Status Appointed
Office Tel No. 87072
Job Title Professor
Teaching Field 組織設計與變革、組織再生、企業改造
Unit Dept. of Business Administration, Master of Business Administration Program
Year Paper Title
2004 Wellington K. Kuan;Lee, H. T., 2004, 'Exploratory Study of Stage Dependent Critical Success Factors in the Taiwan IC Industry, ' Asia Pacific Management Review, Vol.9, No.3, pp.479-518., vol. 295355, 2004
2004 Wellington K. Kuan;Lee, H. T., 2004, 'An Evolutionary perspective of IC industry development in Taiwan, ' Pan Pacific Management Review, Vol.7, No.2, pp.117-159., vol. 295354, 2004
2001 管康彥, 2001, '現代日本企業轉型探索之三--藉由組織解體來醫治大企業病, ' 財金資訊, Vol.15, No.0, pp.34-38., vol. 143856, 2001
2001 管康彥, 2001, '現代日本企業轉型探索之四--改革以因應新時代, ' 財金資訊, Vol.17, No.0, pp.34-37., vol. 143852, 2001
2000 管康彥, 2000, '二十一世紀企業變革轉型的省思, ' 財金資訊, Vol.11, No.0, pp.22-24., vol. 143868, 2000
2000 管康彥, 2000, '二十一世紀知識型經濟之組織競爭力挑戰, ' 財金資訊, Vol.8, No.0, pp.20-23., vol. 143866, 2000
2000 管康彥, 2000, '建構顧客導向之企業組織, ' 財金資訊, Vol.10, No.0, pp.32-33., vol. 143864, 2000
2000 管康彥, 2000, '現代日本企業轉型探索之一, ' 財金資訊, Vol.12, No.0, pp.30-31., vol. 143862, 2000
2000 管康彥, 2000, '現代日本企業轉型探索之二, ' 財金資訊, Vol.13, No.0, pp.26-30., vol. 143860, 2000
2000 管康彥, 2000, '顧客導向企業再造之關鍵性成功因素, ' 財金資訊, Vol.9, No.0, pp.24-27., vol. 143858, 2000
1997 管康彥, 1997.02, '顧客導向與服務觀念之企業性政府建構:成功民營企業改造之借鏡, ' 經濟情勢暨評論, Vol.2, No.4, pp.30-39., vol. 134896, Feb. 1997
1996 管康彥, 1996.05, '顧客導向之企業再造, '., vol. 120597, May. 1996
1996 管康彥, 1996.03, '顧客導向的企業再造工程, '., vol. 120538, Mar. 1996
1996 管康彥, 1996.02, '國家資訊基礎建設與二十一世紀之企業再造, '., vol. 120541, Feb. 1996
1996 管康彥, 1996.01, '當代企業再造的全方位認知, '., vol. 120592, Jan. 1996
1995 管康彥, 1995.10, '研發管理加上埋頭苦幹, '., vol. 120539, Oct. 1995
1995 管康彥, 1995.09, '臺灣企業進行企業再造的背景與特色, '., vol. 120590, Sep. 1995
1995 管康彥, 1995.07, '國外企業進行企業再造的背景與特色, '., vol. 120587, Jul. 1995
1995 管康彥, 1995.05, '資訊科技在企業再造工程中所扮演的角色, '., vol. 118541, May. 1995
1995 管康彥, 1995.04, '傳統組織之弊病與企業再造工程的管理涵義, '., vol. 118542, Apr. 1995
1995 管康彥, 1995.01, '因應新競爭時代之企業再造工程, '., vol. 118543, Jan. 1995
1995 管康彥, 1995.01, '企業再造工程的本質與其環境背景之探討, '., vol. 120586, Jan. 1995
1994 管康彥, 1994.06, '企業改革新方向:組織再生工程, '., vol. 120585, Jun. 1994
1993 管康彥, 1993.05, 'Environment,Strategy,Structure, and Performance in the Context of Export Activity:An Empirical Study of Taiwanese Manufacturing Firms, '., vol. 118680, May. 1993
1993 管康彥, 1993.01, '科技研發藏技於民, '., vol. 118679, Jan. 1993
1992 管康彥, 1992.10, '科技研發單位組織結構與管理, '., vol. 118678, Oct. 1992
1992 管康彥, 1992.07, '臺灣企業新產品開發策略實況調查, '., vol. 120582, Jul. 1992
1992 管康彥, 1992.07, '探索新產品開發的成功因子, '., vol. 120581, Jul. 1992
1992 管康彥, 1992.07, '我國重要產業技術發展策略第二部份IC工業, ' null,., vol. 120580, Jul. 1992
1992 管康彥, 1992.06, '中華民國臺灣地區多國籍公司的行銷概念與組織結構, '., vol. 120540, Jun. 1992
1990 管康彥, 1990.07, 'Paradox of Organizaional Size, '., vol. 120566, Jul. 1990
1990 管康彥, 1990, 'Organizational Downsizing to Promote Entrepreneurship, '., vol. 120568, 1990
1989 管康彥, 1989.09, 'Thriving on Size Chaos, '., vol. 120562, Sep. 1989
1988 管康彥, 1988.12, '多國籍公司組織之情境架構, '., vol. 120557, Dec. 1988
1988 管康彥, 1988.11, 'Contingency Analysis of Corporate Structure Superiority, '., vol. 120556, Nov. 1988
