U.S.Affiliated Firms., ' American Accounting Association''s Second Globalization Conference, *., 2000
2000 吳安妮;T.W Lin, 2000, 'A Survey of Management Accounting Practices in China., ' The IAAER Third Biennial International Accounting Research Conference of IAAER and The Seventeenth Annual Meeting of JAIAS, *., 2000
2000 R. Banker;H. Chang;C. Ou;吳安妮, 2000, 'Job Costing and Pricing: Empirical Evidence from a Printing Company, ' Management Accounting Conference, *., 2000
2000 吳安妮;C. Chow, 2000, 'The Increased Adoption of Formal/Explicit Management Controls in Chinese Enterprises: An Exploratory Field Study, ' Management Accounting Conference, *., 2000
1999 Chow, C.;V. Awasthi;A. Wu, 1999.08, 'Cross-Cultural Differences in the Behavioral Consequences of Performance Evaluation and Reward Systems: An Experimental Investigation, ' The 1999 Annual Meeting of American Accounting Association., Aug. 1999
1999 C.Chow;C. Neale;吳安妮, 1999, 'International Accounting Symposium: The Increased Adoption of Formal/Explicit Management Controls in Chinese Enterprises: An Exploratory Field Study, ' Accounting Organizations and Society, *., 1999
1999 J.Ho;J. Chang;吳安妮, 1999, 'The Effects of National Culture and Contextual Information on Managers'' Resource Allocation Decisions, ' Accounting Organizations and Society: International Accounting Symposium, *., 1999
1998 吳安妮, 1998.11, '跨國籍管理會計研究之探討, ' 第四屆中華民國台灣地區會計審計理論與實務研討會, *., Nov. 1998
1998 Chow, C.;A. Wu;T. Lindquist, 1998.08, 'National Culture and the Implementation of "High-Stretch" Performance Standards: An Exploratory Study, ' The 1998 American Accounting Association National Meeting., Aug. 1998
1998 吳安妮, 1998.07, '高科技產業之成本管理, ' 第五屆當代會計問題國際研討會, *., Jul. 1998
1998 C. Chow;V. Awasthi;吳安妮, 1998, 'Adapting Management Controls to National Culture: The Role of Performance Measures and Socialization Activities, ' *, *., 1998
1998 C. Chow;R. Hwang;W. Liao;吳安妮, 1998, 'American Accounting Association National Meeting: National Culture and Subordinates'' Upward Communication of Private Information, ' *, *., 1998
1998 T. Lin;D. Lu;吳安妮, 1998, 'A Survey of Management Accounting Practices in China, ' *, *., 1998
1997 吳安妮, 1997, '財務分析師對公司盈餘宣告之反應情況─實證研究, ' 第八屆會計理論與實務研討會暨審計國際問題國際研討會., 1997
1997 Abdel-Khalik, A;K. Wong;吳安妮, 1997, '會計資訊揭露與證券價格之關係─中國新興資本市場之研究, ' 第八屆會計理論與實務研討會暨審計問題國際研討會., 1997
1997 C. Chow;G. Harrison;J. Mckinnon;吳安妮, 1997, 'The Openness of Information Exchange within Organizations: A Cross-Culture Field Study., ' The Ninth Asian-Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues., 1997
1997 C. Chow;R. Hwang;W. Liao;吳安妮, 1997, 'The Effect of Social Pressure and National Culture on Subordinates Communication of Private Information for Intrafirm Resource Allocations: An Exploratory Study, ' The Ninth Asian-Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues., 1997
