Conference Paper

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Year Paper Title
2006 Huang K.F.*;Dyerson R.;Harindranath G., 2006.10, 'Developing A Resource-Market Matrix Framework: An Exploratory and Empirical Study, ' Strategic Management Society''s (SMS) 26th Annual International Conference, Strategic Management Society (SMS).(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), Oct. 2006
2006 彭朱如;Stephen Pike;Göran Roos, 2006.10, 'Healthcare Intellectual capital and performance in Taiwan, ' The 3rd International Conference on Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management and Organisational Learning., Oct. 2006
2006 紀岱玲;林我聰*, 2006.10, '結合ANP及DEMATEL於供應商績效評估研究, ' 2006年產學合作產業電子化研討會論文集.(*為通訊作者), Oct. 2006
2006 Chow, C.;K. Haddad;G. Singh;A Wu, 2006.10, 'How Well Can Publication of an Article in a Top Accounting Journal?, ' The 2006 Asian-Pacific Conference., Oct. 2006
2006 Chou, Robin K.;George H. K. Wang, 2006.10, 'Transaction Tax and Market Quality of the Taiwan Stock Index Futures, ' The 16th Asian Pacific Futures Research Symposium, Bangkok, Thailand, The 2006 China International Conference in Finance, Xi’an, China, and FMA Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA., Oct. 2006
2006 Chung, Huimin;Robin K. Chou;Juo-Lien Wang, 2006.10, 'The Economic Cost of Earnings Management on Equity Liquidity in the Period of Corporate Financial Reporting Crisis, ' FMA Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA., Oct. 2006
2006 Ascioglu, Asli;Murat Aydogdu;Robin K. Chou;Lynn Phillips Kugele, 2006.10, 'An Analysis of Intraday Patterns in ETF and Common Stock Spreads, ' 2006 Asian FMA, Auckland New Zealand, FMA Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, and Southern Finance Association 2006 Annual Meetings, Destin, Florida, USA., Oct. 2006
2006 Chang, J.;C. Chow;A Wu., 2006.10, 'Exploring Taiwanese Auditors’ Ethical Challenges and Responses., ' The 2006 Asian-Pacific Conference., Oct. 2006
2006 Yang, Heng-Li*;Lee, Cheng-Hwa, 2006.09, 'An Intelligent System for Supporting Personal Creativity based on Genetic Algorithm, ' PRICAI-06(Ninth Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence.(*為通訊作者), Sep. 2006
2006 Yu, Chien-Chih*, 2006.09, 'Service-Oriented Data and Process Models for Personalization and Collaboration in e-Business, ' Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Electronic Commerce and Web Technologies, pp.73-82.(*為通訊作者), Sep. 2006