1986 管康彥, 1986.11, 'Assessing the Application of Multivariate Data Analysis Techniques in Organizational Structure Research: Exploratory Study or A Priori Hypothesis Testing, '., vol. 119798, Nov. 1986
Year Book Title
2006 管康彥, 2006, '建構行銷支援平台創新行銷營運模式, ' 13個成功企業的經營故事, 經濟部工業局., 295578, 2006
2002 管康彥, 2002.07, '知識競爭時代企業組織的策略基盤, ' 人性管理黃金定律., 295581, Jul. 2002
2001 管康彥, 2001.05, '企業變革創新企業價值, ' CEO變法企業復活., 295584, May. 2001
1999 管康彥, 1999, 'In Search of New Version of Japanese Management; The Remaking of Japanese Corporations, ' In Search of New Version of Japanese Management; The Remaking of Japanese Corporations, 日本交流協會東京本部., 153074, 1999
1996 管康彥, 1996.02, '新世紀的管理典範, ' 改造管理, 牛頓出版公司., 295592, Feb. 1996
1996 管康彥, 1996, '組織管理, ' 麥田出版公司., 133964, 1996
1995 管康彥, 1995.08, '從競爭、合作與互補的觀點看兩岸管理教育之發展, ' 中國大陸人文及社會科學發展現況, 國立政治大學學術研究發展委員會出版., 295602, Aug. 1995
1995 管康彥, 1995.07, '新產品快速研發之觀念架構, ' 科技體制與產業發展, 復文圖書出版社., 295605, Jul. 1995
1995 管康彥, 1995.03, '企業診斷與再生, ' 經濟部國營事業委員會., 118004, Mar. 1995
1993 管康彥;司徒達賢, 1993.03, '我國外貿推展機構使命與組織之研究, ' 中華民國對外貿易發展協會., 120583, Mar. 1993
1993 管康彥, 1993.02, '台灣製造業廠商外銷活動之環境、策略、結構與績效, ' 中華民國對外貿易發展協會培訓中心., 117987, Feb. 1993
1993 管康彥, 1993.02, '日本的國際企業經營策略, ' 中華民國對外貿易發展協會培訓中心., 117986, Feb. 1993
1993 管康彥, 1993.02, 'Managing in the Global Marketplace:with an Emphasis on the Europe 1992, ' 中華民國對外貿易發展協會培訓中心., 117985, Feb. 1993
1992 管康彥, 1992.03, '中山科學研究院組織結構與管理運作之檢討, ' 中山科學研究院計劃處., 120574, Mar. 1992
1992 管康彥, 1992.01, '中國石油股份有限公司薪資調整方案之研究, ' 管拓文化事業及企管顧問股份有限公司., 120573, Jan. 1992
1991 管康彥, 1991.12, '中山科學研究院因應未來國防科技需求之組織型態研擬, ' 中山科學研究院計劃處., 120572, Dec. 1991
1991 管康彥, 1991.06, '推動產業科技發展業務之檢討研究, ' 經濟部科技顧問室., 120571, Jun. 1991
Country School Name Department Degree Duration
UNITED STATES 美國西北大學 Organization Studies 博士 1980.09 ~ 1984.08
TAIWAN, REPUBLIC OF CHINA 私立大同工學院 事業經營學系 碩士 1976.09 ~ 1978.06
TAIWAN, REPUBLIC OF CHINA 私立中國文化大學 電機工程(學)系 學士 1972.09 ~ 1976.06
Experience Category Organization Title Department Job Title Duration
Current NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY Department of Business Administration 教授 2017.08 ~ 2018.02
Current NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY Department of Business Administration 教授 2013.01 ~ 2017.02
Current NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY Department of Business Administration 教授 2012.08 ~ 2013.01
Current NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY Department of Business Administration 教授 2010.08 ~ 2012.02
Current NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY Department of Business Administration 教授 2005.02 ~ 2010.02
Current NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY Department of Business Administration 教授 1990.08 ~ 2004.08
Part Time NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY Department of Business Administration 系主任 1995.08 ~ 1996.07
Honor Category Year Award Name Awarding Unit
Inside School 97 特聘教授 政治大學
Year Paper Title
2006 Kuan, Wellington K.;Mavis Yi-Ching Chen, 2006, 'An Intellectual Capital Perspective of Human Resource Development Practices in Organizational Change: an Exploratory Study of Japanese Corporations, ' The 5th Asia Academy of Management Conference., 2006