1997 C. Chow;P. Harrison;吳安妮, 1997, 'The Effect of Private Information and Potential for Personal Gain on Managers'' Project Evaluation Decisions: A Cross-Cultural Investigation., ' The 1997 American Accounting Association National Conference., 1997
1997 C. Chow;V. Awasthi;吳安妮, 1997, 'Performance Measure and Resource Expenditure choices in a Teamwork Environment: The Effects of National Culture., ' The 1997 American Accounting Association National Conference., 1997
1996 Chow, C.;V. Awasthi;A. Wu, 1996.10, 'Management Control and National Culture: An Instructional Case, ' The 1996 Management Accounting Conference., Oct. 1996
1996 Chow, C.;A. Wu, 1996.10, 'Cross Cultural Difference in Corporate Cultures and the Culture-Perforance Relationship: A Three Country Companies, ' The Eighth Asian-Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues., Oct. 1996
1996 Chow, C.;R. Abdel-Khalik;A. Wu, 1996.08, 'The Association between Disclosure of Accounting Information and Security Prices in China''s Emerging Capital Markets, ' The 1996 Annual Meeting of AAA., Aug. 1996
1996 Chow, C.;P. Harrison;T. Lindquist;A. Wu, 1996.08, 'National Culture and Escalating Commitment to Unprofitable Projects, ' The 1996 Annual Meeting of AAA., Aug. 1996
1996 Chow, C.;P. Harrison;T. Lindquist;A. Wu, 1996, 'Escalating Commitment to Unprofitable Projects: Replication and Cross-Cultural Extension., ' Eighth Asian-Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues., 1996
1996 C. Chow;T. Lindquist;吳安妮, 1996, 'National Culture and the Implementation of Continuous Improvement Performance Standards:An Experimental Investigation, ' The International Conference on Contemporary Accounting Issues., 1996
1996 C. Chow;M. Shield;吳安妮, 1996, 'The Importance of National Culture in the Design of and Preference for Management Controls for Multinational Operations, ' The AOS Comparative Management Accounting Conference., 1996
1996 Chow, C.;V. Awasthi;A. Wu, 1996, 'Enhancing Accounting Students'' Understanding And Appreciation of Diversity: An Instructional Case, ' The 1996 Management Accounting Conference., 1996
1996 Chow, Chee;T. Lindquist;吳安妮, 1996, 'National Culture and Implementation of Continuous Improvement Performance Standards., ' The 1996 Annual Meeting of AAA., 1996
1995 Wu, A., 1995.11, 'The Role of Accounting Earnings in China ''s Emerging Capital Markets, ' The Seventh Asian-Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues., Nov. 1995
1995 吳安妮, 1995, '我國財務預測法規實施前後股價反應之比較研究, ' 第七屆會計學理論與實務研討會., 1995
1995 吳安妮, 1995, '標竿制度之探討, ' 1995產業科技研究發展管理研討會, 中國生產力中心主辦., 1995
