Conference Paper

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Year Paper Title
2001 苑守慈, 2001, 'A Learnng-Enabled Integrative Trust Model for E-Markets, ' International Conference of Autonomous Agents 2001 Workshop On Deception,Fraud and Trust in Agent Societies, Canada., 2001
2001 吳啟銘, 2001, '威盛企業價值評估與創造策略之研究, ' 兩岸三地第一屆企業個案研討會, 大連理工大學., 2001
2001 周行一;Yuan-Lin Hsu;Evan Tsao, 2001, 'Liquidity Providers on an Electronic Order Driven Market, ' 2001台灣財務學會年會& 2000年第九屆證券暨金融市場研討會, X., 2001
2001 Liao, S. L., 2001, 'An Efficient Multinimial-Based Method of Option Pricing., ' The 11th Annual Conference of The Chinese Statistical Association, R.O.C., 2001
2001 Liao, S. L.;C. S. Cheng;L. K. Hu, 2001, 'Real Option and Product Life Cycle, ' The 2001 Annual Conference of CFA, Taiwan., 2001
2001 Liao, S. L.;C. W. Wang, 2001, 'The Valuation of Generalized Time-Varing Discrete Capped Exchange Options with Related Asset as Trigger and A Stochastic Barrier under Stochastic Interest Rate., ' The 2001 Annual Conference of CFA, Taiwan., 2001
2001 司徒達賢, 2001, '當高等教育走向開放系統, ' 現代教育論壇:台灣面對後WTO 之教育回應-國民教育體系外的聲音, 國立教育資料館., 2001
2001 戚務君;H.C Yu;T,C Wang, 2001, 'Experimental Evidence of the Effects of the Incentive Design in the Value of Communication, ' The Second China Accounting and Finance Review International Conference, The Second China Accounting and Finance Review., 2001
2001 陳瑞斌;陳明進, 2001, '公司流動性之決定性因素, ' 第十六屆全國技術及職業教育研討會論文, *., 2001
2001 許崇源;W.C. Chai, 2001, 'A Theoretical Analysis of Marginal Shareholders''Implicit Taxes under the Imputation Tax System, ' X, X., 2001