Conference Paper

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Year Paper Title
2006 Chang, Chia-Ching;Sheng-Syan Chen;Robin K. Chou;Chin-Wen Hsin, 2006.12, 'Intraday Contagions and the Variation of Informed Trades across Sessions: Evidence from the U.S. Technology Stocks, ' The 19th Australasian Finance and Banking Conference, Sydney, Australia., Dec. 2006
2006 吳豐祥*, 2006.11, 'Innovation Mechanisms and Knowledge Communities for Corporate R&D Centers, ' The R&D Management Conference Taiwan 2006.(*為通訊作者), Nov. 2006
2006 Hsin-Min Hung;Chao-Tung Wen;Feng-Shang Wu*, 2006.11, 'The Influence of Market Demand in the Creativity Generating Process: Accelerating Creativity to Innovation Performance, ' The R&D Management Conference Taiwan 2006.(*為通訊作者), Nov. 2006
2006 Chiu, Y.C.;Chiao, Y.C.;Liaw, Y.C., 2006.11, 'A Three-stage Theory of Technological Innovation: The Link between R&D and Performance in High-tech Firms., ' R&D Management Conference., Nov. 2006
2006 謝邦昌;鄭宇庭, 2006.11, '統計學在數據挖掘與商業智能上之應用, ' 2006海峽兩岸應用統計學術研討會, 西南財經大學., Nov. 2006
2006 鄭宇庭, 2006.11, '兩岸統計平台之建立, ' 海峽兩岸農村、農業暨地區統計問題研討會, 九三學社., Nov. 2006
2006 王正偉, 2006.11, '商品禮券保證保險合法性之探討(A Study on the Legal Controversies of Performance Bond Insurance on Gift Coupons, ' 2006海峽兩岸保險高級學術論壇國際學術研討會研討會論文集, 逢甲大學商學院、台灣人壽保險公司, pp.下冊議題九第1-13頁., Nov. 2006
2006 陳坤銘;饒秀華;邱如伶, 2006.11, '匯率波動與出口數量的因果關西研究---以大陸輸美出口為例, ' 世新經濟2006年學術研討會, 世新大學., Nov. 2006
2006 張愛華;黃育盈, 2006.11, '網路購物環境下資訊超載與資訊結構對決策正確性、消費信心與決策滿意度之影響, ' TBI 2006 台灣商管與資訊研討會., Nov. 2006
2006 張愛華;林育正, 2006.11, '品牌社群經營、品牌社群關係與品牌忠誠度之關係, ' TBI 2006 台灣商管與資訊研討會, 國立台北大學三峽校區., Nov. 2006