1995 Chow, C.;M. Shields;A. Wu, 1995, 'The Importance of National Culture in the Design of and Preference for Management Controls for Multi-National Operations, ' The Second International Conference on Contemporary Accounting Issues., 1995
1995 吳安妮, 1995, 'The Effect of New Financial Forecasts Regulation on Stock Price-Empirical Research, ' The 2nd International Conference on Multinational Enterprise, 銘傳管理學院會計學系主辦., 1995
1995 D. Lu;吳安妮, 1995, 'Computer Proficiency and Accounting Career Success, ' 1995 ACME Transactions Conference., 1995
1995 吳安妮, 1995, '跨國籍文化研究之探討, ' 社會科學研究方法學術研討會., 1995
1995 吳安妮, 1995, 'The Effects of Voluntary Forecasts Information Released--Taiwanese Firms, ' 1995 Western AAA Meeting & The Second Annual Conference on the Global Financial Issues., 1995
1995 吳安妮, 1995, 'National Culture,Individual-vs.Team-Based Pay,and Employee Decisions in a Team-Based Work Environment, ' The Second International Conference on Contemporary Accounting Issues., 1995
1994 Chih-Chiang Fang;A. Wu, 1994.11, 'Earnings Forecasts Released Voluntarily by the Taiwan Stock Exchange Firms - Empirical Tests., ' The Sixth Asian-Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues and Accounting Theory and Practice.., Nov. 1994
1994 Merchant, K;C.Chow;A. Wu, 1994.08, 'Measurement, Evaluation and Reward of Profit Center Managers: A Cross-Culture Field Study., ' The 1994 Annual Meeting of the AAA., Aug. 1994
1994 Wu, A., 1994.04, 'The Effects of Managers'' and Analysts'' Revenues and Earnings Forecasts on the Stock Price-A Structural Equation Framework, ' The 17th Congress of the European Accounting Association., Apr. 1994
1994 Chow,C.;M. Shields;A. Wu, 1994.03, 'The Role of National Culture in the Cross-Border Transfer of Management Controls, ' The 1994 Accounting Behavior & Organizations Research Conferences., Mar. 1994
1994 Cheung,J.;A. Wu., 1994.01, 'The Association between Financial Ratios and Stock Prices for Firms on the Taiwan Stock Exchange, ' The First International Conference on Contemporary Accounting Issues., Jan. 1994
1994 Chow, C.;M. Shields;A. Wu, 1994, 'The Effect of the Lack of Fit for Management Control Systems on Managerial Behavior, ' The Sixth Asian-Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues and Accounting Theory and Practice.., 1994
1994 吳安妮, 1994, '新產品開發之策略、計劃及績效管理, ' 1994產業科技研究發展管理研討會, 中國生產力中心主辦., 1994
1994 吳安妮;周齊武;Shields, M., 1994, '管理控制系統不適合度對經理人員行為影響之研究, ' 第六屆會計理論與實務研討會., 1994
1994 吳安妮, 1994, '財務預測準則實施前後主動揭露預測公司特質之差異研究, ' 邁向股票上市之路理論與實務研討會, 成功大學管理學院主辦., 1994
1993 Wu, A., 1993.11, 'The Effect of Unexpected Changes in Financial Ratios on Abnormal Returns of Stock--A Structural Equation Model Study, ' The Fifth Asian-Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues., Nov. 1993
