Conference Paper

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Year Paper Title
2009 蘇志雄;鄭宇庭;林雅雯;謝邦昌, 2009, '台灣地區博弈事業定位與市場結構分析之研究, ' 2009年應用統計學術研討會, 國立台北大學., 2009
2009 鄭宇庭, 2009, '企業信用風險模型, ' 2009年資料採礦的未來展望研討會, 致理技術學院., 2009
2009 Yang, S.*, 2009, 'Adaptive Control Scheme for Dependent Processes, ' 南區統計會議.(*為通訊作者), 2009
2009 Yang, S.*;Lin, J., 2009, 'Variable Parameters Loss Function Control Chart, ' Proceedings of ISI 2009, ISBIS and South Africa.(*為通訊作者), 2009
2009 Yang, S.*;Yang, C.;Chen, Y., 2009, 'Controlling means and variances using VSSI cause selecting control charts, ' ISI 2009 conference, ISI.(*為通訊作者), 2009
2009 Yang.S*, 2009, 'Adaptive Control Scheme for a Process with Incorrect Adjustment, ' 1st Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems, IEEE Computer Society.(EI)(*為通訊作者), 2009
2009 Chiu, Yu-Fen;謝明華;蔡政憲, 2009, 'Valuation of Ratchet Equity Indexed Annuities with Quanto Features, ' American Risk and Insurance Association Annual Meeting., 2009
2009 詹芳書;蔡政憲, 2009, 'A Revisit on the Effective Durations and Effective Convexities of Life Insurance Reserves, ' American Risk and Insurance Association Annual Meeting., 2009
2009 詹芳書;蔡政憲, 2009, '壽險保單準備金之有效存續期間分析, ' 兩岸保險與危險管理學術研討會., 2009
2009 黃孝慈;蔡政憲;陳春龍, 2009, ' A New Approach for the Multi-Period Asset Allocations of a Property-Casualty Insurer, ' 證券市場發展季刊 資產管理研討會., 2009