Conference Paper

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Year Paper Title
1999 蔡政憲;Liao, Shih-Yun, 1999, 'Simulation Tests on the Effectiveness of Insurance Solvency Regulation, ' American Risk and Insurance Association Annual Meeting., 1999
1999 王儷玲, 1999, 'An Insight into the Changes in Employer''s Pension Offerings: How Di401(k) Plans Replace Other Employer''s Pensions?, ' Conference of American Risk and Insurance Association, -., 1999
1999 張士傑;Hsin-Yi Cheng, 1999, 'Pension valuation under uncertainty: a generalized stochastic approach., ' 1999 Risk management and insurance international conference., NCCU., 1999
1999 張士傑, 1999, 'Benchmark of pension valuation: a case study incorporating policy intervention., ' 1999 Risk management and insurance international conference, NCCU., 1999
1999 Tseng, S.-F.;Wu, S,-H., 1999, 'IBOSS-A Decision Simulation System for Strategic Management Traning, ' 1999 Asia Pacific Decision Sciences Institute Conference, Decision Sciences Institute., 1999
1999 S.F Chen, 1999, 'On the Infrastructure of Contracting Agents, ' National Computer Science Symposium, Taiwan., 1999
1999 趙玉;Jose A. Nicdao;趙玉, 1999, 'The Algorithm for checking Liveness in synchronized Choice Net Detection, ' 1999 IEEE Int''l Conf.SMC.Japan, Japan., 1999
1999 Chou;Ray-Yeutien;Chun-Chou Wu, 1999, 'The Effect of Futures Introduction on Market Volatility and Information Transmission., ' the Eighth Conference on the Theories and Practices of Security and Financial Markets, Taiwan., 1999
1999 吳思華;Hsu,Frederick, 1999, 'Patterns of inter-firm knowledge Exchanges and Firm Innovation -A presentation of Effective practices in Taiwan, ' 亞太地區的技術新景緻研討會, 政治大學科技管理研究所 中華經濟研究院 瑞典斯德哥爾摩經濟學院., 1999
1999 李仁芳, 1999, '我國與各國多層次傳銷事業退貨條件與處理原則之比較, ' 第二屆競爭政策與公平交易法學術研討會., 1999