1993 Wu, A., 1993.11, 'The Associations of Stock, Price Reactions with Managers''and Analysts'' Revenues and Earnings Forecasts-A Structural Equation Framework, ' The Fifth Asian Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues., Nov. 1993
1993 Wu, .A;C. Chow;M. Shields, 1993.08, 'National Culture and the Transfer of Management Control Systems across National Boundaries, ' The 1993 Annual Meeting of the AAA., Aug. 1993
1993 吳安妮, 1993, '管理當局及財務分析師之非預期銷貨及盈餘對股價的影響──結構方程模式分析, ' 第五屆會計學理論與實務研討會., 1993
1993 吳安妮, 1993, '科技發展下成本管理系統之研究──以電子業為研究對象, ' 1993產業科技研究發展管理研討會, 中國生產力中心主辦., 1993
1992 吳安妮, 1992, '服務業之作業制成本管理──以會計師事務所為例, ' 服務產業經營管理與發展策略研討會., 1992
1992 Wu, A., 1992, 'The Motivations of Business Combinations in Taiwan., ' The 1992 Western Regional Meeting of the AAA., 1992
1992 Wu, A., 1992, 'The Analysis of Job Stress in a Structural Equations Framework, ' 1993 Western Regional Meeting of the AAA., 1992
1992 吳安妮, 1992, 'The Empirical Investigation on the Information Content of Management Earning Forecasts--Taiwanese Firms, ' The Fourth Asian Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues., 1992
1992 Wu, A., 1992, 'The Implementation of JIT in Taiwan --Case Study, ' The Fourth Asian-Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues., 1992
1992 吳安妮, 1992, '經理人員盈餘預測之資訊內涵一一實證研究, ' 第四屆會計學理論與實務研討會., 1992
1991 Wu, A., 1991.05, 'Investors Forecast Information: Management Forecasts and Analysts, Forecasts, ' XVII Pacific Science Congress: Towards the Pacific Century: The Challenge of Change., May. 1991
1991 吳安妮, 1991, '美日管理會計之比較研究, ' 八十年企業國際化學術研討會., 1991
1991 吳安妮, 1991, '及時化系統(JIT)在台灣推行之成果及困難─個案討論, ' 第三屆會計學理論與實務研討會., 1991
1991 Wu, A., 1991, 'A Comparitive Analysis of Voluntary Release of Earnings Forecasts -- United States and Taiwan Corporations, ' The 1991 Annaul Meeting of the AAA., 1991
1991 Wu, A., 1991, 'The Motivations for Managers to Release Voluntary Earnings Forecasts Information: A Study of Taiwanese Firms, ' Teh 1991 Western Regional Meeting of he AAA., 1991
1991 Lin, C.;A. Wu, 1991, 'The Impacts of Business Combinations in Taiwan, ' The Third Asian-Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues., 1991
1991 Wu, A., 1991, 'The Function of Management Forecasts to Analysts'' Forecasts, ' The Fourth International Conference on Comparative Management., 1991
1990 吳安妮, 1990, '國際競爭環境下之管理會計革新與展望, ' 第二屆會計學理論與實務研討會., 1990
1990 Wu, A., 1990, 'A Review of Theoretical Foundations Related to Voluntary Release of Earnings Forecasts, ' The Second Asian-Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues., 1990
1990 Wu, A., 1990, 'The Releasing Decision of Earnings Forecasts Information to the Public, ' The 1990 Annual Meeting of the AAA., 1990
