Office Tel No. 81015
Job Title Professor
Teaching Field 財務/保險行銷、消費者行為、孫子兵法與企業經營
Year Paper Title
2005 謝耀龍*, 2005, '不道德壽險行銷之個案研究, ' 保險實務與制度,.(*為通訊作者), vol. 178015, 2005
2004 謝耀龍, 2004.09, '產險業顧客抱怨個案研究, ' 保險實務與制度, Vol.3, No.2, pp.103-124., vol. 178017, Sep. 2004
2004 謝耀龍, 2004.03, '產險業顧客購買行為初探, ' 保險實務與制度, Vol.3, No.1, pp.1-25., vol. 178016, Mar. 2004
2004 謝耀龍, 2004, 'Exploring Corporate Donation Behavior:A Case Study of Taiwan, ' Journal of Nonprofit and Public Sector Markeying, Vol.12, No.1, pp.69-91., vol. 178014, 2004
2003 謝耀龍, 2003.09, '顧客關係管理與壽險行銷, ' 保險實務與制度, Vol.2, No.2, pp.117-145., vol. 178013, Sep. 2003
2002 謝耀龍, 2002.12, '壽險業務員行銷模式轉移:從KASH到SHAKE, ' 壽險季刊, No.126, pp.2-23., vol. 178012, Dec. 2002
2002 謝耀龍;尤俊傑, 2002, '台灣網路學習市場之潛在消費者初探, ' 網際網路技術學刊, Vol.3, No.1, pp.53-62., vol. 144960, 2002
2001 謝耀龍;楊凌玉;陳怡賓, 2001.06, '台灣壽險業務員教育訓練現況剖析, ' 壽險季刊, No.120, pp.6-36., vol. 147170, Jun. 2001
2000 謝耀龍, 2000.03, '美國職場行銷研究, ' 壽險季刊, Vol.0, No.115, pp.12-48., vol. 147172, Mar. 2000
2000 謝耀龍, 2000, '中國酒店的經營與營銷策略:個案研究, ' 華人管理個案研究,秋季號, Vol.0, No.0, pp.1-31., vol. 147171, 2000
1999 謝耀龍, 1999.12, '網際網路對壽險業行銷策略之影響, ' 壽險季刊, Vol.0, No.114, pp.23-41., vol. 147174, Dec. 1999
1999 謝耀龍;尤俊傑, 1999.12, '台灣網際網路學習市場初探, ' 中興企管學報商業自動化專刊---電子商務論叢, Vol.0, No.0, pp.151-173., vol. 147173, Dec. 1999
1999 謝耀龍, 1999, '台灣壽險業關係行銷運用與行銷績效之研究, ' 中山管理評論, Vol.7, No.3, pp.821-846.(TSSCI), vol. 147175, 1999
1998 謝耀龍, 1998.06, '東南亞壽險業關係行銷理念與實際策略運用之比較研究, ' 壽險季刊, Vol.0, No.108, pp.55-72., vol. 147176, Jun. 1998
1998 謝耀龍, 1998.03, '東南亞壽險業關係行銷理念與實際策略運用之比較研究, ' 壽險季刊, Vol.0, No.107, pp.75-90., vol. 147177, Mar. 1998
1994 謝耀龍, 1994, 'Personal Relationship and Its Influence on Export Behavior: An Empirical Study, '., vol. 129763, 1994
1993 謝耀龍;Debra L. Scammon, 1993, 'Cultural And Economic Antecedents to Evolving Consumer Concerns in Taiwan, ' Journal of Consumer Policy, Vol.16, No.1, pp.61-78., vol. 130846, 1993
1993 謝耀龍, 1993, 'Cultural and Economic Antecedents to Evolving Consumer Concerns in Taiwan Netherlands, '., vol. 129748, 1993
Country School Name Department Degree Duration
UNITED STATES University of Utah Marketing 博士 1989.09 ~ 1992.12
TAIWAN, REPUBLIC OF CHINA 國立政治大學 企業管理(學)系 碩士 1984.09 ~ 1986.06
TAIWAN, REPUBLIC OF CHINA 私立東吳大學 會計(學)系 學士 1980.09 ~ 1984.06
Experience Category Organization Title Department Job Title Duration
Current NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY Department of Risk Management and Insurance 教授 2015.08 ~ 2016.02
Current NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY Department of Risk Management and Insurance 教授 2014.08 ~ 2015.08
Current NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY Department of Risk Management and Insurance 教授 2013.01 ~ 2014.08
Current NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY Department of Risk Management and Insurance 教授 2007.08 ~ 2013.01
Current NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY Department of Risk Management and Insurance 教授 2004.02 ~ 2007.02
Current NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY Department of Risk Management and Insurance 教授 1999.08 ~ 2003.08
Current NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY Department of Risk Management and Insurance 副教授 1993.02 ~ 1999.08
Honor Category Year Award Name Awarding Unit
Inside School 102 資深優良教師(20年) 國立政治大學
