Status Full-time
Office Tel No. 81006
Job Title Associate Professor
Teaching Field 藝術行銷;藝術組織創新;博物館管理;文化創意產業
Unit Inst. of Technology Innovation & Intellectual Property Management
Year Paper Title
2022 張瑜倩*;曾信傑, 2022.12, '後疫情時代的博物館行銷, ' 博物館與文化, Vol.24, pp.1-4.(*為通訊作者), vol. 106892, Dec. 2022
2022 Yu-Chien Chang*, 2022.10, 'Changing attitudes and behaviour in Taiwan in response to the pandemic, ' Art & the Market: Caucasus & Beyond, Vol.3, pp.N/A.(*為通訊作者), vol. 106907, Oct. 2022
2021 陳蕙芬;張瑜倩*, 2021.11, '多元制度邏輯的共生之道—以甘樂文創為例, ' 管理學報, Vol.38, No.4, pp.613-640.(TSSCI, SCOPUS)(*為通訊作者), vol. 434068, Nov. 2021
2020 張瑜倩*, 2020.06, 'Creating value through the performing arts festival: A multi-stakeholder approach, ' Journal of Macromarketing, Vol.40, No.2, pp.185-200.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 424972, Jun. 2020
2019 張瑜倩*, 2019.08, '英國創意產業中介組織之中介行為, ' 國內外文化產業訊息及趨勢分析雙月報, Vol.108年, No.4, pp.32-36.(*為通訊作者), vol. 424426, Aug. 2019
2019 張瑜倩*, 2019.03, 'V&A的品牌重塑策略, ' 博物館簡訊, Vol.87, pp.6-9.(*為通訊作者), vol. 430398, Mar. 2019
2018 張瑜倩*;Chloe Preece, 2018.09, 'Visual Arts Marketing in East Asia, ' Arts and the Market, Vol.8, No.2, pp.118-122.(*為通訊作者), vol. 418924, Sep. 2018
2018 Rua-Huan Tsiah;David Yen*;Yu-Chien Chang;Che-Chuan Hsu, 2018, 'Challenges in creating hybrid professionalism knowledge, ' IT Professional, Vol.20, No.4, pp.19-27.(EI, IEEE)(*為通訊作者), vol. 413246, 2018
2016 江淑琳*;張瑜倩, 2016.01, '更民主的科學溝通:科學類博物館實踐公眾參與科學之角色初探, ' 傳播研究與實踐, Vol.6, No.1, pp.199-227.(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 407199, Jan. 2016
2015 Rua-Huan Tsaih;David Yen*;Yu-Chien Chang, 2015.08, 'Challenges of Deploying Complex Technologies in a Traditional Organization, ' Communications of the ACM, Vol.58, No.8, pp.70-75.(SCIE, EI, ACM, IEEE, SCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 406142, Aug. 2015
2015 張瑜倩*, 2015.06, '從設計到社會設計:V&A館藏發展政策的再詮釋, ' 博物館與社會, No.9, pp.103-118.(*為通訊作者), vol. 410344, Jun. 2015
2014 Rua-Huan Tsaih*;James Quo-Ping Lin;Yu-Chien Chang, 2014.11, 'National Palace Museum and Service Innovation, ' Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, Vol.4, No.7, pp.1-24.(TRANSFER)(*為通訊作者), vol. 406161, Nov. 2014
Project Category Year Project Title Participator Job Title Period Unit
MOST Projects 113 地方創生生態系的建構與實踐(2/2) CHANG YU-CHIEN Principal Investigator 2025.08 ~ 2026.07 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 113 地方創生生態系的建構與實踐(1/2) CHANG YU-CHIEN Principal Investigator 2024.08 ~ 2026.07 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 111 創意群聚的演化與創新:智慧資本視角(2/2) CHANG YU-CHIEN Principal Investigator 2023.08 ~ 2025.07 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 111 創意群聚的演化與創新:智慧資本視角(1/2) CHANG YU-CHIEN Principal Investigator 2022.08 ~ 2025.07 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 110 品牌重塑的創新歷程 CHANG YU-CHIEN Principal Investigator 2021.08 ~ 2023.07 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 108 文化創意產業的知識中介(2/2) CHANG YU-CHIEN Principal Investigator 2020.08 ~ 2022.10 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 108 文化創意產業的知識中介(1/2) CHANG YU-CHIEN Principal Investigator 2019.08 ~ 2022.10 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 107 文化創意產業的公私協力:結合制度邏輯觀點 CHANG YU-CHIEN Principal Investigator 2018.08 ~ 2020.01 National Science and Technology Council
Other Projects 106 106年數位媒體行銷研究 CHANG YU-CHIEN Principal Investigator 2017.08 ~ 2017.12
