Conference Paper

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Year Paper Title
1996 余千智, 1996, 'HESS:a Hypermedia Expert Support System for Intelligent Decision Marking, ' The 1st Asia Pacific Decision Sciences Institute Conference., 1996
1996 裘錦天, 1996, 'Facing East:Multimedia Interface Design for the Far East, ' World Conference on Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia., 1996
1996 裘錦天, 1996, 'Fixing Chinglish:Developing Educational Multimedia for Asian ESL Training, ' World Conference on Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia., 1996
1995 朱浩民, 1995.12, '期貨交易、市場操縱與經濟福利, ' 中國經濟學會年會., Dec. 1995
1995 管郁君;管康彥, 1995.11, '企業再造之適域性探討:背景與特色, ' 第一屆全國企業改造研討會—企業組織改造—論文集, pp.187-198., Nov. 1995
1995 余千智;陳文賢;傅豐玲;張愛華;樓永堅, 1995.11, '產銷整合營運系統課程之設計與教學方法, ' 第七屆中華民國管理教育研討會., Nov. 1995
1995 楊光華, 1995.11, 'Comment on ''Structuring the Multilateral System: The Role of Regionalism'', ' Conference on the Multilateral Trade Regime in 21st Century Structure Issues, Columbia University, School of Law., Nov. 1995
1995 張愛華;余千智;陳文賢;傅豐玲、樓永堅, 1995.11, '產銷整合營運系統課程之設計與教學方法, '., Nov. 1995
1995 管康彥;管郁君, 1995.11, '企業再造之適域性探討:背景與特色, ' 第一屆全國企業改造研討會, pp.185-198., Nov. 1995
1995 Wu, A., 1995.11, 'The Role of Accounting Earnings in China ''s Emerging Capital Markets, ' The Seventh Asian-Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues., Nov. 1995