Conference Paper

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Year Paper Title
2007 Hou, Shang-Tuang;Wu, Se-Hwa;Hsu, Mu-Yen, 2007, 'Does Psychological Ownership Matter in the Context of Franchise Organization?, ' Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management., 2007
2007 Yeh, Bi-Ling;Lee, Ssu-Chuang;Wu, Se-Hwa, 2007, 'The emergence and dynamic of the new business model of knowledge intensive enterprises: The case studies and case comparison in Taiwan., ' The ICSB 2007 World Conference., 2007
2007 Yeh, Bi-Ling;Lee, Ssu-Chuang;Wu, Se-Hwa, 2007, 'The emergence and dynamic of value ecosystem in the case of the development process of the creativity education policy in Taiwan: From the complexly view to connect activity theory with new business models., ' Culture as Innovation - the Search for Creative Power in Economies and Societies., 2007
2007 戚務君;C.Y.Hsu;W.Y.Lin., 2007, 'Board Effectiveness: Investigating Payment Asymmetry between Board Members and Shareholders, ' 2007 American Accounting Association., 2007
2007 戚務君;林宛瑩;許崇源;陳昭蓉, 2007, '董事會特性與異常董監酬勞關聯性之研究, ' 007年會計理論與實務研討會., 2007
2007 戚務君;林宛瑩;許崇源;陳宜伶, 2007, '公司治理與信用風險, ' 2007年二十一世紀會計專業、會計產業與會計揭露研討會., 2007
2007 陳明進;林怡伶, 2007, '台商電子業大陸稅務管理問題探討,東筦與昆山台商大陸投資經驗:跨域投資社會經驗效應與治理意涵, '., 2007
2007 Rong-Ruey Duh;T. W. Lin;Wen-Ying Wang;Chao-Hsin Huang, 2007, 'The design and implementation of activity-based costing in a textile company, ' The 2007 AAA Annual Meeting., 2007
2007 Tsai, W. C.;Chi, N. W.;Huang, T. C.;Hsu, A. J., 2007, 'The effects of applicant resume contents on recruiters'' hiring recommendations: The mediating roles of recruiter fit perceptions, ' the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, the Academy of Management., 2007
2007 Tsai, W. C;Yang, W. F., 2007, 'Exploring boundaries of the effects of corporate image: The role of applicant individual differences, ' the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, the Academy of Management., 2007