MOST Projects 106 科技政策社群建置與研究─以創業、產業創新與服務創新為主軸 (III) WU FENG-SHANG,HSU MU-YEN,CHANG YU-CHIEN,JENG JYH-FU 2017.01 ~ 2018.01 National Science and Technology Council
Other Projects 105 105年「文化創意產業專業中介組織政策分析」 KUO CHIU-WEN,JUAN YAO-CHUEH,CHANG YU-CHIEN 2016.07 ~ 2016.11
MOST Projects 105 科技政策社群建置與研究─以創業、產業創新與服務創新為主軸(II) WU FENG-SHANG,HSU MU-YEN,CHANG YU-CHIEN,JENG JYH-FU 2016.01 ~ 2016.12 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 104 臺灣企業博物館經營管理之研究 CHANG YU-CHIEN Principal Investigator 2015.08 ~ 2017.01 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 104 科技政策社群建置與研究─以創業、產業創新與服務創新為主軸(I) WU FENG-SHANG,HSU MU-YEN,CHANG YU-CHIEN,JENG JYH-FU,WEN CHAO-TUNG 2015.04 ~ 2015.12 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 103 文化創意產業之服務創新歷程與脈絡:以國立故宮博物院為例 CHANG YU-CHIEN Principal Investigator 2014.08 ~ 2015.07 National Science and Technology Council
Other Projects 103 農業科技產業化人才培訓及個案研究 WU FENG-SHANG,CHANG YU-CHIEN 2014.03 ~ 2014.12
MOST Projects 102 文創展演活動之創新商業模式 CHANG YU-CHIEN Principal Investigator 2013.08 ~ 2014.12 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 100 第九次全國科技會議議題先期研究計畫-總計畫暨子計畫一:科技、人文與跨領域整合相關議題研究(2/2) WEN CHAO-TUNG,CHANG YU-CHIEN,WU FENG-SHANG,WU SE-HWA,HSU MU-YEN,HSIAO RUEY-LIN 2012.11 ~ 2013.06 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 101 策展的創新歷程:策展人與藝文組織的共同創造 CHANG YU-CHIEN Principal Investigator 2012.10 ~ 2013.12 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 100 第九次全國科技會議議題先期研究計畫-總計畫暨子計畫一:科技、人文與跨領域整合相關議題研究(1/2) WU SE-HWA,HSU MU-YEN,HSIAO RUEY-LIN,CHANG YU-CHIEN,WU FENG-SHANG,WEN CHAO-TUNG 2011.11 ~ 2012.10 National Science and Technology Council
Country School Name Department Degree Duration
UNITED KINGDOM King's College London, University of London Management 博士 2007.09 ~ 2011.04
TAIWAN, REPUBLIC OF CHINA 國立政治大學 圖檔所 碩士 1999.09 ~ 2003.02
Experience Category Organization Title Department Job Title Duration
Current NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY Graduate Institute of Technology Innovation and Intellectual Property Management 副教授 2022.08 ~ Up to today
Current NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY Graduate Institute of Technology Innovation and Intellectual Property Management 副教授 2019.08 ~ 2022.02
Current NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY Graduate Institute of Technology Innovation and Intellectual Property Management 助理教授 2013.08 ~ 2019.08
Current NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY Graduate Institute of Technology and Innovation Management 助理教授 2013.01 ~ 2013.08
Current NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY Graduate Institute of Technology and Innovation Management 助理教授 2011.08 ~ 2013.01
Part Time NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY Graduate Institute of Technology Innovation and Intellectual Property Management 所長 2024.08 ~ 2025.07
Part Time NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY Graduate Institute of Technology Innovation and Intellectual Property Management 所長 2023.08 ~ 2024.07
Part Time NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY Graduate Institute of Technology Innovation and Intellectual Property Management 所長 2022.08 ~ 2023.07
Experience 新北市立鶯歌陶瓷博物館 諮詢委員 2023.06 ~ Up to today
Experience 文化部 博物館評鑑會 第四屆委員 2023.01 ~ Up to today
Experience 中華民國博物館學會 行銷與公關委員會 主任委員 2020.01 ~ 2022.12
Experience International Council of Museum, UNESCO Secretary 2019.11 ~ 2022.10
