Conference Paper

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Year Paper Title
2006 Tsai, W. C.;Huang, T. C.;Yu, H. H., 2006, 'Interviewer responses to applicant physical attractiveness and non-verbal behavior: A field study of moderating effects of interviewer fit perception of job sex-type and customer contact requirements, ' The 26th International Congress of Applied Psychology, International Association of Applied Psychology., 2006
2006 Tsai, W. C.;Chen, Y. C., 2006, 'Joint influences of individual and contextual factors on interviewer reactions to high structure job interviews, ' The 26th International Congress of Applied Psychology, International Association of Applied Psychology., 2006
2006 WL Chang;苑守慈, 2006, 'iPrice: Collaborative Pricing for e-Service Bundle Delivery, ' Workshop on e-Business ( WeB 2006 )., 2006
2006 WL Chang;苑守慈, 2006, 'Methods of Information Goods Pricing: A Survey, ' 2006 Association of Collegiate Marketing Educators Conference., 2006
2006 陳明吉;曾婉婷, 2006, '台灣不動產市場從眾行為表現與驗證, ' 中華民國住宅學會第十六屆學術研討會, 中華民國住宅學會., 2006
2006 陳明吉;蔡怡純, 2006, '房價蛛網與投資人行為, ' 中華民國住宅學會第十六屆學術研討會, 中華民國住宅學會., 2006
2006 俞洪昭;E.M.Matsumura;S.C.Vera-Munoz, 2006, 'Do balanced scorecard incentive contract type and business life-cycle affect managerial effort and performance?, ' Concurrent session of the 2006 AAA Annual Meeting and 2007 Management Section Mid-Year Meeting., 2006
2006 8. Lin, Nan-Juh*;彭朱如;Yu, Chwo-Ming, 2006, 'Managing Triads in a Network: A Case Study of the Military Avionics Maintenance Industry in Taiwan, ' The 26th Annual International Conference of Strategic Management Society.(*為通訊作者), 2006
2006 陳明進;林怡伶, 2006, '資產減值準備與股權結構對中國上市公司有效稅率之影響, ' 中國第五屆實證會計國際研討會會議., 2006
2006 陳明進;汪瑞芝, 2006, '最低稅負制對股市反應之實證研究, ' "Proceedings of the 2006 Accounting Theory and Practice Conference, Department of Accounting of SooC., 2006