Conference Paper

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Year Paper Title
2005 馬秀如, 2005.06, '會計師教育、考試制度與國際相互認許之研究, ' 會計師教育、考試制度與國際相互認許之研究., Jun. 2005
2005 林家全*;林我聰, 2005.06, '圖書流通業應用RFID資訊系統架構之探討, ' 2005資訊管理技術與實務應用發展研討會論文集.(*為通訊作者), Jun. 2005
2005 施文真, 2005.06, 'Taiwan, FTA and Environmental Protection, ' Conference on Evolving Dynamics of Australia-East Asia Relations in the 21st Century, Centre for Australian Studies, National Chengchi University., Jun. 2005
2005 王貞淑*;李玉敏;蘇秋紅;楊建民, 2005.06, '探討數位內容之使用動機、行為與滿足關係, ' 2005 資訊管理國際研討會論文集, 中華民國資訊管理學會.(*為通訊作者), Jun. 2005
2005 Hsin-Lu Chang*;Chia-ying Hsuan, 2005.05, 'Developing A Framework for Measuring the Supply Chain Capability, ' IACIS Pacific 2005 Conference Proceedings, International Association for Computer Information Systems.(AIS)(*為通訊作者), May. 2005
2005 劉文卿;葛世豪, 2005.05, '知識管理中推論機制之研究–應用在信用卡行銷, ' 2005年協同商務價值鏈之經營控管實務研討會, 景文技術學院., May. 2005
2005 Eugenia Y. Huang;Melinda Wei, 2005.05, 'User Acceptance of Instant Messaging, ' Proceedings of IACIS Pacific 2005 Conference, IACIS., May. 2005
2005 Ho, Hsi-Chuan;Yang, Heng-Li, 2005.05, 'Constructing Supply Chain Knowledge Memory Based on the SOCR Model, ' IACIS Pacific 2005 Conference., May. 2005
2005 Liu, Chi-Lun;Yang, Heng-Li*, 2005.05, 'A Process-Oriented e-Learning System: from Mastery Learning Perspective, ' IACIS Pacific 2005 Conference.(*為通訊作者), May. 2005
2005 余千智*, 2005.05, 'Linking the Balanced Scorecard to Business Models for Value Based Strategic Management in E-Business, ' Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Electronic Commerce and Web Technologies, pp.158-167.(*為通訊作者), May. 2005