Experience 國立故宮博物院 諮詢委員 2019.01 ~ Up to today
Experience 國際博物館協會 (ICOM, UNESCO) MPR board member 2016.07 ~ 2019.07
Experience Arts and the Market Editorial Advisory Board 2015.01 ~ Up to today
Experience 創新與創造力研究中心 研究員 2012.01 ~ Up to today
Honor Category Year Award Name Awarding Unit
Inside School 110 商學院教學特優教師 商學院
Inside School 109 商學院教學優良教師 商學院
Inside School 108 商學院教學優良教師 商學院
Inside School 107 教學優良教師獎(專業課程;特優(107、106、104)) 國立政治大學
Inside School 105 教學優良教師獎(專業課程) 國立政治大學
Inside School 105 教學優良教師獎(通識(含體育)課程) 國立政治大學
Inside School 104 教學優良教師獎(通識課程) 國立政治大學
Outside School 104 溫世仁服務科學研究新苗獎 台灣服務科學學會
Outside School 91 教育部公費留學獎學金 教育部
Year Paper Title
2023 張瑜倩*, 2023.07, 'From dusty to trendy: Rebranding the Victoria and Albert Museum, ' Academy of Marketing 2023 Conference, University of Birmingham.(*為通訊作者), Jul. 2023
2023 張瑜倩*, 2023.07, 'From dusty to trendy: Rebranding the Victoria and Albert Museum, ' Academy of Marketing 2023 Conference, University of Birmingham.(*為通訊作者), Jul. 2023
2019 張瑜倩*, 2019.06, 'The collaboration and relationships between the central government and cultural creative clusters: A case study of Huashan 1914 Creative Park, ' The 15th International Conference on Arts and Cultural Management, Ca' Foscari University of Venice.(*為通訊作者), Jun. 2019
2019 Yu-Chien Chang*;Sam Tzu-Hsiang Yuan;Tun Chiu, 2019.06, 'Exploratory Research on the Film Decision making Process with Multiple Formats, ' The 15th International Conference on Arts and Cultural Management, Ca' Foscari University of Venice.(*為通訊作者), Jun. 2019
2018 張瑜倩*;莊皓鈞, 2018.07, 'Collaborations in hybrid organizations with competing institutional logics: A case of the creative industries, ' The 34th EGOS Colloquium 2018, European Group for Organizational Studies.(*為通訊作者), Jul. 2018
2017 張瑜倩*;賴怡君, 2017.06, 'An exploratory study of the Urban Simple Life curation: The perspective of gatekeeping, ' The 14th International Conference Arts and Cultural Management, Peking University.(*為通訊作者), Jun. 2017
2016 張瑜倩*, 2016.07, 'The performing arts festival as a platform for values co-creation, ' 32nd EGOS Colloquium 2016, EGOS.(*為通訊作者), Jul. 2016
2015 張瑜倩*, 2015.06, 'The platform of value co-creation in a performing art festival curating, ' The 40th Annual Macromarketing Conference, Macromarketing Society.(*為通訊作者), Jun. 2015
2014 張瑜倩*, 2014.04, 'Social media and music consumption: A case study of a K-POP fan community, ' 39th Annual Macromarketing Conference, Royal Holloway, University of London.(*為通訊作者), Apr. 2014
2013 張瑜倩*, 2013.08, 'Using integrated marekting campaigns to build new audiences in museums: An ethnographic study, ' The 23rd General Conference of ICOM, International Council of Museums (ICOM).(*為通訊作者), Aug. 2013
2012 張瑜倩*, 2012.10, '從組織變革觀點探討行銷功能之轉變: 以英國維多利亞與亞伯特博物館為例, ' 2012博物館治理國際學術研討會, 國立科學工藝博物館.(*為通訊作者), Oct. 2012
2012 張瑜倩*, 2012.07, 'The collaboration and outsourcing relationships between the central government and cultural industries: A case study in Taiwan, ' VII Internacional conference on cultural policy research, Culture, politics and Cultural Policies, International Journal of Cultural Policy.(*為通訊作者), Jul. 2012
2012 張瑜倩*, 2012.06, 'National museum, local economic development and the tourism: A case study of the National Museum or Marine Biology and Aquarium, ' 17th International Conference on Cultural Economics, Association for Cultural Economics.(*為通訊作者), Jun. 2012