Status Full-time
Office Tel No. 81252
Job Title Associate Professor
Research Expertise Nonparametric Bayesian Inference
Teaching Field 貝氏無母數推論
Unit Dept. of Statistics
Year Paper Title
2023 Yu-Ting Chen;Jeng-Min Chiou*;Tzee-Ming Huang, 2023.06, 'Greedy Segmentation for a Functional Data Sequence, ' JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN STATISTICAL ASSOCIATIO, Vol.118, No.542, pp.959-971.(SCIE)(*為通訊作者), vol. 108027, Jun. 2023
2020 Yu-Hsiang Cheng;Tzee-Ming Huang*, 2020.06, 'A modified likelihood-based approach for semi-supervised learning for normal mixture data with multiple components per class, ' Journal of the Chinese Statistical Association, Vol.58, No.2, pp.70-92.(*為通訊作者), vol. 427825, Jun. 2020
2019 Yu-Hsiang Cheng;Tzee-Ming Huang;Su-Yun Huang*, 2019.07, 'Tensor Decomposition for Dimension Reduction, ' Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Computational Statistics, Vol.12, No.2, pp.e1482.(*為通訊作者), vol. 423941, Jul. 2019
2012 Yu-Hsiang Cheng;Tzee-Ming Huang*, 2012.05, 'A conditional independence test for dependent data based on maximal conditional correlation, ' Journal of Multivariate Analysis, Vol.107, No.0, pp.210-226.(SCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 359872, May. 2012
2010 黃子銘*, 2010.08, 'Testing conditional independence using maximal nonlinear conditional correlation, ' Annals of Statistics, Vol.38, No.4, pp.2047-2091.(SCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 304015, Aug. 2010
2010 Shen-Chien Chen;Ruby C. Weng*;Tzeeming Huang, 2010.01, 'Corrected Confidence Intervals for Parameters in Adaptive Linear Models, ' Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, Vol.140, pp.297-309.(SCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 290770, Jan. 2010
2008 Tzee-Ming Huang*;Hung Chen, 2008.09, 'Estimating the parametric component of nonlinear partial spline model, ' Journal of Multivariate Analysis, Vol.99, No.8, pp.1665-1680.(SCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 266368, Sep. 2008
2007 S. X. Chen*;T. M. Huang, 2007.06, 'Nonparametric estimation of copula functions for dependence modelling, ' The Canadian Journal of Statistics, Vol.35, No.2, pp.265-282.(SCIE)(*為通訊作者), vol. 220580, Jun. 2007
2004 黃子銘*, 2004.08, 'CONVERGENCE RATES FOR POSTERIOR DISTRIBUTIONS AND ADAPTIVE ESTIMATION, ' Annals of Statistics, Vol.32, No.4, pp.1556-1593.(SCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 202434, Aug. 2004
Project Category Year Project Title Participator Job Title Period Unit
MOST Projects 111 具有節點篩選機制的樣條迴歸之估計一致性(2/2) HUANG TZEE-MING Principal Investigator 2023.08 ~ 2024.07 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 111 具有節點篩選機制的樣條迴歸之估計一致性(1/2) HUANG TZEE-MING Principal Investigator 2022.08 ~ 2024.07 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 109 應用交替順序變項回歸於順序變項矩陣分解(2/2) WENG CHIU-HSING,HUANG TZEE-MING 2021.08 ~ 2022.07 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 104 隨機場迴歸問題的適應性估計 HUANG TZEE-MING Principal Investigator 2015.08 ~ 2016.07 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 103 一種多維度關聯結構的建構方式 HUANG TZEE-MING Principal Investigator 2014.08 ~ 2015.07 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 103 一種多維度關聯結構的建構方式(延攬) HUANG TZEE-MING Principal Investigator 2014.08 ~ 2015.07 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 102 相關誤差下的迴歸函數適應性估計 HUANG TZEE-MING Principal Investigator 2013.08 ~ 2014.07 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 101 無母數迴歸使用B-spline時選取knot 的一種方式 HUANG TZEE-MING Principal Investigator 2012.08 ~ 2013.07 National Science and Technology Council
Other Projects 100 捐血服務需求及滿意度調查資料分析計畫書 HUANG TZEE-MING Principal Investigator 2011.12 ~ 2011.12
Other Projects 100 血品供應滿意度調查資料分析計畫 HUANG TZEE-MING Principal Investigator 2011.11 ~ 2011.11
