Conference Paper

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Year Paper Title
2010 Ho, H.W.;Ting, C.P., 2010, 'D-optimal designs for the one-way elimination of heterogeneity when response follows a Poisson and binomial distributions, ' 2010 Annual Meeting of Chinese Statistical Society and International Statistical Conference, 教育部,中央大學統計所,中研院統計所,中國統計學社., 2010
2010 Ting, C.P.*, 2010, 'Optimal two-level fractional factorial designs with pure dispersion factors, ' The 2010 Cross-Strait Conference on Applied Statistics, 雲南大學.(*為通訊作者), 2010
2010 王儷玲, 2010, '4. “The Momentum Effect on Estimating the Cost of Equity Capital forProperty-Liability Insurers,”, ' World Risk and Insurance Economics Congress., 2010
2010 王儷玲, 2010, '“ Hedging Annuity Longevity Risk with Stochastic Interest Rates,”, ' World Risk and Insurance Economics Congress., 2010
2010 王儷玲, 2010, '“The Optimal Product for Hedging Longevity Risk and Financial Risks for Lifeinsurers :A Dynamic Immunization Approach ,”, ' the 6th International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions Conference., 2010
2010 謝耀龍*, 2010, '台灣地區保險業職場營銷研究, ' 中國保險學會2010年學術年會入選論文集, pp.429-438.(*為通訊作者), 2010
2010 Lin, W.-I.*;Tsaih, R.-H.;Huang, S.-Y., 2010, 'A Neural Networks Tool to Enhance the Understanding of Fraudulent Financial Reporting, ' 2010 American Accounting Association Annual Meeting.(*為通訊作者), 2010
2010 A. Chen*;H.-L. Chang;R.-H. Tsaih;S.-K. Chou, 2010, 'Challenges of IT-enabled Service – A Case Study of ITV Service, ' 2010 INFORMS Service Science Conference.(*為通訊作者), 2010
2010 何丁武;楊建民, 2010, '圖層資料交換效率之研析—以水資源資訊服務平台整合WMS為例, ' 水利產業研討會., 2010
2010 何丁武;楊建民, 2010, '基於水資源資訊服務平台交換海岸管理應用圖層之探討, ' 海洋工程研討會., 2010