Conference Paper

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Year Paper Title
2012 Lin, C.Y.Y.*, 2012.06, 'Regional implications for the global knowledge development, ' Skanor Conversation, SKANE,Naringsliv Skane,En investering for framtiden, The New Club of Paris, pp.10-13.(*為通訊作者), Jun. 2012
2012 Egri, C.;Yu, J.;Lin, C.Y.Y.;Lo, C.;Moon, Y.L., 2012.06, 'The influence of stakeholder pressures on corporate social responsibility in East Asia, ' IACMR conference, 中國管理研究國際學會., Jun. 2012
2012 陳俊元*, 2012.05, 'Director & Officer Insurance, Corporate Governance, and Asymmetric Information: An Empirical Legal Study of Taiwan., ' 9th Asian Law Institute Conference, National University of Singapore.(*為通訊作者), May. 2012
2012 kuan-Chun Chang, 2012.05, 'Milestone Legislation in Financial Consumer Protection in East Asia – Explanation and Critiques on the New Consumer Financial Protection Act in Taiwan, ' 9th Asian Law Institute Annual Conference, Asian Law Institute/National University of Singapore., May. 2012
2012 張冠群, 2012.05, '保險契約條款「疑義」之認定與解釋:評臺灣高等法院一○○年保險上易字第一號判決, ' 第二屆金融與保險學術研討會, 東海大學法學院., May. 2012
2012 Daniel Y. Chao;Jiun-Ting Chen;Fang Yu*, 2012.05, 'Enumeration of Reachable and Other States of Simple Version of Systems of Simple Sequential Processes with Resources (S3PR), ' The 21th IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, IEEE.(DBLP, IEEE)(*為通訊作者), May. 2012
2012 鄭荏任*;林我聰, 2012.05, '零售商資訊分享下第三方逆物流業者回收處理中心選址模式研究, ' 第十一屆北商學術論壇暨2012 國際商務論壇研討會論文集, 國立臺北商業技術學院.(*為通訊作者), May. 2012
2012 盧珮筠*;林我聰, 2012.05, '逆物流下與供應商協同合作之績效評估與資源分配模式研究, ' 2012創新創業與企業永續經營研討會論文集, 國立屏東商業技術學院.(*為通訊作者), May. 2012
2012 羅邵晏*;林我聰, 2012.05, '以路徑分析建立雲端服務高等級風險之評估模式, ' 2012全球商業經營管理學術研討會論文集, 正修科技大學.(*為通訊作者), May. 2012
2012 黃鴻仁*;趙婉婷;楊建民, 2012.05, '運用Elman類神經網路與GARCH模型預測LME銅價, ' 2012ICIM國際資訊管理學術研討會, 中華民國資訊管理學會.(*為通訊作者), May. 2012