1990 Wu, A., 1990, 'Factors Determine Voluntary Release of Earnings Forecasts Information to the Public, ' The 1990 Mid-Atlantic Regional Meeting of the AAA., 1990
1989 Wu, A., 1989, 'Voluntary Release of Earnings Forecasts: A Survey, ' DRSA/Tims Joint National Meeting., 1989
Year Research Title Publish Date Authors
2014 吳安妮*, 2014, '智慧資本之發展:宏觀與微觀研究-人力資本、創新資本、及顧客資本價值之決定因素及其對非財務及財務績效之影響--多重研究方法(2/3), ' 科技部.(*為通訊作者)
2014 吳安妮*, 2014, '公司內外部社會網路對創新研發、經營績效、及獎酬機制影響之研究:多重研究方法之運用(1/3), ' 科技部.(*為通訊作者)
2013 吳安妮*, 2013, '策略性供應商及顧客績效管理:平衡計分卡觀點(3/3), ' 科技部.(*為通訊作者)
2013 吳安妮*, 2013, '「管理學門」學術研習營規劃案, ' 科技部.(*為通訊作者)
2013 吳安妮*, 2013, '2013台灣會計學者策略共識營, ' 科技部.(*為通訊作者)
2013 吳安妮*, 2013, '智慧資本之發展:宏觀與微觀研究-人力資本、創新資本、及顧客資本價值之決定因素及其對非財務及財務績效之影響--多重研究方法(1/3), ' 科技部.(*為通訊作者)
2012 吳安妮*, 2012, '當代中國商管議題之整合研究--子計畫四:大陸民營企業成本管理、績效管理與獎酬管理之研究(2/3), ' 科技部.(*為通訊作者)
2012 吳安妮*, 2012, '策略性供應商及顧客績效管理:平衡計分卡觀點(2/3), ' 科技部.(*為通訊作者)
2012 吳安妮*, 2012, '「智慧資本之研究:管理議題探討」三年整合型計畫--子計畫五 : 社會資本、人力資本與社會資本、及結構資本與社會資本之動因及其對績效影響之整合性研究--平衡計分卡觀點(3/3), ' 科技部.(*為通訊作者)
2012 吳安妮*, 2012, '區域智慧資本三年計畫, ' 經濟部技術處.(*為通訊作者)
2011 吳安妮*, 2011, '灣會計學術單位期刊著作表現, ' 科技部.(*為通訊作者)
2011 吳安妮*, 2011, '「智慧資本之研究:管理議題探討」三年整合型計畫--子計畫五 : 社會資本、人力資本與社會資本、及結構資本與社會資本之動因及其對績效影響之整合性研究-平衡計分卡觀點(2/3), ' 科技部.(*為通訊作者)
2011 吳安妮*, 2011, '策略性供應商及顧客績效管理:平衡計分卡觀點(1/3), ' 科技部.(*為通訊作者)
2011 吳安妮*, 2011, '當代中國商管議題之整合研究--子計畫四:大陸民營企業成本管理、績效管理與獎酬管理之研究(1/3), ' 科技部.(*為通訊作者)
2010 吳安妮*, 2010, '「智慧資本之研究:管理議題探討」三年整合型計畫--子計畫五 : 社會資本、人力資本與社會資本、及結構資本與社會資本之動因及其對績效影響之整合性研究--平衡計分卡觀點(1/3), ' 科技部.(*為通訊作者)
2010 吳安妮*, 2010, '平衡計分卡實施後對策略衡量系統、策略獎酬制度及組織績效影響之研究--多重研究方法之分析(3/3), ' 科技部.(*為通訊作者)
2009 吳安妮*, 2009.08, '台商及大陸企業經營管理與會計研究--子計畫三:台商的公司治理、管理控制系統、及領導風格對經營績效影響之研究(3/3), ' 科技部.(*為通訊作者) 2009-08-01
2009 吳安妮*, 2009, '商管產學橋接研究中心先導計畫--政治大學團隊, ' 科技部.(*為通訊作者)
2009 吳安妮*, 2009, '平衡計分卡實施後對策略衡量系統、策略獎酬制度及組織績效影響之研究--多重研究方法之分析(2/3), ' 科技部.(*為通訊作者)
2009 吳安妮*, 2009, '多重目的個案研究整合型計畫(Ш), ' 科技部.(*為通訊作者)
2008 吳安妮, 2008, '平衡計分卡實施後對策略衡量系統、策略獎酬制度及組織績效影響之研究─多重研究方法之分析, ' 科技部.
2008 吳安妮, 2008, '台商及大陸企業經營管理與會計研究-子計畫三:台商的公司治理、管理控制系統、及領導風格對經營績效影響之研究(2/3), ' 科技部.
2007 吳安妮, 2007, '多重目的個案研究整合型計畫(II), ' 科技部.
2007 吳安妮, 2007, '台商及大陸企業經營管理與會計研究-子計畫三:台商的公司治理、管理控制系統、及領導風格對經營績效影響之研究(1/3), ' 科技部.
2007 吳安妮, 2007, '以平衡計分卡之觀點探討競爭策略對財務及非財務績效之影響-以銀行業為研究對象(3/3), ' 科技部.
2006 吳安妮, 2006, '多重目的個案研究整合型計畫-總計畫暨子計畫一:平衡計分卡之實施對公司各層面之影響, ' 科技部.
2006 吳安妮, 2006, '以平衡計分卡之觀點探討競爭策略對財務及非財務績效之影響-以銀行業為研究對象(2/3), ' 科技部.
2006 吳安妮, 2006, '結構資本、人力資本及關係資本之研究—多種研究方法之運用(3/3), ' 科技部.
2005 吳安妮, 2005, '以平衡計分卡之觀點探討競爭策略對財務及非財務績效之影響-以銀行業為研究對象(1/3), ' 科技部.
2005 吳安妮, 2005, '結構資本、人力資本及關係資本之研究—多種研究方法之運用(2/3), ' 科技部.
2005 吳安妮, 2005, '管理一學門規劃研究推動計畫(3/3), ' 科技部.
2004 吳安妮, 2004, '結構資本、人力資本及關係資本之研究─多種研究方法之應用(1/3), ' 科技部.
2004 吳安妮, 2004, '平衡計分卡各構面相關性及其影響因素之整體研究─多種研究方法之運用(3/3), ' 科技部.