MOST Projects 100 轉換資料的核迴歸估計量的漸進分布 HUANG TZEE-MING Principal Investigator 2011.08 ~ 2012.07 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 99 相依資料的條件獨立檢定 HUANG TZEE-MING Principal Investigator 2010.08 ~ 2011.07 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 98 函數型資料時間轉換函數模型使用對共同型態函數估計的影響 HUANG TZEE-MING Principal Investigator 2009.08 ~ 2010.07 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 97 條件相關性度量及條件獨立檢定(II) HUANG TZEE-MING Principal Investigator 2008.08 ~ 2009.07 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 96 關連結構的核估計及適合度檢查 HUANG TZEE-MING Principal Investigator 2007.08 ~ 2008.08 National Science and Technology Council
MOST Projects 95 條件相關性度量及條件獨立檢定 HUANG TZEE-MING Principal Investigator 2006.10 ~ 2007.07 National Science and Technology Council
Country School Name Department Degree Duration
U.S.A. 美國卡耐基美隆大學 Statistics 博士 1996.08 ~ 2000.12
U.S.A. 美國卡耐基美隆大學 統計學系 碩士 1996.08 ~ 1997.05
TAIWAN, REPUBLIC OF CHINA 國立臺灣大學 數學系 碩士 1993.09 ~ 1995.06
TAIWAN, REPUBLIC OF CHINA 國立臺灣大學 數學系 學士 1989.10 ~ 1993.06
Experience Category Organization Title Department Job Title Duration
Current NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY Department of Statistics 副教授 2014.06 ~ Up to today
Current NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY Department of Statistics 副教授 2013.01 ~ 2014.02
Current NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY Department of Statistics 副教授 2010.08 ~ 2013.01
Current NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY Department of Statistics 助理教授 2006.08 ~ 2010.08
Part Time NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY Department of Statistics 系主任 2019.08 ~ 2020.07
Part Time NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY Department of Statistics 系主任 2018.08 ~ 2019.07
Honor Category Year Award Name Awarding Unit
Inside School 105 資深優良教師(10年) 國立政治大學
Inside School 100 吳大猷先生紀念獎 科技部(國科會)
Year Paper Title
2020 Tzee-Ming Huang*, 2020.07, 'An estimation procedure with knot selection for multivariate regression splines, ' 2020 International Conference on Frontiers of Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (CFAIS 2020), Hong Kong Society of Robotics and Automation(HKSRA).(*為通訊作者), Jul. 2020
2020 Tzee-Ming Huang*, 2020.06, 'A Knot Selection Algorithm for Splines in Logistic Regression, ' ICoMS 2020: Proceedings of the 2020 3rd International Conference on Mathematics and Statistics, Hong Kong Chemical, Biological & Environmental Engineering Society (HKCBEES), pp.29-33.(*為通訊作者), Jun. 2020
2019 黃子銘*, 2019.11, 'A knot search algorithm for regression splines when multiple knots are needed, ' Proceedings of the KSS Autumn Conference 2019, 中國統計學社、南韓統計學會、日本統計學會, pp.14.(*為通訊作者), Nov. 2019
2019 Tzee-Ming Huang*, 2019.08, 'A knot selection algorithm for regression splines, ' Proceedings of the 62nd ISI World Statistics Congress, Kuala Lumpur, Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2, ISI (International Statistical Institute), pp.372-377.(*為通訊作者), Aug. 2019
2019 Yu-Hsiang Cheng;Tzee-Ming Huang*;Su-Fen Yang, 2019.06, 'An approach for curve alignment and clustering, ' 3rd International Conference on Econometrics and Statistics (Ecosta 2019), CMStatistics Workgroup, CFENetwork, 中興應數系與統計所.(*為通訊作者), Jun. 2019
2017 黃子銘*, 2017.06, 'Knot selection for regression splines, ' 第二十六屆南區統計研討會, 台北大學統計學系.(*為通訊作者), Jun. 2017
2011 黃子銘, 2011.08, 'A test for variability in the two-sample case, '., Aug. 2011
2010 Su-Fen Yang;Tzee-Ming Huang, 2010.12, 'Distinguishing an unusual curve from unaligned curves with a common shape with application to Babyfinder data, ' 2010 Annual Meeting of Chinese Statistical Society and International Statistical Conference., Dec. 2010
2010 楊素芬;黃子銘, 2010.07, 'Distinguishing an unusual curve from unaligned curves with a common shape with application to Babyfinder data, ' International Conference on Statistical Analysis of Complex Data., Jul. 2010