2005 |
陳明進;SanyjayGupta, 2005, 'The Incentive Effects of R&D Tax Credits: An Empirical Examination in an Emerging Economy, ' American Accounting Association 2005 Annual Meeting—Concurrent Session 4.2., 2005 |
2005 |
Ramaswami, A.;Huang, J. C.;Dreher, G. F., 2005, 'Effects of mentoring relationship characteristics and cultural values on career outcomes among Taiwanese professionals., ' 4th Asian Conference of the Academy of HRD., 2005 |
2005 |
戚務君;林嬋娟;廖益均, 2005, '我國企業盈餘穩健特性之研究, ' 2005年會計理論與實務研討會., 2005 |
2005 |
俞洪昭, 2005, 'The Effects of Mandatory Earings Forecasts and Auditor''s Legal Regimes on Manager''s and Auditor''s Behavior-Theory and Experimental Evidence., ' (a)Concurrent session of the 2005 AAA Annual Meeting (b)2005 AAA Western Regional Meeting., 2005 |
2004 |
Kung Chen, 2004.12, 'A Two-Stage Approach to Modular Access Control for Java-Based Web Applications, ' 2004 International Computer Symposium, 大同大學., Dec. 2004 |
2004 |
楊舜慧*;吳豐祥, 2004.12, '多領域介面之知識與技術整合—以影舞集表演印象團為例, ' 2004中華民國科技管理論文研討會.(*為通訊作者), Dec. 2004 |
2004 |
G.S. Hsieh*;Y.C. Jiang;Y.C. Hung;T.F. Wang, 2004.12, 'A Regression Approach to Reconstruct Gene Networks, ' Proceedings of Taipei Symposium on Statistical Genomics, pp.357-370.(*為通訊作者), Dec. 2004 |
2004 |
Hsin-Lu Chang;Shin-Horng Chen, 2004.12, 'Assessing the Readiness of Internet-based IOS, ' Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on e-Business, Association of Information Systems.(AIS), Dec. 2004 |
2004 |
Shari S. C. Shang;Y. Lo, 2004.12, 'The Impacts of Fit in Enterprise Systems on the Operations of International Organizations, ' Proceedings of The Third Workshop on e-Business, Association of Information Systems., Dec. 2004 |
2004 |
王行一;余千智, 2004.12, '以平衡計分卡為基礎的數位落差衡量架構, ' 第十屆資訊管理暨實務研討會論文集, 中華民國資訊管理學會, pp.11p., Dec. 2004 |