Conference Paper

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Year Paper Title
2005 HSIAO, R.L.;LI, Y., 2005.07, 'Technology Transfer in Cross-national Context: Experience of an Online Market Failure in China Food Industry, ' Proceedings of the Ninth Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems., Jul. 2005
2005 施文真*, 2005.07, 'Trade and Environment Linkages and Challenges Facing Asian WTO Members, ' International Conference on Policy and Law Aspects of Asia and WTO: Challenges and Opportunities, National Taiwan University.(*為通訊作者), Jul. 2005
2005 (6) Tung-Hsiang Chou*;Wei-Feng Tung;Sheng-Kai Lin;Yang, Jiann-Min, 2005.07, 'A Study of Constructing Knowledge Onology of Customer’s Questions in Telecom Corporation, ' Tenth Annual Meeting of the Asia Pacific Decision Sciences Institute (APDSI 2005),.(*為通訊作者), Jul. 2005
2005 劉致琪;鄭宇庭;謝邦昌, 2005.06, 'Several Databases are Linked and Combined Using Data Mining Techniques, ' 第十四屆南區統計研討會暨、九十四年度中華資料採礦協會年會暨中華機率統計學會年會及學術研討會, 國立成功大學., Jun. 2005
2005 孫莓婷;鄭宇庭;謝邦昌, 2005.06, 'Model Selection in Data Mining, ' 第十四屆南區統計研討會暨、九十四年度中華資料採礦協會年會暨中華機率統計學會年會及學術研討會, 國立成功大學., Jun. 2005
2005 楊惠如;鄭宇庭;謝邦昌, 2005.06, 'Data Systematic Purifying Analysis in Data Mining, ' 第十四屆南區統計研討會暨、九十四年度中華資料採礦協會年會暨中華機率統計學會年會及學術研討會, 國立成功大學., Jun. 2005
2005 薛慧敏*;薛慧芬, 2005.06, 'A pilot study on comparison of normalization methods for oligonucleotide arrays, ' The ICSA 2005 Applied Statistical Symposium, ICSA.(SCI)(*為通訊作者), Jun. 2005
2005 Yang, S*;Su,H, 2005.06, 'CAUSE SELECTING CHARTS WITH VARIABLE SAMPLING INTERVALs, ' Statistics conference, probability statistics association and CSA.(*為通訊作者), Jun. 2005
2005 王儷玲, 2005.06, '勞退新制下個人帳戶制與年金保險制之所得替代率分析, ' 勞退新制學術研討會., Jun. 2005
2005 Yu, Chien-Chih*, 2005.06, 'Designing a Consumer-Oriented Intelligent Decision Support System for Personalized Financial Planning Services, ' Proceedings of the Tenth Asia Pacoific Decision Sciences Institute Conference, Asia Pacoific Decision Sciences Institute.(*為通訊作者), Jun. 2005