2007 |
江振東;陳珍信;賴蔚容;詹玉葳, 2007, 'Modeling and Joint Estimation of Two Order-Restricted Contingent Valuation estimates, ' 中華機率統計學會學術研討會暨96年度會員大會., 2007 |
2007 |
Yang,S*;Chen,Y., 2007, 'Variable sampling interval control charts, ' International Conference Multiple Decision Theory, FuJen University, in honor of Dr Den-Yun Huwang.(*為通訊作者), 2007 |
2007 |
Yang, S*, 2007, 'Variable control scheme for a process with incorrect adjustment, ' Chinese Probability and statistics conference, NCCU.(*為通訊作者), 2007 |
2007 |
Yang, S*;Chen,W, 2007, 'Controlling incorrect adjustment processes using optimum VSI control charts, ' ISI conference, ISI.(*為通訊作者), 2007 |
2007 |
SF Yang*, 2007, 'Controlling a process with incorrect adjustment using VSI control charts, ' ISBIS 2007, ISI.(*為通訊作者), 2007 |
2007 |
Ting, C.P.*, 2007, 'D-optimal fractional factorial designs for location main effects with two dispersion factors, ' The 2007 Taipei International Statistical Symposium and ICSA International Conference, 中研院統計所.(, 國際研討會)(*為通訊作者), 2007 |
2007 |
Hsieh, M.-H;Y.-F. Chiu, 2007, 'Monte Carlo methods for valuation of ratchet equity indexed annuities, ' Proceedings of the 2007 Winter Simulation Conference, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Association of Computing Machinery (ACM), pp.998-1003.(EI), 2007 |
2007 |
王儷玲, 2007, 'The Impact of Corporate Governance Structure on Risk Taking Behavior for Insurance Companies, ' 第七 屆風險管理理論研討會., 2007 |
2007 |
王儷玲, 2007, 'Cost Synergy and Efficiency: Does Bancassurance Improve the Efficiency of Banks in Taiwan, ' International Growth of and Efficiency Conference., 2007 |
2007 |
王儷玲, 2007, 'Provider-Induced Asymmetric Information in the Automobile Insurance Market, ' Annual Conference of American Risk and Insurance Association., 2007 |