2011 |
蕭瑞麟;歐素華;顏嘉妤, 2011.06, 'Gaining memories: How Peripherals Influence over Headquarters'' Decisions, ' AIB 2011 Annual Meeting, Academy of International Business.(SSCI), Jun. 2011 |
2011 |
S.F. Yang*;Y.C. Hung;T.C. Cheng;W.C. Tsai;S.W. Cheng, 2011.06, 'A New Control Chart for Monitoring Service Process with Unknown Distributions, ' Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management, IEEE, pp.1-5.(IEEE)(*為通訊作者), Jun. 2011 |
2011 |
謝耀龍*, 2011.06, 'Intercultural Problems in Higher Education: A Case Study, ' The 9th CAFIC International Conference, China Association for Intercultural Communication (CAFIC).(*為通訊作者), Jun. 2011 |
2011 |
陳彩稚*, 2011.06, 'Risk Management and Insurance Education in Taiwan, ' International Symposium for Commemoration of Launching the Organizing Committee for APRIA 2012, Sungkyunkwan University.(*為通訊作者), Jun. 2011 |
2011 |
許永明*;Peter Moles, 2011.06, 'Bank Value at Risk Disclosures and Risk Predictability: The Effect of Derivative Use, ' 2011 Technology Innovation and Industrial Management Conference, Technology, Innovation, and Industrial Management.(*為通訊作者), Jun. 2011 |
2011 |
Johannes K. Chiang;I-Ju Tsai*, 2011.06, 'Convergence of RFID-based Ubiquitous Services and Business Process Management ~ On Example of Image Archives Management, ' Proceeding of International Telecommunications Society Asia-Pacific Regional Conference 2011., International Telecommunications Society.(DBLP)(*為通訊作者), Jun. 2011 |
2011 |
Yang, Heng-Li;Lin, Han-Chou, 2011.06, 'Applying EMD-based Neural Network to Forecast NTD/USD Exchange Rate, ' NCM2011 (The 7th International Conference on Networked Computing and Advanced Information Management).(EI), Jun. 2011 |
2011 |
趙玉, 2011.06, 'Number of Reachable States for simple class of nets, ' 2011 1st workshop on Petri net compositions Satellite of PETRI NETS 2011, Universite d''Evry Val d''Essonne. CEUR., Jun. 2011 |
2011 |
余千智*;林振芳, 2011.06, '電子化政府投資入口網服務功能評比-以亞洲經濟體為例, ' 2011數位科技與創新管理研討會論文集, pp.715-728.(*為通訊作者), Jun. 2011 |
2011 |
Ko, Kuan-Cheng*;Shinn-Juh Lin;Ju-Fang Yen, 2011.06, 'Levered Returns: Factors or Characteristics?, ' 20th European Financial Management Association Conference, European Financial Management Association.(*為通訊作者), Jun. 2011 |