2004 吳安妮, 2004, '管理一學門規劃研究推動計畫(2/3), ' 科技部.
2003 吳安妮, 2003, '管理一學門規劃研究推動計畫(1/3), ' 科技部.
2003 吳安妮, 2003, '全民健保制度下醫療機構收入、成本、品質、及績效與獎酬管理之整體研究─多重研究方法之運用(3/3), ' 科技部.
2003 吳安妮, 2003, '平衡計分卡各構面相關性及其影響因素之整體研究─多種研究方法之運用(2/3), ' 科技部.
2002 吳安妮, 2002, '平衡計分卡各構面相關性及其影響因素之整體研究—多種研究方法之運用(1/3), ' 科技部.
2002 吳安妮, 2002, '全民健保制度下醫療機構收入、成本、品質、及績效與獎酬管理之整體研究—多重研究方法之運用(2/3), ' 科技部.
2001 吳安妮, 2001, '全民健保制度下醫療機構收入、成本、品質、及績效與獎酬管理之整體研究---多重研究方法之運用(1/3), ' 科技部.
2000 吳安妮, 2000, '整合性策略成本管理制度的設計、實施、運用及其對公司績效影響之研究(2/2), ' 科技部.
2000 吳安妮, 2000, '政府會計整合型研究計畫─普通公務機關及非營業基金之「成本」與「績效」,及其影響因素之研究-多重研究方法之運用, ' 科技部.
2000 吳安妮, 2000, '台灣產業生產與營運效率、產品成本、及顧客獲利力影響因素之整體性研究--多重研究方法之運用(I), ' 科技部.
1999 吳安妮, 1999, '管理當局及財務分析師財務預測行為與企業對外募集資金之關係性--多種研究方法, ' 科技部.
1999 吳安妮, 1999, '台灣產業實施及運用策略性績效評估制度(平衡計分卡)之探討-田野研究, ' 科技部.
1999 吳安妮, 1999, '整合性策略成本管理制度的設計、實施、運用及其對公司績效影響之研究(1/2), ' 科技部.
1999 吳安妮, 1999, '非營利組織會計與相關問題研究─我國衛生署醫療評鑑對醫院醫療品質及財務收支結構影響之研究, ' 科技部.
1998 吳安妮, 1998, '以TQM提昇產業競爭力─運用TQM下的標竿制度來提昇台灣產業之競爭力, ' 科技部.
1998 吳安妮, 1998, '財務預測資訊與盈餘管理行為相關性之實證研究, ' 科技部.
1997 吳安妮, 1997, '我國金融機構經營管理之研究 -- 我國金融機構成本管理制度之探討 -- 田野研究, ' 科技部.
1997 吳安妮, 1997, '管理當局在盈餘宣告前提供預警訊息(預測資訊)給投資者之實證研究, ' 科技部.
1996 吳安妮, 1996, '台灣財務分析師預測對上市公司會計盈餘宣告反應之情況分析--實證研究, ' 科技部.
1995 吳安妮, 1995, '台灣「財務預測準則公報」實施後對預測資訊品質及股價報酬之影響: 實證研究, ' 科技部.
1994 吳安妮, 1994, '非預期銷貨及盈餘與非預期財務比率對股票常報酬率及交易量之影響-結構工程模式法之應用, ' 科技部.
1992 吳安妮, 1992, '科技發展與國際競爭環境下新管理會計技術革新之研究--以電子業為研究對象, ' 科技部.
1992 吳安妮, 1992, '主動揭露盈餘預測資訊對公司股票價格及相同產業之不同公司股票價格的影響, ' 科技部.
1991 吳安妮, 1991, '企業合併及購併之特質、特性、策略及合購併後績效情況之研究, ' 科技部.
1991 吳安妮, 1991, '科技發展與國際競爭環境下新管理會計技術革新之研究--以電腦業為研究對象, ' 科技部.