Conference Paper

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Year Paper Title
2005 Shari S. C. Shang, 2005.08, 'A Study on the Impacts of the Fit of Enterprise Systems on International Organization Operations, ' American Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2005)., Aug. 2005
2005 HSIAO, R.L.;LEI, Y.J., 2005.08, 'Information System Adoption as an Occasion of Knowledge Transfer, ' Proceeding of the Academy of Management: A New Vision of Management in the 21st Century., Aug. 2005
2005 Chiu, Y.C.;Lee, J.R., 2005.08, 'Strategic Flexibility and the Evolution of Business Configurations: Conceptual Integration and Empirical Exploration, ' 25th Annual International Conference of Strategic Management Society.(NSC), Aug. 2005
2005 洪德欽*, 2005.08, 'Biotechnology and the WTO: A Review of Some Conceptual Issues, ' Swiss/Taiwan Scientific Seminar 2005 on Biotechnology and Public Health in the Gene-Era: Ethical, Legal, Social and Political Aspects, University of Zurich.(*為通訊作者), Aug. 2005
2005 諶家蘭*, 2005.08, 'A metadata OLAP exchange, ' The 11th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Association for Information Systems.(AMCIS)(*為通訊作者), Aug. 2005
2005 HSIAO, R.L.;HOU, S.T.;WU, S.W., 2005.08, 'Technology Sensemaking: Local Knowledge and Patterns of Technology Adoption, ' Proceeding of the Academy of Management: A New Vision of Management in the 21st Century., Aug. 2005
2005 HSIAO, R.L., 2005.08, 'Technology Mediated Learning with a Chinese Face: A Case Study on Ladder Digital College, ' Proceeding of the Academy of Management: A New Vision of Management in the 21st Century., Aug. 2005
2005 楊建民;劉月純;何習銓*;李亞暉;賴昌彥, 2005.08, 'CPFR與SCOR整合模式之研究, ' 第十六屆國際資訊管理學術研討會論文集, 中華民國資訊管理學會.(*為通訊作者), Aug. 2005
2005 楊建民;何習銓;李亞暉;劉月純*;賴昌彥, 2005.08, '協同規劃預測與補貨應用情境參考模式之研究, ' 第十六屆國際資訊管理學術研討會論文集, 中華民國資訊管理學會.(*為通訊作者), Aug. 2005
2005 Dah-Hsian Seetoo;Chwo-Ming Yu;Kang, Min-Ping, 2005.08, 'Is asset specificity a liability? A power perspective of safeguarding specific investments, ' Academy of Management 2005 Annual Meeting (AOM)., Aug. 2005