Conference Paper

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Year Paper Title
2005 諶家蘭*, 2005.11, 'A more generic construct-based data exchange in data warehousing, ' The 36th Decision Science Institute (DSI) Annual Meeting, Decision Science Institute.(DSI)(*為通訊作者), Nov. 2005
2005 Chiu, Y.C.;Lee, J.R., 2005.10, 'Strategic Flexibility and the Evolution of Business Configurations: Conceptual Integration and Empirical Exploration, ' the 25th Annual International Conference of Strategic Management Society., Oct. 2005
2005 楊亨利*;王貞淑, 2005.10, '線上遊戲與置入行銷之研究, ' 2005台灣科技大學管理新思維學術研討會.(*為通訊作者), Oct. 2005
2005 容宗良*;謝明華;楊建民;黃瓊玉;劉名旂;吳志鴻, 2005.10, '客製化資訊軟體業對我國中小企業定期付租收費策略之研究, ' 2005年ERP學術與實務研討會論文集, 中華民國ERP管理學會.(*為通訊作者), Oct. 2005
2005 Huang, Y.M.;Lin, S.C.;Lin, Y.Y., 2005.10, 'Boundary-spanning behaviors of R&D engineers – An interactive approach of social networks and organizational commitment, ' 2005 Conference on Commitment, Commitment in Organizations., Oct. 2005
2005 Lin, Y.Y., 2005.10, 'The role Mandarin teaching plays in the internationalization of higher education in Taiwan, ' Cross-strait Adult Education Conference, Tamkang University, pp.70-81., Oct. 2005
2005 洪德欽*, 2005.10, '歐盟憲法之法理分析, ' 「憲法條約與歐盟未來」學術研討會, 中央研究院歐美研究所.(*為通訊作者), Oct. 2005
2005 Chen, Sheng-Syan;Robin K. Chou;Shu-Fen Chou, 2005.10, 'Firm-specific Characteristics and Stock Market Liberalization, ' FMA Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, USA., Oct. 2005
2005 Chen, Sheng-Syan;Robin K. Chou;Miaw-Jane Chen, 2005.10, 'Long-run Stock Return and Operating Performance following Private Debt Placements, ' FMA Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, USA., Oct. 2005
2005 黃家齊;蕭閔謙, 2005.10, '團隊衝突與集體效能之關係研究-衝突管理與目標導向之調和效果, ' 2005海峽兩岸財經高層論壇學術論文集, 中央財經大學, pp.508-530., Oct. 2005