2005 |
溫偉任*;陳建維;游士賢, 2005.01, '台灣電影的美麗與哀愁—產業分析與生存策略, ' 二OO五年第三屆創新與創造力研討會, 國立政治大學創新與創造力研究中心.(*為通訊作者), Jan. 2005 |
2005 |
Chow, C.;Ghosh, D.;A. Wu., 2005.01, 'Performance Measurement and Human Resource Management: Complements in Implementing Strategy, ' The 2005 Management Accounting Section Research and Case Conference., Jan. 2005 |
2005 |
Yu, SuiHua;A. Wu, 2005.01, 'The Impact of Activity-Based Costing on Manufacturing Performance: A Field Examination, ' The 2005 Management Accounting Section Research and Case Conference., Jan. 2005 |
2005 |
裘錦天;劉容蓉;程裕繁;李震華, 2005.01, '台灣金融機構員工個人紙張資訊管理策略初探, ' 2005年企業資源規劃學術與實務研討會, 政治大學., Jan. 2005 |
2005 |
陳芬芳;吳豐祥*, 2005, '我國遊戲軟體廠商新產品開發兩岸分工之研究, ' 2005中華民國科技管理論文研討會.(*為通訊作者), 2005 |
2005 |
曾齡瑩;吳豐祥*, 2005, '新產品概念產生階段的市場知識來源之研究-以神達電腦公司之掌上型電腦/PDA的發展為例, ' 2005中華民國科技管理論文研討會.(*為通訊作者), 2005 |
2005 |
江振東;陳珍信;蔡依倫, 2005, 'A Three-Component Mixture Model in Willingness-To-Pay Analysis for general Interval Censored Data, ' 2005年兩岸應用統計學術研討會, 淡江大學統計系., 2005 |
2005 |
郭雅雅;江振東, 2005, '台灣地區服務業就業趨勢之年齡、年代及世代分析, ' 94年統計學術研討會., 2005 |
2005 |
Yang, S*;Yang,C;Tseng,Y;Chang,C, 2005, 'optimal design of e-bar and S square control charts for dependent process steps, ' proceedings of the 3rd ANQ congress, AQS.(*為通訊作者), 2005 |
2005 |
Tsai, Chenghsien;Kuo, Weiyu;Chiang, Derek Mi-Hsiu, 2005, 'The Distributions of Policy Reserves Considering the Policy-Year Structures of Surrender Rates and Expense Ratios, ' The First World Risk and Insurance Economics Congress., 2005 |