2010 |
Shiang-Jiun Chen;Po-Huei Liang;Jiann-Min Yang, 2010.11, 'Workload Evaluation and Analysis on Virtual Systems, ' 2010 7th International Conference on e-Business Engineering (ICEBE), IEEE, pp.111 - 116.(IEEE), Nov. 2010 |
2010 |
Huan-Chung Li;Po-Huei Liang;Jiann-Min Yang, 2010.11, 'Analysis on Cloud-Based Security Vulnerability Assessment, ' 2010 7th International Conference on e-Business Engineering, IEEE e-Business Engineering (ICEBE), pp.490 - 494.(IEEE), Nov. 2010 |
2010 |
Chien-Hsiang Chou,;Oliver Hou;楊建民, 2010.11, '"A REVIEW OF E-LEARNING RESEARCH THROUGH BIBLIOMETRIC, ' International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation Development, International Association of Technology, Education and., Nov. 2010 |
2010 |
余千智*;黃邦平, 2010.11, '服務導向電子化企業入口網站之安全服務建置研究, ' 2010聯合國際研討會:第十二屆「網際空間:資安、犯罪與法律社會」學術暨實務研討會論文集, pp.206-214..(*為通訊作者), Nov. 2010 |
2010 |
Yu, Chien-Chih*, 2010.11, 'Integrating Personalized and Community Services for Mobile Travel Planning and Management, ' Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Advances in Information Technology, 泰國King Mongkut''s University of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT), 以及IEEE, ACM Thailand Sections等, pp.202-213.(EI, DBLP)(*為通訊作者), Nov. 2010 |
2010 |
郭炳伸*;林信助, 2010.11, 'Time-Deformed Realized Volatility with Intraday Trading Activities, ' 2010總體經濟計量模型研討會, 中央研究院經濟研究所與行政院主計處.(*為通訊作者), Nov. 2010 |
2010 |
吳啟銘*, 2010.11, 'An examination of long-term abnormal stock returns following R&D changes -- Taiwan evidences, ' Proceeding of 2010 international conference on knowledge-based economy and global management, College of Business, Southern Taiwan University, pp.301-318.(*為通訊作者), Nov. 2010 |
2010 |
羅明琇*;鄭佩能, 2010.11, '綠色供應鏈中逆物流 (Reverse Logistics) 系統之建置─以華碩電腦為例, ' 全球品牌與服務業行銷學術研討會, 國立臺灣大學國際企業學系.(*為通訊作者), Nov. 2010 |
2010 |
張愛華*;林盈汝, 2010.11, 'The Influence of Customer Interaction Orientation on Organizational Performance—Mediation Effect of Organizational Learning, ' Proceedings of The Third Knowledge Cities World Summit, The City of Melbourne and the World Capital Institute.(*為通訊作者), Nov. 2010 |
2010 |
Lin, Carol, 2010.11, 'Knowledge Assets and Capital Systems, ' Knowledge Cities World Summit., Nov. 2010 |