2006 管康彥, 2006, '從區域服務導向至醫學中心導向的醫療服務機構組織轉型變革探討─亞東紀念醫院之個案研究, ' 服務管理研討會., 2006
2003 管康彥, 2003.01, '日本近代組織變革對台灣企業的啟示;從企業轉型的角度評比台灣和日本的企業組織與管理, ' 中日評比會議, 成功大學., Jan. 2003
2000 管康彥, 2000, 'An Exploratory Framework for Glocalizing Human Resource Management, ' IIRA 12th World Congress Tokyo Proceedings, IIRA 12th World Congress Tokyo Proceedings., 2000
1999 Kuan, Wellington K., 1999, ' In Search of a New Version of Japanese Management: the Remaking of Japanese Corporations, ' Japan Interchange Association., 1999
1996 Wellington K. Kuan;Huang, Eugenia, 1996.06, 'Reengineering: Taiwan Experience, ' Asia Pacific Decision Science Institute Conference., Jun. 1996
1996 管康彥;管郁君;林明德, 1996.05, '以流程特性之觀點探討資訊科技與企業流程改造作法之搭配, ' 第七屆國際資訊管理學術研討會論文集., May. 1996
1996 管康彥;高俊維, 1996.03, '以慈悲喜捨信願行為經營主軸的慈濟功德會, ' 第二屆服務業管理研討會., Mar. 1996
1996 管康彥, 1996.01, '企業如何以組織改造的經濟策略來創造新機-陽明海運公司之個案探討, ' 企業如何改變經營型態創造新機研討會, pp.175-182., Jan. 1996
1996 管康彥;管郁君;鄭啟良, 1996.01, '臺灣地區物流業進行企業再生工程之特質探討, ' 國際商業物流研討會, pp.477-484., Jan. 1996
1996 管康彥, 1996, '從本土角度看企業再造, ' 第二屆全國企業改造研討會., 1996
1996 管康彥, 1996, 'The Reality of Business Reengineering in Taiwan:When West Meets Ease, ' 20th Joint Conference of ROC-USA & USA-ROC Economic Councils., 1996
1995 管康彥;管郁君, 1995.11, '企業再造之適域性探討:背景與特色, ' 第一屆全國企業改造研討會, pp.185-198., Nov. 1995
1995 管康彥;管郁君;鄭啟良, 1995.05, '企業再生工程實施方式與企業特質的關聯, ' 第六屆國際資訊管理學術研討會論文集, pp.1-8., May. 1995
1995 管康彥, 1995.03, '服務業進行企業再造之特質探討, ' 第1屆服務業管理研討會., Mar. 1995
1993 管康彥, 1993.11, 'An Exploratory Study of Faster New Product Development, ' ORSA/TIMS Joint National Meeting., Nov. 1993
1993 管康彥, 1993.06, '事業策略在研發與行銷間互動關係之情境效應, ' 產業科技研究發展管理研討會., Jun. 1993
1993 管康彥, 1993.06, '新產品快速研發之觀念架構, ' 科技體制與產業發展研討會., Jun. 1993
1993 管康彥, 1993.05, '從研究的角度看學術理論與企業實務的互補關係, ' 第五屆中華民國管理教育研討會., May. 1993
1992 管康彥, 1992.05, '中華民國臺灣地區多國籍公司的行銷概念與組織結構, ' 第五屆多國籍企業國際學術研討會., May. 1992
1992 管康彥, 1992.05, '高科技企業經營策略, ' 13-28., May. 1992
1992 管康彥, 1992.05, 'Marketing Concept and Organization Structure of Multinational Corporations in Taiwan, the Republic of China, ' Fifth International Conference on Multinational Enterprise P., May. 1992
1992 管康彥, 1992.04, '從研究方法課程之角度談研究盲點的釐清, ' 第四屆中華民國管理教育研討會., Apr. 1992
1992 管康彥, 1992.04, '新產品開發策略與管理控制機能, ' 科技體制與產業發展研討會., Apr. 1992
1990 管康彥, 1990.11, 'Marketing Concept and Organization Structure of Multinational Corporations in Taiwan, the Republic of China: An International Business Perspective of Strategy-Structure Paradigm, ' The Republic of China, Fifth International Conference on Multinational Enterprise Proceedings., Nov. 1990
1990 管康彥, 1990.10, 'Management Control Mechanisms to Match New Product Development Strategies: First-to-Market versus Quick-Response, ' ORSA/TIMS Joint National Meeting., Oct. 1990
1990 管康彥, 1990.08, 'An Exploratory Study of New Product Development Strategy and Management Control Mechanisms, ' Annual Academy of Management Meeting., Aug. 1990
