Conference Paper

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Year Paper Title
2004 余思瑩;江振東, 2004, '應用個體選擇模式檢驗促銷活動之成效, ' 第十三屆南區統計研討會暨九十三年度中華資料採礦協會年會及學術研討會., 2004
2004 王儷玲, 2004, 'How Corporate Government Structure Affects the Performance of Insurance Companies, ' Conference of American Risk and Insurance Association., 2004
2004 苑守慈, 2004, 'Ambient e-Services: Framework and Applications, ' The Fourth International Conference of Electronic Business., 2004
2004 楊亨利*, 2004, '新市場進入決策之外部因素評估輔助系統, ' 九十二學年度國科會(管理二學門)資訊管理研究計畫成果發表會.(*為通訊作者), 2004
2004 Fang, Liang-Yuan;Wu, Se-Hwa, 2004, 'Inter-firm knowledge co-ecolution mechaism in sectoral innovation system., ' DRUID 2004 winter conference, DRUID 2004 winter conference., 2004
2004 戚務君;Chi,W.;H.Hung;Y.C.Liao, 2004, 'The Effect of Auditor Tenure and Client Importance on Discretionary Accruals – Evidence from Audit-Partner Based Data in Taiwan, ' "Presented at (a) 2004 International Symposium on Audit Research (Maastricht, the Netherlands), (b)., 2004
2004 戚務君;Chi,W., 2004, 'The Effect of Mandatory Audit-Firm Rotation on Investigation Strategy and Audit Fee, ' "Presented at AAA 2004 Annual Meeting (Orlando, USA"., 2004
2004 戚務君;林宛瑩;許崇源, 2004, '盈餘透明度、控制權偏離與財務報表重編, ' 2004年會計理論與實務研討會., 2004
2004 戚務君;H.Huang, 2004, 'Discretionary Accruals, Audit-Firm Tenure and Auditor Tenure: An Empirical Case in Taiwan., ' 5th Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economic Symposium, *., 2004
2004 15. Chen, Bo-Yuan*;Yen-Wey Peng;Chin-Shien Lin;彭朱如, 2004, 'An Attempt to Explore the Strategic Internal Fit by Using Neuro Fuzzy-- An Empirical Study in Taiwan Healthcare Industry, ' Proceedings of 2004 Hawaii International Business Conference.(*為通訊作者), 2004