Conference Paper

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Year Paper Title
2006 Lin, Y.Y.;Lee, I.C., 2006.12, 'National intellectual capital: A comparison of Japan, Korea and Taiwan, ' Asian Academy of Management., Dec. 2006
2006 Lin, Y.Y.;Wei, Y.C., 2006.12, 'Environmental pressure and organizational decline: The moderating effects of human capital and social capital, ' Asian Academy of Management., Dec. 2006
2006 Lin, Y.Y.;Lin, T.Y., 2006.12, 'National intellectual capital: A comparison of the Nordic countries, ' 2006 科管年會., Dec. 2006
2006 林月雲, 2006.12, 'Value adding of traditional Chinese culture through the lenses of intellectual capital: Taking Lee and Lee company as an example, ' Proceeding of 2006 Service Management Conference, National Chengchi University., Dec. 2006
2006 HSIAO, R.L., 2006.12, 'Failure Trap: Cyclical Failure in Information Systems Implementation, ' International Conference of Information Systems (ICIS)., Dec. 2006
2006 姜國輝;蔡本源;陳誌家*, 2006.12, '導入PLM對提昇企業研發流管理能力之個案研究, ' 2006電子化企業應用論壇論文集, 行政院內政部/客委會, 親民技術學院 etc..(*為通訊作者), Dec. 2006
2006 施文真*, 2006.12, '永續台灣:制度量能的提昇與建構研究—國際貿易政策之永續性制度(I), ' 2006永續發展科技與政策研討會.(*為通訊作者), Dec. 2006
2006 Chen, Wei-Peng;Robin K. Chou;Huimin Chung, 2006.12, 'Penny Pricing and Index Futures Arbitrage, ' The Fourteenth Conference on the Theories and Practices of Securities and Financial Markets, National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan., Dec. 2006
2006 Chou, Pin-Huang;Robin K. Chou;Kuan-Cheng Ko, 2006.12, 'Empirical Determinants of Limit-hit Durations: Rational and Behavioral Perspectives, ' The 2006 NTU International Conference on Finance, Taipei, Taiwan., Dec. 2006
2006 Chen, Hsuan-Chi;Robin K. Chou;Grace C.H. Kuan, 2006.12, 'Tie-In Agreements and First-Day Trading in Initial Public Offerings, ' The 2006 NTU International Conference on Finance, Taipei, Taiwan., Dec. 2006