1990 管康彥, 1990.06, 'Moderating Effects of Business Level Strategy in R&D and Marketing Interactions, ' The Third International Conference on Comparative Management., Jun. 1990
1990 管康彥, 1990.05, 'In Search of Export Performance: Lessons from Manufacturing Firms in Taiwan, the Republic of China, ' Pan-Pacific Conference VII., May. 1990
1990 管康彥, 1990.04, 'Organization Downsizing to Retain Entrepreneurship, ' Fifteenth Annual Conference of the Association of Private Enterprise Education., Apr. 1990
1989 管康彥, 1989.07, 'Enhancing the R&D-Production Interface Productivity: A Perspective on Structure, Process, and Task Uncertainty Congruency, ' The Institute of Management Sciences XXIX International Conf., Jul. 1989
1989 管康彥, 1989.06, 'Information Dimensions of Strategic Decision Making: The Case of New Product Introduction, ' International Information Management Congress Data and Docum., Jun. 1989
1989 管康彥, 1989.06, 'Retaining organizational Competitiveness through Downsizing, ' The Second International Conference on Comparative Managemen., Jun. 1989
1989 管康彥, 1989.05, 'Business Level Strategy and R&D/Marketing Interface in Taiwan Manufacturing Firms, ' Pan-Pacific Conference VI., May. 1989
1988 管康彥, 1988.11, 'Contingency Framword of Multinational Corporation Structure, ' Fourth International Conference on MNE., Nov. 1988
1988 管康彥, 1988.09, 'An Empirical Study of Quality Cost and Porfitability, ' The 2nd Sino-Korea Quality Control Symposium., Sep. 1988
1988 管康彥, 1988.05, 'Structural Adaptation to Perceived Environmental Uncertainty, Organizational Technology, and Size: An Empirical Study of Taiwan Autonomous Manufacturing Plants, ' The Pan-Pacific Conference V., May. 1988
1988 管康彥, 1988.05, 'Contingency Analysis of Corporate Structure Superiority, ' 80/90 International Conference on Management Science., May. 1988
1988 管康彥, 1988.05, 'Contingent Views of Corporate Structure Response: A Comparison between Chinese and American Firms, ' The International Conference on Comparative Management., May. 1988
1987 管康彥, 1987.09, 'Dimensions of Decision Support Information: The Case of New Product Introduction, ' Joint National Meeting of the Operations Research Society of America and The Institute of Management Sciences., Sep. 1987
1987 管康彥, 1987.05, 'Organization Structure in a Project Environment: Exploring the Plausibility of Matrix Arrangement, ' Proceedings of the Pan-Pacific Conference IV., May. 1987
1987 管康彥, 1987.04, 'Quality Costs and Profitability Performance: Case Studies, ' Second World Congress of Production and Inventory Control Presentations., Apr. 1987
1986 管康彥, 1986.10, 'Situation Dependent Model of Corporate Structure Response, ' Joint National meeting of the Operations Research Society of America and The Institute of Management Sciences., Oct. 1986
1986 管康彥, 1986.07, 'Organizational Arrangement of Research and Development Activities, ' Conference on Management Development for Scientists and Technologists, Manchester Business School; University of Manchester., Jul. 1986
1985 管康彥, 1985.12, 'Identifying Information Dimensions of Decision Making at the Strategic Level: A Broposed Research, ' 中華民國74年全國計算機會議., Dec. 1985