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郭維裕, 2002.05, 'Nonlinear Price-Volume Causality Between Stock and Warrant Markets in Taiwan, ' 2002年中華金融創新與財務工程學會研討會, 中華金融創新與財務工程學會., May. 2002 |
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陳坤銘, 2002.05, '技術進步與相對工資, ' 第六屆經濟發展學術研討會, 台北大學經濟學系., May. 2002 |
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Twu, Mia;Tzu-Tin Chen, 2002.05, 'STockholder ownership structure and debt source preference, ' TFA 2002 conference, Taiwan Financial association., May. 2002 |
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陳威光;郭維裕;林家帆, 2002.05, '以實質選擇權法評估高科技產業股價, ' 台灣財務學會年會論文研討會, 台灣財務學會., May. 2002 |
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別蓮蒂, 2002.05, '公益行銷效益評估—明基兒福合作活動案剖析, ' 第十屆中華民國廣告暨公共關係學術與實務研討會, 政大廣告系., May. 2002 |
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施文真*;高英勛, 2002.05, '貿易政策下的初級產品出口政策, ' 永續指標與政策連結研討會, 台灣大學法律學院與社會科學院.(*為通訊作者), May. 2002 |
2002 |
Chou, P. H;Robin K. Chou;Ghon Rhee, 2002.05, 'Decomposing Overnight Price Reversals: Implications for Trading Strategies, ' The 2002 Taiwanese Financial Association Annual Meeting, Taichung, Taiwan., May. 2002 |
2002 |
黃家齊, 2002.05, '人力資源管理活動與組織績效—員工技能與動機的中介效果, ' 2002海峽兩岸財經與商學研討會論文集(上冊), 東吳大學, pp.541-562., May. 2002 |
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馮震宇, 2002.04, 'IP Protection in Taiwan:The challenge After the Accession to WTO, ' European Chamber of Commerce in Taipei, European Chamber of Commerce in Taipei., Apr. 2002 |