Year Paper Title
2011 謝耀龍*, 2011.12, 'Perceived Quality and Overseas Student Satisfaction in Higher Education: A Case Study, ' IADIS International Conference on International Higher Education 2011 Proceedings, International Association for Development of the Information Society (IADIS), pp.11-18.(*為通訊作者), Dec. 2011
2011 謝耀龍*, 2011.06, 'Intercultural Problems in Higher Education: A Case Study, ' The 9th CAFIC International Conference, China Association for Intercultural Communication (CAFIC).(*為通訊作者), Jun. 2011
2011 謝耀龍*, 2011, 'Cross-cultural Communication: East vs. West, ' the CIMaR-UIBE•BUSINESS SCHOOL 2009 JOINT CONFERENCE.(*為通訊作者), 2011
2010 謝耀龍*;Bingfei E. Wang, 2010.11, 'Night Markets and Tourism: Marketing and Public Policy Implications, ' the 11th International Joint World Cultural Tourism Conference.(*為通訊作者), Nov. 2010
2010 謝耀龍*, 2010.11, 'Marketing Strategies of Hot Springs Resorts in Taiwan: A Case Study, ' the 11th International Joint World Cultural Tourism Conference.(*為通訊作者), Nov. 2010
2010 謝耀龍*, 2010.07, 'Group Insurance Marketing in Taiwan: A Case Study, ' World Risk and Insurance Economics Congress.(*為通訊作者), Jul. 2010
2010 謝耀龍*;Bingfei E. Wang, 2010.07, 'Relationship Marketing in the Hotel Industry of Taiwan: A Case Study, ' 2010 APTA Annual Conference Proceedings, pp.19-22.(*為通訊作者), Jul. 2010
2010 謝耀龍*, 2010.06, 'Cross-cultural Communication Education: The AIDA Model, ' The 16th International Conference of the International Association for Intercultural Communication Studies.(*為通訊作者), Jun. 2010
2010 謝耀龍*, 2010.05, 'Night Markets and International Students: Implications for Tourism Marketing, ' The 9th Biennial Conference on Tourism and Hospitality Industry in Asia.(*為通訊作者), May. 2010
2010 謝耀龍, 2010.04, 'The Decision-Making Process of International Students in Taiwan: A Case Study, ' the APAIE’s 2010 annual conference program, APAIE, pp.65., Apr. 2010
2010 謝耀龍*, 2010, '台灣地區保險業職場營銷研究, ' 中國保險學會2010年學術年會入選論文集, pp.429-438.(*為通訊作者), 2010
2009 謝耀龍, 2009.12, 'Marketing strategies of Million Dollar Round Table Members, ' The All China Economics International Conference Proceedings, pp.63., Dec. 2009
2009 謝耀龍, 2009.11, 'Risk Management in Residential Communities: A Case Study, ' the 6th International Society for the Third Sector Research (ISTR) Asia Pacific Regional Conference., Nov. 2009
2009 謝耀龍*, 2009.10, 'Cross-cultural Communication: East vs. West, ' the CIMaR-UIBE•BUSINESS SCHOOL 2009 JOINT CONFERENCE.(*為通訊作者), Oct. 2009
2009 謝耀龍*, 2009.07, 'Enterprise risk management In the hotel industry of Taiwan: A case study, ' 15th APTA Annual Conference Proceedings, Asian Pacific Tourism Association, pp.111-113.(*為通訊作者), Jul. 2009
2007 謝耀龍*, 2007.09, 'Product Quality and Value Perceptions: The Perspective of Ethnic Consumers/The Fourth Royal Bank International Research Seminar Proceedings, ' the Royal Bank International Research Seminar.(不知道)(*為通訊作者), Sep. 2007
2001 謝耀龍;尤俊傑, 2001.10, '台灣網路學習市場潛在消費者之研究, ' 2001年台灣區學術網路研討會暨網路學習與繼續專業教育國際會議, 中正大學., Oct. 2001
2000 謝耀龍, 2000.10, 'Shopping as a Jungle Trip, ' Consumer Research., Oct. 2000
2000 謝耀龍;Debra L.Scammon, 2000.06, 'To Regulate or Not to Regulate:Regulation Issues of Insurance Marketing over the Internet, ' the Public policy &Marketing 2000 Conference., Jun. 2000
