Conference Paper

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Year Paper Title
2008 Chang, K.-C;Huang, E.Y.;Chiu, C.-H., 2008, 'Understanding customers in the era of experience economy, ' 18th International Conference on Pacific Rim Management., 2008
2008 陳明吉;楊智元, 2008, '房價變化原因之再詮釋 - 門檻模型之應用, ' 中華民國住宅學會第十七屆學術研討會, 中華民國住宅學會., 2008
2008 C-C Chang;D. Shyu;M-C Chen;S-K Lin, 2008, 'Does the Housing Price Have Jump Risks ? Modeling, Empirical Performance, and Valuation of Mortgage Insurance Contracts, ' The 6th NTU International Conference on Economics, Finance and Accounting, IEFA., 2008
2008 Hsiu-Jung Tsai;Ming-Chi Chen;Lih-feng Lin, 2008, 'An Investigation of Volatility Based on Dynamic Conditional Correlation Among Interest Rate, REITs, House Price and Stock Market, ' BAI 2008 International Conference on Business and Information, BAI., 2008
2008 Hsiu-Jung Tsai;Ming-Chi Chen;Lih-feng Lin, 2008, 'Nonlinear Dynamic Process of Basis Change of the Stock Index Future, ' BAI 2008 International Conference on Business and Information, BAI., 2008
2008 Tien-Foo Sing;I-Chun Tsai;Ming-Chi Chen, 2008, 'New Evidence for the Asymmetric REIT-Beta Puzzle, ' The 13th Asian Real Estate Society Annual Conference, AsRES., 2008
2008 黃家齊, 2008, 'Task Conflict and Team Performance: The moderating roles of conflict management and goal orientation, ' 2008台灣大學商學研究所校友學術論文研討會論文集., 2008
2008 Huang, J. C., 2008, 'Separating task conflict from relationship conflict: The moderating role of team goal orientation, tie strength and conflict management, ' 2008 International Conferences on Social Sciences., 2008
2007 Hung, W.H.*;Jou, J.J., 2007.12, 'Discussing IS alignment discussion: A classification framework, '.(*為通訊作者), Dec. 2007
2007 張文騰;李仁芳, 2007.12, '專案基礎廠商的能耐轉移與集結:以日本動畫廠商為例, ' 2007中華民國科技管理學會年會暨論文研討會, 中華民國科技管理學會., Dec. 2007