2010 |
Lin, Y.Y.;Leif Edvinsson, 2010.03, 'What national intellectual capital indices can tell about the global economic crisis of 2007-2009?, ' 2nd European Conference on Intellectual Capital., Mar. 2010 |
2010 |
Yang, S*;Tsai. W;Su, T, 2010.02, 'A New Chart for Process Data with Unknown Distribution, ' proceedings of SMRLO 2010, Isreal.(*為通訊作者), Feb. 2010 |
2010 |
陳彩稚*;H. Jung, 2010.02, 'International Comparison of Trust Level on Insurance: Evidence from Korea and Taiwan, ' International Seminar at SKKU Insurance Culture Research Center.(*為通訊作者), Feb. 2010 |
2010 |
Johnny Chang, Kuan-Chun, 2010.01, 'ASLI Seminar on "Commentaries on the Recent Amendment of the Insurance Law of The People’s Republic of China – from the Perspective of Comparative Law, ' ASLI Working Paper Series, Asian Law Institute, pp.1-50., Jan. 2010 |
2010 |
張冠群, 2010.01, '兩岸金融監理之配套, ' 兩岸經貿論壇, 新台灣人文教基金會, pp.8-28., Jan. 2010 |
2010 |
Louis Yi-Shih Lo;Eugenia Huang, 2010.01, 'The Impact of Local Loop Unbundling on DSL Service Diversity, ' The Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, HICSS.(EI, IEEE), Jan. 2010 |
2010 |
Hong-Yi Chen*;Sheng-Syan Chen;Cin-Wen Hsin;Cheng-Few Lee, 2010.01, 'Price, earnings, and revenue momentum strategies., ' - The 3rd Annual Financial Engineering and Risk Management Conference, NCTU.(*為通訊作者), Jan. 2010 |
2010 |
Cheng-Few Lee*;Manak C. Gupta;Hong-Yi Chen;Alice Lee, 2010.01, 'Optimal payout ratio under uncertainty and flexibility hypothesis: Theory and empirical evidence., ' - The 3rd Annual Financial Engineering and Risk Management Conference, NCTU.(*為通訊作者), Jan. 2010 |
2010 |
Chang, W.*;T. Kuo;A. Wu, 2010.01, 'The Successes in Long-Term Implementation of Balanced Scorecard: A Healthcare Organization Study., ' The 2010 Management Accounting Section (MAS) Meeting, MAS.(*為通訊作者), Jan. 2010 |
2010 |
Kao, Hung-hsiang*;Lee, Jen-Fang, 2010, 'The Shanzhai Way of Innovation: Quick test-and-learn, minimal redundancy, and flexible integration-- The case of Shanzhai mobile phone players in China, ' IAMOT2010, Cairo, Egypt, IAMOT.(*為通訊作者), 2010 |