2000 謝耀龍, 2000.01, 'An Exploratory Study of Marketing Plan Deveopment in Taiwan''s Life Insurance Industry, ' the Western Risk and Insurance Association''s 34th Annual Meeting., Jan. 2000
1999 謝耀龍, 1999.06, 'Corporate Philanthropy:Why and Why Not?, ' Tenth IABS Annual Conference Proceedings., Jun. 1999
1999 謝耀龍;尤俊傑, 1999.04, '台灣網際網路學習市場初探, ' 1999 商業自動化理論與實務研討會, -., Apr. 1999
1998 謝耀龍, 1998.12, 'EMBA 教育與珠海及中國整體經濟發展, ' The Zhuhai Conference on China and Zhuhai in the Globalization of World Economy, -., Dec. 1998
1998 謝耀龍, 1998.10, 'Relationship Marketing Strategies of the Export-Import Industry: A Case Study of Taiwan, ' The 1998 Annual Conference of the Academy of International Business Southeast Asia Region Proceedings, -., Oct. 1998
1998 謝耀龍, 1998.05, 'Relationship Marketing Strategies in the Life Insurance Industry: A Revised Framework and A Cross-national Comparison, ' The Academy of Marketing Science Conference Proceedings, -., May. 1998
1998 謝耀龍, 1998.03, '成功業務員的行銷策略:以壽險業為例, ' 第四屆服務管理研討會 , -., Mar. 1998
1997 謝耀龍, 1997, '台灣壽險業顧客抱怨行為之研究, ' 第三屆服務業管理研討會., 1997
1997 謝耀龍, 1997, 'The Role of Guanxi in Marketing Ethics, '., 1997
1997 謝耀龍, 1997, 'Complaint Behavior of Taiwanese Consumers: An Empirical Study, ' The American Council on Consumer Interests Conference., 1997
謝耀龍, 'The Influence of Marketing Strategy on Export Performance: An Empirical Study of Taiwanese Computer Firms, ' American Marketing Association''s Winter Educators'' Conference., Sep. 2024
謝耀龍, 'The Role of Chinese Culture in International Marketing, ' The Academy of Marketing Science Conference., Sep. 2024
謝耀龍, 'Chinese Culture and Its Influence on Export Marketing Strategy, ' The Academy of Marketing Science Conference., Sep. 2024
謝耀龍, 'The Impact of economic Factors on Export Marketing Performance: An Empirical Analysis, ' The Sixth Bi-Annual World Marketing Congress., Sep. 2024
謝耀龍, 'The Relationship Between Firm Size and Export Marketing Success, ' The First South China International Business Symposium., Sep. 2024
謝耀龍, '臺灣三陽製藥廠股份有限公司, ' 臺灣中小企業之發展:個案研究與論文發表會., Sep. 2024
謝耀龍, '從消費者之觀點看壽險業之行銷策略--外商與臺灣壽險公司之比較, ' 第一屆服務業管理研討會., Sep. 2024
謝耀龍, 'Personal Relationship and Its Influence on Export Behavior: An Empirical Study, ' The American Marketing Association''s Summer Marketing Educators'' Conference., Sep. 2024
謝耀龍, 'Consumers'' Attitudes Towards Marketing Practices, Consumerism, and Government Regulations: A Comparison Between Taiwan and India, ' International Association for Business and Society''s 1995 Conference., Sep. 2024
謝耀龍, 'After Sale Services and Consumer Complaints: An Empirical Study, Consumer Interests Annual, ' The American Council on Consumer Interests'' Annual Conference., Sep. 2024
謝耀龍, 'Trust, Social Networks, and Buying Behavior: An Empirical Study, ' The International Association for Business and Society''s 1996 Conference., Sep. 2024
謝耀龍, 'Motives of Corporate Philanthropy: A Case Study of Taiwan, ' The International Association for Business and Society''s 1996 Conference., Sep. 2024
謝耀龍, 'Factors Influencing Corporate Philanthropy: A Case Study of Taiwan, ' Academy of International Business South-East Asia Regional Conference., Sep. 2024
謝耀龍, 'The Influence of Economic Factors on Export Marketing Performance: An Empirical Analysis, ' The Sixth Bi--Annual World Marketing Congress., Sep. 2024